We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Peak Performance". If you have expertise in Peak Performance and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you are in a supervisory role at work and you have men in your department it is important to learn how to communicate with them. It is widely known that men and women communicate differently and a woman supervisor who understands this and works towards communicating more effectively will get ... Views: 4893
Have you reached the point where you know you have more to offer your clients? You have reached a certain level of competence and want more for yourself? Are you are ready to do whatever it takes to make that happen?
Well, then you are in a great place to jumpstart your practice. There comes ... Views: 1311
"Every week when I go to school to take the test I feel like there's a gun at my head - a loaded gun pointed directly at my head."
It was shocking to hear my client talk this way; a very capable, highly articulate woman in her forties who was struggling to finish court reporting school. ... Views: 2925
Starting to think life is a merry-go-round? Have you lost or quit a job every couple of years with the excuse that your boss is a jerk or you're bored out of your mind? Have you noticed a revolving door-like structure to your personal relationships? Do you move your residence from place to ... Views: 1462
We all have different motivations for doing things. Sometimes we're motivated by something we're moving toward and other times by something we're moving away from.
One person might start a business because they hate their job and don't want the restrictions imposed upon them by a boss. ... Views: 1032
When you think of creating a plan, it is good to keep in mind that having a clearly defined vision, along with a healthy dose of passion, almost always guarantees success.
There is a lot to be said about the saying “Begin With the End Result in Mind.” One of the keys to inviting more of ... Views: 1733
As I was driving along the Malibu coast Paul Simon's "Fakin' It" blared through the radio. I had the volume cranked because I had the top down and was singing loudly and badly along with the song. It's such fun to let go and sing, especially if the sound of your voice could turn wine into ... Views: 1354
Hustling in business is about recognizing opportunities and assets around you and getting the absolute most from them as you act to create results. Sometimes maximizing the opportunities and assets is a matter of tactical choice. But most often it is about both strategy and tactics as you make ... Views: 1487
I guess I don’t have to put a paper bag over my head to tell you how bosses think because you can’t see me. Yes, in my other life I was a boss. Besides defending the actions of police officers I never met, the next most bashed group I feel compelled to defend is bosses. Here are the 5 most ... Views: 1720
If you have perfectionist tendencies, you probably have some unfinished projects. Projects that you began with great enthusiasm are now collecting dust somewhere in your home, head, or computer.
Perfectionists have a grand and idealized vision of the project’s outcome. They measure ... Views: 1629
It's so incredibly easy to become overwhelmed by everything that we have to get done in any given day. Apart from our work itself, we are bombarded with emails, phone calls and smses that demand our attention. It's as if we have to juggle 10 plates at the same time and when we get the phone ... Views: 2606
If I may ask you: How much do you enjoy living your life? How enthusiastic are you about waking up each morning to see a new day. When you are enthusiastic, you are positive and that makes you stay motivated and happy no matter the circumstance that comes your way. The happiness we are talking ... Views: 1215
The difference between a peak performer and a poor performer is what they each think about. If you know the secrets of a peak performers thought process, you can duplicate their process, and thus their results. So, how do peak performers perceive the problems in their lives? Here is a ... Views: 1445
This is an interesting time to be alive. While it seems on the outside like chaos, I am seeing things in a different way. The way I see it, lots of people are getting more of what they really want by getting a big and unexpected push.
You might be scratching your head right now and saying ... Views: 1828
I just finished a coaching call with one of my favorite clients. I really love this guy (as I do all my clients), because he is a really genuine person, cares about his patients and wants to make his business truly incredible.
And I want to share something very interesting from our session ... Views: 1504
Is Your Business Working for You?
Or are you working for your business?
I hope you’re doing work that you enjoy. Because I believe that if you don’t love what you do, you will lose out to someone who does.
However, just working in your business isn’t enough. Yes, we all ... Views: 987
Let’s talk about goals! Better yet, let’s DO SOMETHING about your goals, because that is the single biggest difference between actually setting a goal and simply saying some words in hopes that someday you’ll have what you want.
In order for a goal to take hold and become real, you must ... Views: 2474
I constantly tell my clients that meditation is like your life in miniature - in other words, everything you encounter during meditation mirrors your daily life.
