You know what's one of the most difficult things for anyone to do? To pretend to be something you’re not. Pretending to be happy when you’re not. Pretending to be someone that you’re not. That takes so much more energy and effort.
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “there has got to be ... Views: 2749
“Do not try to figure out how to achieve your goal. It’s not part of the basic or super achievement process.” ~ Stuart Lichtman
I just started reading and applying the concepts in this book about two and a half weeks ago. I was so excited by the results so far that I had to share them with ... Views: 3515
Give away what you got.
It’s not that complicated, really.
But let’s think for a minute; what do a great number of people do instead?
When someone has a great idea, they hoard that idea. They don’t give it away. They shelter and protect it. They keep it to themselves in fear that someone ... Views: 1614
Vacations are great, aren’t they? It’s a great time to relax, reconnect with friends and family and enjoy the moment. The week before last I was in the Mayan Riviera in Mexico. I was there with Trisha, my brother and a few of our friends. We had such a blast. I love vacations.
I’ve enjoyed ... Views: 1483
So, you feel like giving up do you? Well here’s the good news - you’re normal. Everyone goes through it. I’ve gone through it. It’s human nature to want to give up. The difference between the real performers and those people who are the average Joes, is that the real performers bounce back ... Views: 1778
I knew I wanted to quit my job for over a year, but I did nothing about it. Why? Because I was afraid, I was scared what might happen if my business was a failure. The fear of failure kept me paralyzed for over a year.
I Can’t Decide
The words, “I can’t” are the most paralyzing in the ... Views: 1414
Taking effective action means taking the actions that produce the greatest results. You won’t get paid a premium dollar unless you provide premium quality. That means trimming the fat and doing the things that count the most. Using the 80/20 rule is a big proponent to take effective ... Views: 2155
If you want to attract money as a consultant you’ve got to attract the people who are going to pay you. What better way to attract the right people, than by improving your likability.
People want to work with other people that they like. People are attracted to others who are attractive; not ... Views: 4049
Can you triple your income in 2009? Is this even possible with the American recession?
It’s not totally out of the question. If you’re in a job then this is probably an unrealistic expectation, but ultimately it depends on your position in the industry. If you collect a performance based ... Views: 1701
Can you triple your income in 2009? Is this even possible with the American recession?
It’s not totally out of the question. If you’re in a job then this is probably an unrealistic expectation, but ultimately it depends on your position in the industry. If you collect a performance based ... Views: 1503
Leadership is not about power or control over others; that’s a misconception and a sign of weakness. The idea of control is sourced from a faulty, fear based belief system. True leadership comes from leading your own life; and that means taking personal responsibility for your results. Only ... Views: 909
Finding purpose in life gives you direction and guidance. It channels inner forces and energy to overcome outer circumstances and conditions. It’s at the crux of leading your life, instead of having life lead you.
Are you doing what you love? Are you living on purpose?
Here are 4 ways to ... Views: 1603
This report is an interview between internet mogul Stephen Pierce and wealth expert Bob Proctor. You can go to the bottom of this page and download your free copy of this report right away.
In this report Bob Proctor explains the purpose of money and how to use the Law of Attraction to earn ... Views: 1804
The jars system is an easy and simple way to manage your money. In the beginning I resisted this system. Eventually I gave in and began to see the financial rewards first hand:
1. Our net worth has increased by 45% over the past 12 months.
2. Created $800/month in passive income.
... Views: 1623
Memory is not something you don’t have; it has little to do with genetics or environment.
The problem has never been that we have “faulty” equipment; that our brains are broken or don’t work. The problem has always been awareness. We haven’t been taught how to properly use our brains. For ... Views: 1971
Really, why do you?
And how much?
A great majority of people don’t seem to have the answers to these questions. And if you can’t answer these questions, then don’t expect to earn more money. Why? Because your “why” and your “what” will always drive the how.
I think a lot of people get ... Views: 1433
Building self-confidence is an inside job. To build a real solid foundation in your self-confidence you want to experience yourself in a way that is new or different from past experiences.
This isn’t always easy, but it is very simple. You have to act.
