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We build our reality on our beliefs.
And although we don’t admit that they are only our beliefs we do set our lives by them. They become us – our reality - and woe to anyone who tries to ridicule or challenge our faith.
Through the recent discovery of certain biblical-like documents, scholars ... Views: 770
Goal means what your aim to reach in the future. In your life establishing goals has a positive impact. A goal is a specific, assessable result that you want to generate at a determinable time in the future. But if what you hope to achieve in life is based on your expectations, rather than on ... Views: 1312
One of my favorite forms of healing art is journaling, which is the practice of writing in a diary or journal on a regular basis. The process goes beyond just keeping a diary or record of daily events, its about exploring your feelings and thoughts about whats going on in your life.
In recent ... Views: 1199
Do you believe that you need a partner to be happy? My client, Adrienne, an attractive woman in her 50’s, has been married and divorced twice. She was unhappy in both marriages, but she still believes that she needs a partner to be happy. This belief continually leads her into inappropriate ... Views: 7049
Plants’ experience of being in the world is very different from the experience of us animals. Because plants cannot move about, they exist in a state of profound acceptance and peace within themselves. Emotions such as fear, hate, jealousy, possessiveness, etc. are wholly unknown to plants and ... Views: 889
Unaware of Unresolvable Dilemma?
Discover the Biggest Ongoing Drain on Your Time, Energy and Money
What if you heard that to “let go,” you had to hold on? What if you were told that to relax, you had to be tense? What if you found out that to be aware and present, you had to be unaware ... Views: 1366
When we refer to certain professions we call the business of it a practice. My friend's husband has a dental practice, I have a coaching practice, my brother practices law.
Within those parameters we might refer to the dentist as “excellent”, the coach as “supportive” and the lawyer—at least in ... Views: 867
OK, maybe that’s a bit of an overgeneralization but it applies most of the time. Basically, what I am saying is that we are what we are because that’s what we’ve decided to be. We live where we live, do what we do and think what we think because that’s we’ve decided to do. Yes, I understand ... Views: 1143
My friend Nel is a woman whom I can never forget. She is bright, funny and very excited about energy work—a part of my life that is very important to me. It really pleased me that she was in tune with my work and liked to share the healing energies. She practiced Reiki and was a certified ... Views: 892
Family, friends, work, and recreation sound like a few areas of our lives that take up most of our time. We go from one to another, filling up our days, weeks, months, and perhaps years. Oftentimes, in the process, we forget about a crucial part: taking care of ourselves! If you were raised in ... Views: 932
Do you remember some of the things you believed when you were very young? Some of them were probably quite foolish. However, you may find that if you look closer at certain “foolish” childhood beliefs; you will find some insights for personal growth. I will explain.
Children are familiar with ... Views: 1425
“Be still in silence and listen to your heart.
When it speaks to you, arise and go where it brings you.”
--Susan Tamaro, Va' Dove Ti Porta il Cuore
I think the sound of my own voice has finally gotten to me. Here it is, four years after I sat down to write my book, (ambitiously entitled ... Views: 576
"Aha!", "Eureka!", "What-da-ya-know"... or just plain "hmmm." Whatever we call it, it’s that single, magical moment when things just make sense; when that block that seemed to confuse and confound us suddenly seems small and insignificant. There’s that sudden rush of excitement, filled with ... Views: 1007
Our feelings are an incredible instant feedback system regarding what is good for us and what is bad for us.
For example, our physically painful feelings let us know that something needs attending to regarding our physical body. If you put your hand on a hot stove, the burning feeling ... Views: 4041
While I believe that there are not “good” or “bad” feelings, as I just mentioned, I do feel that some are more positive and helpful than others. Anger doesn’t solve anything. Getting angry only makes you, and the people around you, feel worse. And, over time, it can also have a negative impact ... Views: 1177
I think life can be quite pleasing to the appetite if we’re willing to experiment with the ingredients a little bit. Instead of following the traditional recipe – go to college, study hard, get married, start a family, maintain a career – Spice it up a bit! Add a pinch of thyme, a dash of old ... Views: 836
Achieve Your
‘Someday’ Dream in 10 Minutes a Day
By Rory Cohen and Cornelia Flannery, Entelekey, Inc.