So, for example, during meditation, your conscious mind will distract you - with an average of 50,000 random thoughts whizzing ... Views: 3382
You have probably heard the saying “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” This is especially true if your job involves traveling to a client’s site or if you work at or travel between remote locations (e.g., branch offices). Transit time can take a big chunk out of your day. In such ... Views: 1347
For most teenagers, the mere thought of spending three hours on a Saturday morning answering multiple choice and essay questions is anxiety provoking. Students with AD/HD and/or learning disabilities feel even more anxious:
• “With all that pressure, I just can’t think. I need larger print and ... Views: 2364
What does it take to have a radical shift in your mindset, one that will propel you to the next level? I have three key factors that I have found always come into play.
One: Mindset
Two: Attitude
Three: The Knowing
Your mindset is a key factor to your success. If you believe, you shall ... Views: 1975
Creating Systems that Work for You
I guess I'm a bit spoiled. I often take for granted many of the systems we've developed, software programs we use every day and processes we've automated in our company.
It always amazes me when I go into other companies—many of them bigger ... Views: 1728
In an economic downturn, one of the first budget items to land on the corporate chopping block is employee training. Too often, executives focused on survival believe that they must minimize expenses. They reason that training must not be a necessity -- after all, employees have been able to ... Views: 1122
Do You Feel Alone in Your Business?
I had a great strategy session with one of our members last week.
“Bob” was unclear as to where to focus his efforts. He had a passion for one thing, an interest in another and lots of experience and expertise in yet another area. He was ... Views: 1033
As headlines swirl and climates whirl
And Wall Street finds its feet
There’s one refrain that doesn’t change
“Mommy, what’s there to eat?”
Well listen child, I’ll tell you what,
That’s no small query there.
Come over here, and sit right down,
In fact, pull up a chair.
Your question, ... Views: 1230
We hear a lot about change. “For things to change, we must change some things”. “Insanity is to believe that if you keep doing the same things you will get a different result”. We hear “practice makes perfect”. But if we keep practicing the same mistakes over and over again we just get better at ... Views: 1348
Do Your Goals Have Enough Gravity?
Big goals are not only more fun and exciting; they carry more weight than small ones. Ambitious, serious, “weighty goals” have attraction power.
They attract others into the process and magnetize ideas and resources. Big goals pull you ... Views: 1023
Why do the Good Ones Quit and Leave &
The Poor Ones Quit and Stay?
Part III
Why Aren’t They Doing What Is Expected?
In the Average and Low performance category we often find that “People do what is Inspected not Expected.” If you are not regularly checking on how things are going it isn’t ... Views: 1038
Why do the Good Ones Quit and Leave &
The Poor Ones Quit and Stay?
Part II
How We Deal More Effectively With Lower Performance Levels.
I am sure that most people are familiar with Pareto’s Principle or the 80/20 rule. It basically states that as a rule of thumb 80% of your sales come from ... Views: 2171
Why do the Good Ones Quit and Leave &
The Poor Ones Quit and Stay?
Part I
The Top Three Reasons are!
Reason Number Three; They feel under valued and neglected, and in fact they usually are. They often make less money than longer term employees and contribute much more. Managers are busy ... Views: 2686
Sales techniques, like fashions, go in and out of style quickly. Once upon a time, salespeople found some measure of success simply by plugging their product or service and telling sales prospects about all the special features that made it (or them) different than the competition.
That ... Views: 2057
Hi there everyone!!
The multitude of personal development programs available in the market is vast and overwhelming. How do we know which programs are right for us? What can we do to maximize the benefits of a self-improvement course? Here are three steps that I've discovered to be crucial in ... Views: 1987
Have you faced these situations in your life?
1) You attended training / education programs (seminars, workshops, boot-camps, tele-seminars, etc.) or you bought info-products – with the intention of implementing your learnings and so be able to grow and succeed…
2) Or, you had great ideas ... Views: 1650
We all find areas where we can really compromise ourselves. We perfect that process and those patterns and it becomes second nature in how we live and what controls our lives. We repeat the same mistakes in the same areas over and over again, keeping us trapped and un-free as the apparent ... Views: 1761
Back in college, I kept a great log of my guitar rehearsal time. It kept me on my game, and was the metrics for a little friendly competition between other players. It wasn't necessarily required, but I knew my professors and instructors preferred that I keep track of what I was doing.
