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Got stress in your workplace? If you said “yes”, welcome to a very big club! (If you said “no”, you are in an extremely small minority – you should all go out and celebrate!!:-)
Stress at Work Can Kill. That’s a study published in the European Heart Journal, which found that workers who ... Views: 1457
"Sow an act...reap a habit; Sow a habit...reap a character; Sow a character...reap a destiny."
We all have habits. We try to kick and break our bad ones, and form and reinforce those that are good. We have habitual ways of eating. Ever try to eat using your non-dominant hand? We have habitual ... Views: 1353
Wow! It's the beginning of February... one month already behind us...
It sure does seem like time is flying... but if you're working toward any particular goals you may think that things aren't changing fast enough...
Let's face it... we all would love to have accomplished our goals ... Views: 1259
1) Create a life vision and visit it daily
What I mean by a life vision is this: Where are you going? Where are you going in life? And what are you doing all this for? What’s the target? Many people don’t have this target or vision in their lives. They’re just in motion. They don’t ... Views: 1898
We all know that it's the small things that make the big difference, but what holds us back is usually the last mile. Of course the first step is hard, but reaching our potential is an endless series of first steps. And the hardest first step is the one at the beginning of the last ... Views: 1659
Without question, optimizing your web site and making sure the content you've included is interesting and valuable, your ultimate goal is to make sure that others can benefit from your products and services. But since your services or products are not necessarily for everyone, it doesn't make ... Views: 1355
I am real is a framework I created a while back to help give my clients a greater awareness on how to make changes in their life. Not just changes but lasting changes. Because we all change something about us for a minute, hour, or even days. But how often do we commit to lasting change? I ... Views: 970
In today’s economy and competitive workforce there is no room for mediocre skills.
Gen X & Gen Y are competing for the same jobs as baby boomers. Gen X & Gen Y bring all kinds of digital know- how to the job table. Baby boomers bring years of experience. The younger generations have no clue ... Views: 1675
It’s late January 2010. Do you know where your New Year’s Resolutions are?
I know we’re only a few weeks into the New Year, but I’m betting that most people reading this article – yes that means YOU! -- have already begun to give up on their New Year’s Resolutions.
If you’re thinking ... Views: 1246
Where I live, on the west coast of Finland, winter just arrived with the first real batch of snow. This means slow traffic as many vehicles haven't been switched to snow tires this early in the season.
I was doing a 60 mile trip yesterday, mostly on smaller rural roads where the snow is not ... Views: 1590
When you wash your brain, you don’t do it with water. You do it with thoughts and emotions. The more powerful and “clean” the thoughts, the cleaner your brain. I believe it is necessary to clean our brains just as we do our clothes and our homes. Without a sparkling brain, but a dusty old one, ... Views: 2545
Forget Your Failings—Focus on Your Feats
Your "Win List" and your "Significant Accomplishments List"
It seems to be human nature to remember the things we messed up more than we do the things we did well. Most of us tend to focus on what’s wrong rather than on what’s right.
Even people ... Views: 2921
"Life is what you think it is, and gives you what you dare to dream it will.” - Anon
One aspect of the human condition that I find fascinating is the way that we overcome the challenges in our lives tends to be consistent with how easy or difficult we first imagine those challenges to be. We ... Views: 1927
What makes you happy? It is easy to stay happy when times are good. It is more challenging when life has thrown you a curve. In difficult times it is important to be resilient. Resilience is that quality that enables people to face adversity and adapt to it without lasting difficulties. A ... Views: 1879
Who's On Your Team?
You DO Have a Team, Right?
I don't have any employees. But I don't work alone, either. I love my independence, and I wouldn't think of going it alone.
I hire professionals to take care of various aspects of my business, but they never go on the payroll.
And for ... Views: 1071
One of the things that I always take into consideration in a coach-client relationship and self-actualization is the word, SELF. Self-Actualization, by its very nature, is about the person, the self.
