Anger provoking events are all around us; like stress it is in the perception of each individual as to how one responds. When you get angry, it is beacause an event has provoked your anger. Everyday events such as these are anger provoking in the moment or because it has reminded you of a ... Views: 5125
It's not easy. Transforming burn-out to balance takes work and you must have the intention to change things up and then to take action:
Exercise your intuition; inquire within.
Own your strengths.
Identify your compass..understand what gives you direction.
List your tolerations and ... Views: 1400
Many competent people "self-sabotage" themselves every day by overreacting emotionally and hurting their relationships — both at work and at home-- and by staying stuck in habits that hurt them, such as procrastination, overeating, disorganization, avoiding conflict ... the list goes on and ... Views: 1660
Tapping into opportunity is about working creatively with potential, not being limited by challenges. The key to realizing your own potential is tuning in to how you interpret the events playing out in your own life. It’s about acknowledging fear and anxiety and releasing it. It’s about ... Views: 1734
I spent yesterday and this AM with a friend who was given medical results 2 days ago that her (cervical) cancer is terminal. She laughingly refers to herself as “the bag lady”, as she’s had kidney problems on this journey and also has a wrapped leg due to lyphodema. She’s in so much better ... Views: 2188
“At the moment you consciously make a choice, pay attention to how you feel.”
From The Law of Karma
We all find ourselves at times walking the edge between this and that, yes and no. . When you make a decision and you have a sense of “relief” you know it’s a right choice. Intuitive “hits” come ... Views: 1993
“The times they are a changing..” , again. I recently attended a networking breakfast with Steve Levy, New York Suffolk County Executive, headlining and Jean Kelly, Executive Director of the Interfaith Nutrition Network, receiving honors. Mr. Levy spoke of the necessity of “non-partisan ... Views: 2209