"I maintain that men [sic] could be incomparably happier than they are, and that they could, in a short time, make great progress in increasing their happiness, if they were ... Views: 1297
You are not in charge when:
1. You need other people’s permission and affirmation before you can take action.
“Wow! That’s a wonderful idea you have. Why don’t you go ahead and do something about it?” These are the kind of words you desperately need to hear before you can take any form of ... Views: 1255
The right tool gets the job done faster, better and with more satisfaction. It's that way for any undertaking; whether it is painting, plumbing, tightening screws ...
When you tackle something, if you're serious about doing a good job; you will use the right tools. But, do you always? What ... Views: 1172
With each changing season, it’s a time to reflect on the past and make plans for the future. The seasons of the year can be compared to various cycles of our life. When I think of spring, it reminds me of new growth, opening up, and coming out into the world. Summer is time for sunshine and ... Views: 1489
Alan Cohen From the Heart September 2006
The Divine Payroll
One of my seminar students was a man of great faith that he built through overcoming longtime alcoholism. When Dan came out on the other side of his addiction, he embodied a remarkable blend of strength and ... Views: 1034
Which comes first Success or Happiness?
Tim Connor, CSP
Everyone is searching for success, happiness, fulfillment and a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Many people unfortunately have not learned that putting the cart before the horse does not answer their dream of lasting ... Views: 715
THE POWER OF INSPIRATION By James M. Becher 484 words
INSPIRATION can be a powerful thing. It can keep you going when all around you cries out "quit!" It is even more powerful than motivation. Motivation gives you your basic reasons to keep going. But inspiration fills those reasons with ... Views: 787
If you notice, you will see that happiness is already here. Still, no matter how good life may be, the ego says no to it: “It would be better if….” “I will be happy when….” As long as we don’t follow those thoughts, we will be happy. But usually we give our attention to the ego’s rejection of ... Views: 919
Buddha said that desire is the root of all suffering. He didn’t say most of the suffering or much of the suffering but all of it. Every single contraction of being is caused by desire. Because desire is such a powerful force, it is worth looking into.
As powerful as desire is, every desire ... Views: 1510
We all love to feel full inside, which is one of the reasons why eating too much is such a challenge for a lot of people. Yet, as soon as the food digests, many people go back to feeling empty, searching around for more food or something else to fill them up again. Feeling empty feels so awful ... Views: 2731
“One hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, how big my house was, or what kind of car I drove. But the world may be a little better, because I was important in the life of a child.”
--Forest Witcraft
I had been feeling something ugly brewing for days – probably ... Views: 537
You wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You snap at your friends and family. Stress fills your days and when your day is over, and you’re exhausted, you can’t sleep.
Nothing feels quite right. Your zest for life diminishes, and your desire to DO disappears.
You know you’re not depressed ... Views: 868
What does healing your past have to do with getting and keeping your life on track? Just think of the last time something just slightly bad happened to you and how it ruined your day. (Like getting a speeding ticket, or having an argument with your best friend.) How much energy and time did you ... Views: 3405
(This is Part 1 of a series of articles by the author on Finding and Following Your Life Purpose and Passion).
We all have a definite purpose in our lives, a key part of which is living a life of joy and abundance. It’s also about doing what we love to do and fulfilling our highest natural ... Views: 1611
They stand on the beach; 150 or so. Wings at their sides, still and straight, facing the rising sun. There is no sound save the music of the wind through the leaves. Every day they gather; at this same spot.
Happening upon them, you may ask yourself – ‘What are they doing?’