Now, before I continue, let me say something about the SELF, because for some, the self does ... Views: 1686
Have you ever had a great thought or idea that could not make it any further than a thought and you were never able to get it into your body? I am not talking about a goal – by now most of us are aware, at least in print how to set goals and keep them. But I have found that few still are they ... Views: 1580
Success has never been achieved based solely upon talent, circumstance, brains, or even courage. It is obtained when specific goals are combined with an organized plan, commitment to that plan is combined with a belief that it is possible, and daily action is combined with continual persistence ... Views: 1737
Ever wonder what you’re doing here – what life is all about? Ever wonder why life’s ups and downs toss you around like a piece of driftwood – why life seems to go swingingly for some people but not for you? Ever wonder will there be an end to stress and worry – whether, some day, you’ll be able ... Views: 1656
Back in the 1950s, Professor Jensen - a leading authority on intelligence - concluded that nothing could be done to improve our IQ level - that it was fixed from early childhood. This was the scientific consensus. Numerous studies investigating the effect of different types of cognitive training ... Views: 1136
One of the first things that we should look at is the importance of looking at the market in which you are going to market to and how to break down that market to find a smaller part of it for your niche. The reason for this is that the market place in many areas can be very broad and if you are ... Views: 660
There's an old adage that goes like this: to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. If you want to get ahead in the world, you'll have to do all three. So you should expect to be criticized.
The key is to discern what is helpful criticism (most isn't) and what ... Views: 1428
The Secrets to Managing Difficult Training Session Attendees
Have you ever kicked off your shoes after leading a particularly difficult training session and wanted to just give up! Leading training sessions can be great when you’ve got an energized group that’s ready and willing to ... Views: 2263
Manager Sherry Martin couldn’t stop thinking about her last team meeting as she walked down the hall towards her office. Her problem in a nutshell boiled down to three really difficult personalities that continually recurred on her team. These personalities were indeed a cancer not just ... Views: 5947
Part of the challenge that the Project Manager faces is the reality of having to serve so many different stakeholders and sometimes being pulled in very different directions. We’re often taught that our “sponsor” is the person who is the champion of the effort. Indeed, they are often the one ... Views: 1399
Many people suffer with test anxiety and its range of consequences. Some consequences are physical such as: rapid heart rate, shortness of breadth, and profuse perspiration. Some are emotional such as feeling ashamed, embarrassed, terrified and panicky. And some are substantial like failing a ... Views: 2629
Personal development brings choice to the individual. And I believe in choice, but, can our choices be limited by our maps of the territory? Unless our maps are updated or at least revealed to us (usually by a personal development professional) our choice of change is limited.
This article is ... Views: 1627
In the field of personal development I find that some people like to collaborate and share ideas and learn from each other, which to me, is personal and profession development and growth. This got me thinking about collaboration, which got me thinking about collaborating with others who have ... Views: 2069
Can our self-actualization be limited? Absolutely. Are these limits insurmountable? Absolutely not. Self-actualization is the actualizing of our full humanness. It is the unleashing of those things that hinder our growth into what ought to be. Self-actualization is the movement from ‘aught’ to’ ... Views: 2766
Another “New” year is upon us – but what has changed?
Research (in the Universities of Chicago, Milan, Harvard – the list is quite long!) tells us that, in general, normal people lead repetitive lives where little ever changes. Sure, you might have made an important career change, met the ... Views: 1620
A critical key to success in your career and in your life overall is developing and maintaining good relationships. In fact, "Relationships" is number five of the Ten Pillars of a World Class Business.
Our relationships with coworkers, suppliers, spouses, clients, bosses, siblings, employees, ... Views: 5685
What have you actually accomplished in this year of 2009? Can you look yourself squarely in the mirror and honestly declare that it was a successful year?
Statistically... 98.2% of you can not make such an affirmation of “success” to yourself. While this statistic is true, it is also ... Views: 1121
Submitter's Note:
Craig is currently "working" on a new manuscript, a "real labour of love" titled 'INSIDE THE MIND OF A GRAND PRIX CHAMPION, where we'll take a look inside the head, the "top two inches" of the very ... Views: 1522
There is a saying that goes like this: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Looking back on my life, I can truly say that at critical turning points, this was always true for me. It wasn’t so much that a situation changed, it was the way I was looking ... Views: 1169
Is Your Company The Real McCoy?