Seeing I can’t work with each of you ... Views: 1176
In my last post I wrote How to Stay Focused When You Feel Like Giving Up. The two elements I suggest are the foundation to long term focus are a clear vision and life purpose. Now that isn’t something you’re going to figure out over night and I’m a practical guy, so here are some other ... Views: 1149
Not many people know this, but I've been trained in NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. With this training I've been able to change thought patterns fast. How fast? I'm talking seconds, not hours, days or even months.
In this video I'll show you exactly how I change thoughts using ... Views: 1457
“Every form and process you see in nature is the visible expression of a thought in the original substance. As it thinks of a form, it takes that form; as it thinks of a motion, it makes that motion.” ~ Wallace D. Wattles
The Double Slit Experiment
The basic premise is that all ... Views: 1217
What do you think? Should you Visualize in the 1st or 3rd person? Both methods are valuable and helpful for different reasons - but if you use the wrong method at the wrong time, you’ll be well into your next lifetime before you manifest what you want.
Before I go there, let me explain ... Views: 1499
Are you looking for practical tools to eliminate debt? Practical tools that will help create a new and powerful mindset, the abundance mindset? You’re in the right place. Here is an exercise that will set you up as a vibratory magnet for money, regardless of where you are financially. ... Views: 1695
The media seems to be hypnotized with a recession (if that’s what you want to call it). The media is just killing the minds of the masses and it’s gone too far.
You see, there have been many big ideas out there, except there is one problem. The big ideas are in the wrong direction ... Views: 1160
“Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result. We live in a world of cause and effect.” ~ T Harv Eker from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
This is a review of the book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. I ... Views: 1130
Have you ever noticed how important it is to have a solid start to your day? This morning I started this article and I woke up feeling full of energy. Deep down I knew that today was going to be an awesome day. I’m sure you’ve had days like that too.
Think back to the last time you ... Views: 1042
An affirmation is a statement asserting a truth that you wish to exist. It’s something you intentionally want to experience. Affirmations can and will increase your amplitude of vibration if applied in the proper context. There is a wide variety of advice on how affirmations work. Use your ... Views: 947
These days it seems that most people are focused on what they don’t have. There is this mindset and emphasis on not having enough or “not enoughness”. I know it’s crazy. Why would you want to be stuck in a lake of lack? If you want to develop the abundance mindset, ... Views: 2284
There are a lot of people who are skeptical about the Law of Attraction. They think that it doesn’t work or that it’s some sort of hoax. These same people aren’t able to attract their soul mate, build their ideal career or start their way to earn a million dollars. These same ... Views: 1471
Joe Zanatta was my grandfather. He past away on Tuesday, September 30th and was 84 years old. When he was 27 he left Italy to come to Canada and start a new life. The word “Nonno” means grandfather in Italian. My Nonno has left me with some great memories.
Memories of Nonno
You ... Views: 1263
Your construct of reality causes blind spots to prevent you from easily applying the Law of Attraction. This construct is how you view the world and either supports or hinders you. Once you understand the building blocks of reality, you can then make new choices and effectively leverage the Law ... Views: 1013
The Law of Attraction states that you attract what you think about. Thoughts are magnetic. You have power to create your physical reality with thought. You don’t need to believe this in order for it to be true. You will attract what you think about regardless of what you currently believe.
What ... Views: 962
There are many tools out there that will help you get the most out of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is always working and running in the background - whether you use the tools or not. The fastest way that I know to manifest with the Law of Attraction is to use the ‘Appreciation ... Views: 2753
Rich people mange their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well. ~ Thomas Stanley, author of The Millionaire Next Door
The first time I picked up T. Harv Eker’s ‘The Secret’s of the Millionaire Mind‘, I read the quote above and caught myself saying, “I ... Views: 2368
The biggest barrier to productivity is not a lack of time like most think. When you dig deep down to the core of the problem, a lack of productivity comes from a lack of integrity. Most people will say one thing and then do another. People who do this are not in integrity. This creates more work ... Views: 940
“In so far as your business consists in dealing with other people - whether directly, by telephone, or by letter - the key thought of all your efforts must be to convey to their minds the impression of increase.” ~ Wallace Wattles
The impression of increase is a huge idea. Use this ... Views: 962
I recently went to a self improvement workshop in Los Angeles, California, which was one of the most insightful and enlightening experiences that I've ever had.On the very first day I was partnered with a 50 year old woman named Diana. Our challenge was to climb a 60-foot tall rope ladder, ... Views: 1018