Could they be ... Views: 1005
There is much to be said for being in the flow. This is the place from where dreams happen easily. When you are in the flow, things happen effortlessly, opportunities show up from everywhere and people are helpful and friendly. Here are some examples of some things that could happen when you are ... Views: 1743
I can’t tell you how many friends, colleagues and clients I speak with who struggle endlessly to find the “Love of their Lives.” It is a quest that one would hope would be full of adventure, excitement and beauty. However, it is most often a road of disappointment, frustration, hurt and ... Views: 571
Living the Life You Love
“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same.” ~ Carlos Casteneda
I ‘woke up’ one day and realized life is what you make it, not what is ‘dished out’ to you. Me – personally – I am responsible for my happiness. ... Views: 1459
“Abundance is, in large part, an attitude.” -Sue Patton Thoele
What a truth that statement is! Living from a place of abundance is also a choice. Each day contains a choice about whether we wake up in control of our day, or dreading the path we have already set in motion. Having an abundance of ... Views: 1141
As you read this, I’d like for you to think of three people that would greatly benefit from this article.
Listen – Who are you listening to? The person that you need to listen to is you. Inside you is your heart’s desire, and I want you to commit today to truly figure out your “Why”. Your ... Views: 717
The key to life is to be around the people who will empower you to reach the next level in life! In order to exceed your present reach, you need to be around people who will help you stretch a little farther. The secret to a productive mastermind team is for you to surround yourself with people ... Views: 744
Knowledge When Properly Applied…
As a Champion, I know that you heard this statement many, many times. Get ready to learn what Knowledge truly means! Let’s begin by breaking down this word.
Know: You must know your business, which means you must know the power of Network Marketing. You ... Views: 759
*The Year 1906*
This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!) The year is 1906 - One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes!
Here are some of the U.S.A. statistics for the Year 1906:
The average life expectancy in the US was 47 years.
Only 14 percent of the homes in the US ... Views: 691
Do you ever wonder why millions and millions of people live life in exactly the same way? Fear and a need for security are the driving forces at work here and this combination prevents most people from living their dreams. Terrified to take even the smallest of risks, they experience very little ... Views: 899
Do you ever find yourself in a particular situation that you want to get out of, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to leave? You might hate your job, get no joy out of your relationship, or even want to get out of spending time with someone that you don’t really care for. You ... Views: 768
Do you sometimes observe your mind? In the ancient Vedic scripture Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna “One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. For him who has conquered the mind, the ... Views: 948
Sensitizing yourself can lead to emotional surprises. It doesn't mean being more 'touchy-feely' or sensitive. It means being aware of all that's around you and inside of you. And yes, one can get hurt in the process but one can truly live and experience life to the fullest extent as well. That ... Views: 4445
Give me answers, not excuses.
First off, let me clarify who “me” is...
“Me” is Your Dream.
Each day your dream is screaming out loud -
Please Fulfill Me
Please Take Action
Overcome Procrastination
Overcome Indecision
Overcome Your Fear
Get to it
Bring it ... Views: 841
“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” --John Lubbock
To normal people, a locust’s cry probably goes unnoticed. It doesn’t consistently chat like ... Views: 564
Did you know that, according to Michael Sky, "the real challenge (in life) is to choose, hold, and operate through intelligent, uplifting, and fully empowering beliefs." Well, I believe him. Recognizing and believing in your own abilities is the core of self-image, and self-esteem.
The ... Views: 706
It keeps on amazing me first how one’s expREssion gives potent hints on the consciousness that is lived in and second how English and Hebrew are connected in meaning… Here is what I mean: consider Gertrude (just a name!) who punctuates every other sentence with the words “I guess…” Well, dearest ... Views: 741
What is ‘Joy’? Is ‘Joy’ attainable?
Webster’s defines ‘joy’ as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.”
Based on that, joy is definitely attainable. You see, each of us has our own definition of ‘well-being’, ‘success’, ... Views: 1079
Back to Boot Camp
You know, whenever you are going to make a major change and begin to undergo a different lifestyle, it is probably good to make a massive move in that direction. Think about it. As the old saying goes, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you ... Views: 725
Here are some thoughts for finding and experiencing joy in your life. If there were one thing I could wish upon my family, friends and the readers of this Ezine, it would be joy in everything the do!
Know your purpose. Nothing will bring you joy more than knowing what it is that you are about ... Views: 770