Recently I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Brené Brown as part of our Ask the Expert series. Thank you to our Community for your profound questions, and to Brené for her wise guidance.
Some of the questions addressed perfectionism and what to do when someone uses our vulnerability ... Views: 1388
Peak performance and success is filled with paradox. From ancient philosophers to modern day researchers, we marvel at these seeming contradictions that resonate as truths.This week brought an intimate experience with one of my favorite paradoxes: In blessing others, you become a benefactor of ... Views: 1416
In order to keep my inbox at a level of activity that fuels and not drains
me, I limit the newsletters I receive to half a dozen. These include two
newsletters that hit on Sunday from colleagues I greatly respect – a
psychologist and a psychotherapist. Both experienced, knowledgeable and ... Views: 1396
Recently, I’ve been in a front row seat to watch the dynamics of a couple of experiences that on their face may have nothing in common. The first is a friend dealing with a spouse having an affair. The second is a business relationship, in which the service provider refuses to acknowledge that ... Views: 1365
Oh, What a Year It Was!I recently shared with our Best Life Design Community, an exercise by Dan Pearce of Single Dad Laughing ( shaking up the New Year’s resolutions process. Instead of listing everything he wanted to happen in the New Year, Dan created a future ... Views: 1530
I came across a video this week that features a new technology that captures people’s attention in a novel way. It’s worth watching simply to take a look and ask how you might use it in your business.But its value far surpasses this.In this video, Sir Ken Robinson, makes a powerful call for a ... Views: 1405
The field of positive psychology (which partners closely with the fields of neurology, biochemistry, eastern medicine and others) is built on the scientific premise of neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to change.
This means that greater levels of happiness are attainable through ... Views: 2337
A reader recently posted this question on my blog:
I found this especially helpful: "The longer you hang back and allow yourself to be held captive by a decision that didn’t turn out well, the more difficult it becomes to take a step forward. Adopt a success habit of moving forward ..." Any ... Views: 1442
Last week in a session with a client, a Division I basketball coach, we spent time talking about what she was doing on behalf of herself and her team to incorporate new tools to support a successful season. The list was long -- and wide. It included support across mental, physical, emotional, ... Views: 1399
If you are ready to claim greater ownership of your LIFE and design a business that provides the freedom you desire.I am committed to providing value. To me, this means only sharing information that you can USE to live your best life.1. Smart Action: Behaving Your Way to Success2. ... Views: 1962
Aligning yourself with the right mentor is an essential tool to take your business to the next level. Finding and choosing your mentor deserves careful attention.
Although my past achievements may look quite different (for example, practicing law, building an elite performance consulting ... Views: 1264