Procrastination is a problem for people with or without ADHD. The damage doesn't stop with the repercussions of not following through. It is more than failing grades on a report card, loss of promotion, missed opportunities, or getting dismissed from a job. Although the consequences are ... Views: 4392
ADD/ADHD symptoms can make our life miserable, sabotaging our every effort of success. Even though we are admonished to not be so hard on ourselves, to cut ourselves some slack, and stop beating ourselves up for mistakes . . . Sometimes it's the thing to do.
For example, when the inside ... Views: 2823
Let's face it. Times are tough. Everything seems to be on a price increase except the paycheck.
When the economy goes sour and times are tough it creates an open market for negativity. Fear-based motivation is the last thing we need in order to make sound decisions. Yet, it moves in with ... Views: 1479
The use of positive affirmations is a good practice. As parents, we try to instill in our children that they are perfect, whole, and complete. They can do and become anything by believing in themselves, and holding fast to their dream.
Most of us are firm believers in the power of affirmations ... Views: 2441
If you or someone in your life is affected by ADHD, you are familiar with not following through, putting it off, or letting it slide. Whatever you call it, the bottom line is the same. Assignments, responsibilities, and promises are disregarded. They are put on the back burner and soon ... Views: 1556
Seven years ago I read that pain will vanish or be reduced with a few minutes of EFT application. I suffered from excrutiating back pain due to an unfortunate accident that damaged my four lower vertebrae, L2 through L5-S1. On a crusade to find alternative pain management, I stumbled across EFT ... Views: 1819
Do you waste time engaged in trivial activities? Often, we do this unconsciously to avoid doing what needs done. Before we know it, the work day ends with the to do list intact. We rationalize the unfortunate result. After all, we were busy.
Perhaps you have the problem of taking on too much ... Views: 1564
At one time or another, and in one way or another, we have all asked ourselves these questions. "Why am I here? What, if anything, am I supposed to be doing? Is there a purpose I am suppose to fulfill?"
Until we arrive at answers to such questions, our life seems to hold little, or no meaning. ... Views: 4791
Procrastination, a common symptom of ADHD, is a problem that effects many of us. Not only is it a problem in itself, but it creates a multitude of problems. Problems such as missed promotions or raises, difficult relationships, poor grades and performance, and just plain missing out.
I have ... Views: 1592