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Do you get up from bed each morning with dread and anxiety about what faces you at work?
• Do you feel like you have to make “through” each day?
• Are you completely exhausted by the time you get home each night?
• Do you see life as a merry go round over which you have no control? ... Views: 19109
You take the kids to school, rush home, start working, the phone rings, you get distracted, you try to get back to work again, more and more things get in the way and at the end of the day you sit back and wonder, “what did I accomplish today?”
If you are like most of us the day is gone too ... Views: 1134
Lots of people don’t like where they’re at in their lives. Some regret their missed chances – my grandmother used to repeatedly tell me that she wished that she was 18 again! The male “mid-life crisis” sees many such disillusioned people trying to re-find their youth – often with the help of a ... Views: 1755
Humans excel at solving complex problems. Unfortunately, humans are also prone to making simple errors without a reliable 'road map,' or operations checklist. In the digital age, we are amazed at the abilities of computers to solve problems. But the computer's capacity to solve problems is ... Views: 1966
Two months ago now, I sent out an email to all you awesome peeps on my mailing list with a commitment. After years of ignoring a call of my heart & continually going back and forth in my mind with ‘should’ after ‘should’, but never really diving in, I finally felt ready to take the plunge on ... Views: 2636
8 Simple Ways to Control Stress!
Simple modifications in posture, habits, thought, and behavior often go a long way toward reducing feelings of stress and tension. Here are 8 quick and simple things you can do immediately to help keep your stress level under control.
1. Control Your ... Views: 2673
The process of learning to love life is one which involves the detoxification of elements which hinder your personal growth. Many people believe they are happy and fully content with it all, but when you peel back some the layers of the surface, they hare hoarding feelings deeply seeded in past ... Views: 1070
Have you ever noticed a trend in the thinking patterns of successful people? Have you ever wondered why it seems like success comes so easily to some people and so difficult for others?
It all has to do with your beliefs.
People that achieve success in a consistent basis have one thing ... Views: 1332
There is one player in the world of sports that I am very inspired by and recommend emulating his work ethic. Roger Federer’s loss to Nadal during his sixth consecutive Wimbledon Finals was an epic encounter and a painful loss. He however came back strongly from his defeat to win an Olympic Gold ... Views: 2088
Since you are here to learn the 5 ways to avoid burnout this season and year, I will cut to the chase. Here are time tested and proven methods of keeping your personal batteries perpetually charged and robust.
1. Clear out the drudgery from your life: This may be boxes filled with painful ... Views: 1316
"Time is limited, so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action, and purpose."?
Lance Armstrong, 7-time winner of the Tour de France
Living Your World Class Life
Last ... Views: 1270
“The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.“
Max De Pree
Letting Go
Like many people, I started 2010 with a list of goals for the year. Some of these goals related to my business and were being kept alive because they ... Views: 1461
The 5th Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Your goals are too important to just “wing-it.” Because you, your goals, and your life mean so much, you’ve put a great amount of effort to get to this point. Transforming your goals into greatness ... Views: 2101
The 2nd Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Writing down goals is never enough to accomplish them. Just look at all of the New Year’s resolutions set across the world every year. Usually, they’re the same ones that weren’t accomplished the ... Views: 1876
For a moment let us think about the decisions that we made this week. Were they easy or difficult? Did you avoid or postpone any decisions? Are you hoping that others will make the decision for you?
Making decisions are important because how you make the decision and of course what decision ... Views: 1236
If you find that you are on your way to burnout or already suffering from burnout symptoms, there are things you can do to work against it. One of the most effective things you can do to fight burnout is to create fulfillment at work. This has a very large effect on you because we spend many ... Views: 6575
Procrastination is a very common habit among professionals and business owners. It affects them on a daily basis and can create a huge amount of unnecessary stress.
3 Most Common Effects of Procrastination:
1. Lowered morale. Knowing that a job is still incomplete or is unfinished can ... Views: 2626
Every child has a dream of what they want to be when they want to grow up. Maybe it’s one that seems very attainable to us or one that far exceeds what we could possibly imagine for them in their lifetime!