One of my favorite Gary Larson cartoons is the one with the cardboard cutouts of a hillbilly family on the lawn of their mountain shack. The caption reads: The Fake McCoys.
The term "Real McCoy" most likely comes from a railway invention by ... Views: 1052
The average person goes through their adult life in a daze. Research indicates that they are incapable of devoting any appreciable level of attention to anything. It suggests that they only experience what they expect to experience and that the routine tasks of everyday life are done completely ... Views: 1550
Are Your Eyes Wide Open?
The Stockdale Paradox
I'm a big believer in having a positive mental attitude (PMA). But, I'm, amazed at how many people pooh-pooh the idea of PMA.
Perhaps what makes people skeptical is that some of those who THINK they have a positive attitude ... Views: 965
Just finished watching the movie Peaceful Warrior. (If you haven’t seen it, go grab a copy at the DVD store. It’s one you’ll want to see more than once).
In the movie, Dan, the main character, has a very busy life. He’s a young college student and athlete, bound for the Olympics, he trains ... Views: 1160
“We need to be confronted by our actions, messages, and shortcomings if we expect to learn and grow. No more hiding behind excuses. No blaming others. No hiding behind phrases like—"This is just the way I am.” E. James Wilder
As part of our career growth path, we must engage in constant ... Views: 2298
According to research performed by the Opinion Corporation and 24/7 Innovation in Dec 2008:
• 45% of people usually set New Year’s resolutions
• 17% set resolutions infrequently, and
• 38% absolutely never set resolutions.
Of those that do set resolutions (these add to more than 100% as ... Views: 1014
How can being a success possibly be a problem? Don't we all want to be winners? In fact, there are potentially negative consequences in achieving our goals and in being known as a successful person.
Let's take a look at this paradoxical phenomenon and formulate some strategies to deal with ... Views: 1486
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, what is thinking the same thing over and over despite evidence to the contrary? I refer to my chronic illusion that some day I Will Get Everything Under Control. In my mind, it’s soon, just not now: after my ... Views: 1455
Today, leaders must deal with complexity, ambiguity and constant change. If leaders are to be successful, they must possess not only mental maturity, but also maturity of heart, mind and the human spirit. Tall order for us mere mortals, huh? The good news is that transformational leaders, those ... Views: 2332
We all perform in some way every day. In what arenas do you want to perform better? To improve your performance abilities, you need to know, understand, recognize and be able to avoid the myths surrounding performance.
Top performers are so fine-tuned in their disciplines that they have seen ... Views: 1384
What rating would you give yourself on personal productivity? Do you have a systematic plan for improving your effectiveness in your daily work? Superachieving business people and athletes know what it takes to motivate themselves, maintain focus in the face of obstacles and drive forward to the ... Views: 1861
Are superstars born or made? Do they have the genius of supreme achievement by an accident of birth, a favorable environment or from their own individual effort? Whatever the reasons, superstars are a different breed. They must succeed and they will succeed. They have an amazing capacity to ... Views: 1729
We are all looking to end our emotional suffering and solve our life's problems. We long to answer: How can I find love, stop being so anxious, lose weight, make money, have more energy, have a better marriage, be a better parent?
In this post I’m going to give you the answer to your ... Views: 2196
I'm not sure if your business is based totally on passive signups or if you need to talk with people. All I know is that if you really want to be effective you are going to have to contact people.
Technology has changed things drastically and one thing I know is that it can make your time in ... Views: 1336
Originally Published March 2001 in Surface and Symbol
the Arts Journal of the Scarborough Arts Council, Toronto, Canada
volume 13 no.2
Preface by Karin Eaton, Executive Director, SAC
“All art starts as an idea; you don't have to be able to see it to appreciate it.” These were the words I ... Views: 1515
I’ve been seriously focusing on meditation and creative visualization exercises lately. Positive outcome visualization is a fantastic discipline for achieving goals and one from which I’d grown apart, until recently.
Back in my martial arts days, I took it much more seriously. Rehearsing ... Views: 849