It keeps moving... Doesn't stop and never slows down. Sometimes you'll say it flies. It goes by pretty quickly.
It's time
And it doesn't wait. Time doesn't wait for you to get started. You want to make changes... you have to start now. Stop putting things off, time is running out. If ... Views: 1408
Today’s blog is dedicated to Steve Jobs. I want to dedicate his life as an example that we all can follow. I listened to his speech on YouTube that he gave to a graduating class and it moved me to the point where I had to write about him. My condolences go out to his family and friends and ... Views: 1670
A “hot mess” has many different meanings make sure you get over yours, it’s not as worst as it seems.
If anyone knows me or has met me, knows I love talking to people anywhere. I always learn something interesting when I talk to people.
Back in June, I was sitting in a corporate office in ... Views: 1389
Become a positive thinker... and that means putting an end to negative thinking. Positive thinkers have all the fun... they enjoy success, the enjoy life, and even when things don't quite workout they find a way and to push forward.
Because they have conditioned their mind to not ... Views: 1855
Spring has finally here in Atlanta and that always means changes. Those changes have already started, we just don't see them.
They're taking place deep underground where roots are spreading, plants are drawing the nutrition they need to flower and flourish.
Whether you like it or not ... Views: 2984
This is the time to be positive and avoid negative thinking at all costs.
Negative thoughts will ruin your life. Instead, fill your mind with positive thoughts. Today and everyday think of all the great things that are taking place in your life.
I'm not saying this just because it's ... Views: 1124
Here are some rules that I live by. I call them my Stretch Rules if you will. No matter what happens in my life, I don’t let anything violate my core essence which is based upon these rules. That is what Stretch Yourself is all about. Asking yourself a simple honest question, “What do you ... Views: 1217
Have you ever needed to make the right choice or decision but you're just not sure what to do? It happens a lot in our lives and it would be great if you could just get the right answer with confidence and move forward.
Well, you can when you use your special power called intuition to guide ... Views: 3703
You can stretch yourself and enjoy greater success and happiness in every area of your life when your mind and subconscious mind are mentally fit.
So how do you get your mind and subconscious mind in shape?
Well, I'll explain just how to do this in today's blog, so read on and enjoy. ... Views: 1360
There is positive momentum and negative momentum. Are you creating positive momentum in your life, drawing the things you want in your life, or you pushing it away? Here are ten suggestions (or reminders) to help you focus on what really matters.
1. Take some time to decide what you want ... Views: 2747
Jason is a longtime Imagine student... he's used my techniques to create success in his life a few years ago... but recently the economic downturn threw him for a loop.
He got laid off... something he wasn't expecting and it happened just as he
was preparing to get married.
Jason ... Views: 1590
Wow! It's the beginning of February... one month already behind us...
It sure does seem like time is flying... but if you're working toward any particular goals you may think that things aren't changing fast enough...
Let's face it... we all would love to have accomplished our goals ... Views: 1260
The key to your success is your ability to change your belief system. Your beliefs create your reality - change your beliefs and you change your life. What beliefs do you currently have that keep you from attaining goals that you want to achieve in life? Is it fear? Or the feeling that you ... Views: 1383
We are facing difficulties that we have faced before in the US, and it is not something that we cannot overcome AGAIN, unless we all stand strong in our faith to weather what lies ahead. The only control we have over the nation’s situation is through our situations, our actions, and how we ... Views: 1421