The youngster who dreams of being an astronaut touching down on Mars – the young ... Views: 2415
We would all like to be more effective – to get the really important stuff done effortlessly, to simply do the things that we don’t like doing or want to do without any distraction, to get much more done to the very best of our ability in far less time and have plenty more time to do all the ... Views: 2606
Do you have a vision reflecting what you want your life to look like this year? Do you have a vision for your life in general?
Have you ever stopped to consider what you want to experience in your life? Are you clear on what your life mission is? Do you know what goals you need to reach this ... Views: 1540
Don't bother setting goals. It's a waste of time. Let me explain why I feel this way about goals and then offer a better alternative.
See if this scenario sounds familiar. You decide to work towards some new level of accomplishment. So you set a goal for yourself. Actually, you probably ... Views: 1610
Greatness is the height of achievement. We gravitate to greatness by using our potential to its peak. We become great when we do the impossible. We become great when we do the unbelievable. We become great when we discover the secret behind the magic in us and how to use that magic to influence ... Views: 3959
Long before I became The Man Inspiring Millions, an international author of several books, a sought after inspirational speaker, the authority in the field of Mind Nutrition and a sought after brand, I came to a realisation. Every winning individual and every winning team has had to come to ... Views: 2708
What does being a champion in the Olympics and a highly-successful entrepreneur or small business owner require? Unwavering focus. According to Alan Dawe of the Life Magic Healing Centre, Aukland, focus is: “A point upon which attention, activity etc. is directed or concentrated.” For you to ... Views: 1294
Perhaps you’re stressed out – or you’ve had enough of your awful boss. Maybe you’re overweight and simply haven’t had the staying power to shed those pounds. Maybe you’re lonely – looking for friendship or a relationship but you freeze every time you’re in company. Perhaps you almost collapse ... Views: 1850
When my client asked me what I see as mistakes that people make in leadership roles, one example jumped to the fore - 'Sally'. Observing Sally is like watching a train smash in slow motion. She demonstrates the first two top leadership mistakes. The remaining one comes from examples closer to ... Views: 1498
Recently, science has progressed in the area of human technology. More has been learned about the brain and its potential in the last couple of decades than in the last century. With this progress in human science, an explosion of possibilities has arisen. Simple technological advances that will ... Views: 2475
While using Goal Trax recently someone asked the question “What do I do when I have my goal created, my steps listed, my motivation clearly defined and then I find myself ‘Stopped’ and not moving forward with my goal?”
This is a very common issues that many people face when they want to ... Views: 2095
We're building a seventeen-part structure for self-coaching and self-exploration, with an end toward becoming responsible, awakened adult human beings. The first ten steps of this structure originate in Joseph Campbell's famed "Hero's Journey" The second part of the Hero's Journey is called the ... Views: 1530
What is an adult? While we may argue about what a "Man" or "Woman" is, there is remarkable agreement around the world on the subject of Human Adulthood. An adult takes responsibility for his or her actions and emotions. While we can argue about many qualities and attributes, I think we can all ... Views: 1525
I talk about Golf because that's what I am but golf relates so much to lots of life. To get better you must be better. It doesn't just happen by itself. You have to know your goal and turn your life in the direction that will achieve that goal. Golf takes practice & positive thinking. Life ... Views: 875
I talk about Golf because that's what I am but golf relates so much to lots of life. To get better you must be better. It doesn't just happen by itself. You have to know your goal and turn your life in the direction that will achieve that goal. Golf takes practice & positive thinking. Life ... Views: 1228
People who have more luck than others aren’t afraid to ask others for help. While some might think that this is a sign of weakness, it really isn’t. It is a signal of success.
Asking people for help in terms of a referral to someone or opening the door for a possible meeting with someone is ... Views: 1192
I am challenging myself this year to go beyond my comfort zone to see what I can do. Will you join me?