Jump ... Views: 1292
Positive Thinking
A few years back, I was asked to present a series of workshops to some high-school seniors on the subject of Positive Thinking.
It’s a subject that’s near and dear to my heart, but I approached the assignment with some trepidation. The idea of leading a group of ... Views: 1299
Dealing with uncertainty and change is an on-going topic of media and academic attention in these challenging times. What is mostly ignored in all this coverage is that, ultimately, change is the catalyst for innovation. Opportunities are everywhere, we just need to abandon our fear of ... Views: 1230
What are your priorities?
Is it to survive the day? Is it to respond to whatever comes? Is it to do what others ask you to do?
Bouncing from one item to another is exhausting and unfulfilling. Just doing what comes along leaves people feeling they accomplished little, if anything, at the ... Views: 1015
If you are a sales addict, then you know it’s been tough for even the best professionals during this economic slump. If you are a sales addict, you may know there are amazing opportunities that are attainable for quick returns on investments too. So, which sales addict are you? A sales addict ... Views: 1955
Just a couple of weeks ago, I spent a day with a dozen "old-timers" clients with whom I've been working for years. Early on in the discussion, as we chatted about how psychology and quantum physics proves that you get what you expect, so that, if you expect something different, something ... Views: 3167
Nature abhors a vacuum. And so it is with our lives. Everyone is busy—everyone. Ask any retired people you know, and they’ll tell you they don’t know where the time goes. Their life is full. And they’re retired.
You can’t put any more into a full cup. And when our lives are filled to the ... Views: 1259
People who perform in front of audiences can have very special challenges. For some, it’s just a few jitters but for others, stage fright can be debilitating – or at least harrowing.
There is plenty to worry about: dry mouth and shaking hands to begin with. And what about that difficult ... Views: 3372
Providing appropriate initial and ongoing training for new staff members is essential, not only in terms of preparing individuals for their new position, but also in retaining them for a longer period of time. Trained staff members are more knowledgeable and possess a diverse array of skills, ... Views: 2524
If you are effectively living in your strengths then chances are you are happy. If you are living in areas in which you are weak, and perhaps wondering what on earth your strengths are, then you could definitely find more happiness by finding out your strengths. When you are clear what your ... Views: 1007
Dougald MacDonald - a great writer, climber, and all-around guy - wrote a brilliant post yesterday about the tragic passing of climber Craig Luebben (http://themountainworld.blogspot.com/2009/08/no-consolation.html). In it, he discusses at length the commonly-heard phrase: "Well, at least he ... Views: 1517
2009 continues to be a tough year for everyone! Thus, in response to the challenges of 2009, I have working a theme of "Thriving during Tough Times" and I recommend that you do to.
While I sense that many other people are "Tumbling during these Tough Times," now is not the time to quit ... Views: 1009
Why do so many people struggle to succeed?
Why do so many of us fall short of the potential we know we have?
Why do we keep repeating the same steps hoping for different results?
You first have to remove the mental blocks you keep stumbling over. You will recognize them but you must take ... Views: 2204
What's that?!
Yeah, we have all heard the buzz-word phrase:
"To succeed you need to think outside the box..."
with the idea being that "the box" represents our own self-imposed blinders that tell us "this is the way we have always done it...". And sure, that is a good thing, we do ... Views: 1018
Recently, a client called me all upset, crying and out of breath in panic and desperation. She wanted to be ‘as good as Ms X, and have a website as beautiful and functional with products that are as great.’
She wanted me to coach her, but her mind said, “I can’t do it! I don’t have the ... Views: 2058
Remember those words from the famous children’s story, “The Little Engine that Could?” Remember that a long train must be carried over a mountain. Several engines are asked to carry the train, and for a variety of reasons they each refuse. Finally, the little engine stops and takes on the ... Views: 1062