I had a wonderful Zen afternoon blackberry pickn' the other day. It was wonderful for two reasons, I have heavenly organic blackberries to make a wonderful cobbler, and it was a great reminder of the SOP (standard operating procedure) of the ego mind and traps we unwittingly step ... Views: 1315
Think of a coin. It seems to have a paradoxical nature to it: two sides, either heads or tails—or it can be viewed as a circle, 360 degrees. What if we were to look at the economic situation, not from heads or tails, but from the circle perspective—a perspective that has no sides?
The tenor ... Views: 1443
I know that sounds like a strange question. However, we sometimes get in awful habits and the thoughts take over. If we are not vigilant, the worry thoughts think themselves—again and again.
Are you thinking, "Well, who wouldn't like to stop worrying about money? Duh!" Is that thought ... Views: 1431
I am not a great photographer.
I am okay with that fact, knowing that I am good at many other things. You might not be a great photographer either, but I bet you know that you can't fix the focus of the picture after the picture is taken. You are that astute, right?
I have one of those ... Views: 1341
My passion is to show folks that everything is energy. You are energy--your body, your thoughts--everything around you is energy. Of course money is energy also--a different form of energy. In learning that everything is energy, we must come to see that in our relationship to any energy we are ... Views: 1457
Does it seem like every time you take two steps forward you wind up one step behind?
Do you think you’re doing “fine” with money, but keep looking and looking for ways to cut back?
More to the point: Do you control your money, or does your money control you?
If ... Views: 1350
Tension in relationship is nothing new. Tension or conflict over money is not new either. Many, if not most adults avoid “money” conversations. Just like other key issues (sex, religion and child rearing) that seem so sensitive, deep and inexpressible, lack of money communication ... Views: 1340
Remember the silly telephone game we all used to play: secretly pass a phrase around a circle by whispering into the ear next to you and see if it came around correctly? I don't know about you, but I never heard a phrase survive that gauntlet. The more members of the circle, the more the phrase ... Views: 2106