A strong foundation leads to progress and success. This idea applies to both a relationship and a company for them to surpass all the undertakings along their way. When a new structure is being built, great attention is given to its most crucial part – its foundation. When the foundation is ... Views: 1051
A renowned visionary once said, "Treasure trove can be found in books alone than an entire pirates loot bin on Treasure Island, and the best part is you can enjoy these riches throughout your life."
There are times that despite all the efforts they have given, some people just don't ... Views: 815
As the famous Latin quotation goes, “Veni, vedi, velcro'' -- ''I came, I saw, I stuck around!''
Your personal mission is to succeed, therefore, consistency is vital. The essence of winning is finishing the race. This is equal to life's principle: you cannot accomplish anything without ... Views: 1136
Confucius said,“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” A thought to ponder.
Let me start by simplifying the three important areas that I will be discussing in this topic – simplifying our life, simplifying our teaching, and simplifying our system.
Life is how we ... Views: 806
A vision is a central picture that unites the heart, the mind, and desires at hand to a future desired result. A sturdy crystallized vision will help you attain your goals in the future and compel that vision to manifest itself into the present. As well as compel it to produce tangible proof of ... Views: 740
A proverbial saying... “Time flies. But it's up to you to be the navigator." This is quite evident when you’re having fun doing what you love to do. But through effective life training by a capable life skills coach you would be able to achieve much more.
This complex issue regarding time ... Views: 1564
We were all warriors in the battlefield called life, struggling to find our own place under the sun, to have our own distinct individuality and personal growth. We live in a world where only the fittest specie survives. If there is one thing that we could arm ourselves with and which we could ... Views: 859
Whenever I look in the mirror, I see a “stud ... not a dud!” If honest confession is good for the soul, in order to be truthful, sometimes I see a “dud not a stud.” Tiredness, mental fatigue, spiritual doubts, inhibitions and poor nutrition ... all of these can play a part. But we always have ... Views: 985
The great Bill Walsh once said ... “Nothing is more effective as a sincere, accurate praise, and nothing is lamer than a cookie-cutter compliment.” As a means of mentoring training for the personal worth and personal good of a person, one must invest in building skills through mentoring ... Views: 1055
As far as technology is concerned we live in an awesome age where everything is blindingly fast. If Sam Houston would have had our technology back then, help would have arrived in time for the Alamo. A few quick emails to patriots all across Texas, and Santa Anna would have never had a chance. ... Views: 981
Life Training and Laughter, the Best Things in Life That are free!
Have it ever occurred to you why so many comedians like Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, and George Burns lived to be so old? It can be associated with laughter being a good medicine. Before the onset of “shock” humor, it ... Views: 847
“Life Training Teaches us About Clarity of Foresight”
A vision is a central picture that unites the heart, the mind, and desires at hand to a future desired result. A sturdy crystallized vision will help you attain your goals in the future and compel that vision to manifest itself into the ... Views: 793
Every Action Equals an Opposite Reaction in Life Training
A remarkable quote etched unto our memories is by Edmund Burk. He said ... “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.''
Gen. George S. Patton said ..."Don't fall a victim to what I call the ... Views: 956
I am keenly interested in reading many articles to continually be informed and formulate ideas concerning life training, life skills, leadership training, skill building, personal good and mentoring training. Basically it’s all about life business to say the least, but also as a means to truly ... Views: 699
Curious minds contribute in every individual's holistic development. The moment a person starts asking questions, you will find out how much that person knows, don't know, or wanted to know. Learn to coach life by asking questions. It is a kind of building skills. It’s a personal work to ... Views: 1132
Over the years, I've discerned a pattern in the lives of many successful people. They didn't do it alone. They sharpened their skills and wit while being motivated by having regular meetings with persons who had similar interests. They were with their peers whom they can relate to. Gain better ... Views: 725
Coach Life free from prejudices! When it comes to this crucial subject a person’s typical inclination would be to base it on race, sex, social status and so on. But let us delve on this on much broader since first and foremost it is a people issue of vital importance. Ask yourself, is this my ... Views: 786
What’s your Life Training? In life people have conflicting views and predisposition. One might be a pessimist, a cynic, a realist, an idealist. They can look at the land of milk and honey and see only calories and cholesterol. Gloom and dread with an air of indifference often wreck havoc to ... Views: 867
Before anything else let me start off with what Robert Louis Stevenson once said, “Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. It’s another way to Coach Life.
For Life Business, there are laws! As a matter of fact there are certain immutable laws. These laws ... Views: 2670
Goal tending in Basketball is a capital crime! But in life … tending to your goals and aspirations is not only ideal … it's significant to success for your own Personal Good.
It has become quite apparent as of late to bash goal setting entirely! Most comment that it’s a waste of time! But I ... Views: 782
One thing is for certain, the cold hard truth is... we live in a world filled with constant change so better know Your Worth. It is inevitable and beyond our mortal comprehension. This is our Life Course!
Picture this out … In just a turn of the century; we’ve gone from the teepee of the ... Views: 794
Let me start off with A Japanese proverb ... ''A tongue three inches long can kill a man six feet tall.''
Often time’s people just have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. They are being Hung By The Tongue!
To give you a better example here is a story…
... Views: 1050
What drives you? What is it that defines your entire persona? What are you living for?
Unfortunately, most people have are way ward of the very purpose they exist. Can you remember those days of your youthful exuberance when you undoubtedly believe you can achieve anything? Filled with ... Views: 771
The epitome of Success is the result of a series of Decisions that coincide with your goals and aspirations. The first ideal thing to do would be to assess your current pre-disposition, are you contented, happy or is change a necessity?
I believe “change can only be attained from ... Views: 894