What have you wanted to accomplish for years, but haven't yet? What goal have you tried to accomplish over and over again, but haven’t been successful at completing it? Why are you failing ... Views: 1847
If you are ready to claim greater ownership of your LIFE and design a business that provides the freedom you desire.I am committed to providing value. To me, this means only sharing information that you can USE to live your best life.1. Smart Action: Behaving Your Way to Success2. ... Views: 1973
Ever wondered why some people consistently make millions at the top of the sales ladder and others struggle to meet quota?
In this series of articles, based on 999 Legendary Selling For The 21st Century, we review the differentiators between those who consistently over achieve and those who ... Views: 2245
Ever since the first modern Olympic games were held in 1896, athletes have worked hard to 'go for the gold.' Baron Pierre de Coubertin brought the ancient Greek Olympiad back to life to recreate the ideals of physical, mental and spiritual excellence demonstrated by the competitors there. This ... Views: 1645
Turning Lemons into Lemonade: or How to Return to a State of Sustainable Confidence
In January, I went on vacation with my wife and our two sons, who are 10 and 14. We had hoped to enjoy the warm, sunny, southern California weather, but as you may have seen in the news, it rained like ... Views: 1211
Do you ever wake up in the morning full of good intentions for the day ahead and find that, by the time that you get to work you’re no longer motivated? Or, maybe, you get off to a flying start but when the first minor distraction or interruption occurs, you go off the rails. Do you ever find ... Views: 2154
Any significant accomplishment usually requires the involvement of many people. What if one could simply understand the unique genius of individuals, and further, be able to assemble teams where genius and talents were complementary to others on the team to produce outstanding results?
“All ... Views: 1682
For years I have considered the notion of living a balanced life as very important however in practice, it seemed elusive. I wasn’t entirely certain what balanced meant. How far do I need to move the needle on the gauge in one area of my life to get things on course without another area coming ... Views: 1777
As the world’s eyes focus on the Vancouver Winter Olympics our minds are filled with hopes and aspirations of the athletes: the glory of victory, the agony of defeat, the dreams that are fulfilled or crushed in a matter of seconds, the years of training that bought them to this moment. Can you ... Views: 1329
Whether it is on the field of professional sport or in the Buddhist temple, you will find exponents of the art of mindfulness. Mindfulness - the exact opposite of mindlessness - is the only key you need to unlock a life of peace, calm and effortless success. Doesn't matter what kind of success ... Views: 1458
1. I allow time for playfulness and fun at work.
2. I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe and believe that my current job or situation is bringing me a lesson in love about myself or my life.
3. I know that I am safe and the Universe always provides for me.
4. I am loyal to ... Views: 1805
Stop trying to be normal. It undermines your success and keeps you in a state of mediocrity. It's an interesting phenomenon.
This idea of being "normal" starts to take hold in high school. There begins to form this desire to "fit in" - to be part of a group. Or at least, not be singled ... Views: 2542
You know the drill. You're supposed to follow your mentor's formula for writing your "elevator speech" or 30-second intro. And then deliver it with enthusiasm to everyone who will stop long enough to listen. Right?
OK. You're following instructions. You've rewritten the thing at least 17 ... Views: 1664
In order to give insight and value to this article let's define those two words first. Proactive; Acting in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty . And then Reactive is; Tending to be responsive or to react to a stimulus. Why do I ask which one serves us best? Because how we ... Views: 2891
The 4th Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
There is a big difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. Most people know exactly what they need to do to hit their goals: exercise, eat healthy, save money, stop wasting time, ... Views: 1450
The 3rd Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
We all have basic expectations in our lives, such as showing up on time for work, dropping the kids off at school, and paying bills. Setting high expectations for yourself acknowledges that your ... Views: 1518
The 1st Step to Accomplishing Your Goals
Don’t trade what you need most for what you want now!
What is a goal? A goal is a defined dream with a powerful plan. Dreams that are truly important to you will find their way out of your head ... Views: 1441