We live in a very fast, changing and often stressful world. Sometimes things happen so quickly that we don't react as fast as we want to. We might even lose our capacity to think fast, clearly and make right decisions.
It's not supposed to be like that. It is important to slow down, relax and ... Views: 1693
Chris Cade has launched his Inscribe Your Life Program where he teaches how people can easily and in a fun way improve their lives using stories. Now, when people talk and read so much about the law of attraction, something like stories and story writing might seem new and also strange. How can ... Views: 906
Have you ever heard the old saying: "Whether you think you can or not - you're right?" That old saying holds more truth than most people know or understand.
Your life is a direct reflection on what you think you can do and what you think you can't do. Everything you do, every job you've ever ... Views: 757
People today have been taught all their life that there are only 5 senses, speech, smell, touch, hearing, and sight. Yes, these are the normal five senses that we use every day, however, there is a sixth sense, and it is the psychic. This sixth sense will allow you to manifest anything you want, ... Views: 769
Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used by people for ages. No one can really say when people started to meditate, but most scholars say that it started probably about 5,000 years ago. I personally think it is just a speculation and that meditation is as old as mankind.
People ... Views: 815
It would be a rare thing to find someone that would tell you they don't want to be wealthy. It is the rare person that will tell you that success is not something they are concerned with. Most people, when asked if they want to be wealthy would answer a resounding "YES," to that question. If ... Views: 1107
Gratitude and the Law of Attraction work to create abundance in your life, even when you do not know how this principle works. Knowing how this principle works is to be using the Law of Attraction to actively create a life that is truly prosperous and in harmony with the universe.
The Law of ... Views: 2663
We finished Part One of the article saying that the Law of Attraction advises you to do three simple things: First you need to be grateful for what you have. No, you may not have everything that you want, but if you aren't grateful for the things you do have, you aren't appreciating what the ... Views: 768
Ask any person around you if they want to be successful and chances are greater than not that they will tell you yes. They may even tell you what they want to be successful at. I am sure that you are not different. Dreams, aspirations and desires fill us all. We all want to have the lives of our ... Views: 764
The key to using wealth affirmations truly is to program your mind for success. One of the key elements is coaching yourself to believe you can be and are being successful. If you believe somewhere, deep down within yourself, you are not able to be successful, nothing you affirm to manifest as ... Views: 886
Wealth affirmations are really no different than any other affirmations someone might use. Instead of food, a new girlfriend, or boyfriend, the target is "wealth" and how you define wealth to yourself.
The law of attraction is a natural function each and everyone of us possesses within us. We ... Views: 877
In the first part I explained how the science of manifestation and the law of attraction can help us to live our dream lives. At the end of that part I wrote: "I know you are thinking right now that you are always thinking about having more money so why don't you. I want you to think right now ... Views: 852
Lots of people aren't satisfied with their jobs and their income. Is it possible to change it? Let's look first at three different kinds of income. They are:
1. Earned Income - income obtained from working for someone else or a company.
2. Passive Income - income that is generated from ... Views: 833
With the recent popularity of articles about manifestation and the law of attraction, more and more people learn and apply the science of manifestation in their everyday lives to achieve success.
At the same time there are many people who think that when they learn about the law of attraction ... Views: 1028
If there is one thing that can make everybody really happy, it is love. Love can mean different things to different people, but what really people want is to love someone and to be loved by someone. Everybody needs someone special in their live, but statistics show that there are lots of lonely ... Views: 2109
There are different methods for achieving wealth, happiness or success. One of the best and most enjoyable is visualization. If you do it right you are on the way to your goals. If not, it might be just dreaming.
What is visualization? For the purpose of manifestation and attraction, ... Views: 802
In the first part we talked about The Law of Attraction, The Law of Polarity and The Law of Rhythm. In this part I'll tell you about a few more important laws.
"The Law of Cause and Effect"
The law of cause and effect is also known as the law of karma. It states that for every action there is ... Views: 1067
When we want to manifest something we need to use the law of attraction and some other laws. There are lots of articles about the law of attraction, so I'll write only a little about it, but I'll tell you about a few other important laws, that maybe you haven't heard about. These laws will help ... Views: 1041
When you want to manifest something the most important thing is your mindset. You must have manifesting mindset. What is manifesting mindset? What kind of attitude you must have? Let's talk about the two most important characteristics of manifesting mindset.
First, you need to have positive ... Views: 961
When you want to manifest something the most important thing is your mindset. You must have manifesting mindset. What is manifesting mindset? What kind of attitude you must have? Let's talk about the two most important characteristics of manifesting mindset.
First, you need to have positive ... Views: 905
I want to write about Wealth Manifestation, the subject that is creating a lot of controversy.
Everybody wants to be wealthy. Many people believe that it is predestined if someone becomes wealthy or poor. Some people believe that we can become wealthy by our own effort. Some people think that ... Views: 1190
People often want to know if there is one place on the internet where they can find inspiration and tools that will help them to succeed. Is there really such a place? I will try to answer this question later in this article, but first let’s see who ask such questions.
There are all kinds ... Views: 1136
One of the best tools to attract things you want is visualization. If done properly it can be not only the great manifestation tool, but also a very relaxing and pleasurable experience.
How to visualize?
Sit down comfortably and relax. It helps to first concentrate on your breathing. The ... Views: 2241
The Law of Attraction is becoming more and more known by more and more people. The biggest reason for this is probably the popularity of the movie “The Secret” which has been seen by lots of people.
The movie is the great introduction to the knowledge of the Law of Attraction, but ... Views: 907
Have you heard about the Law of Karma? It’s the Law of Cause and Effect. The law states that for every cause there is an effect and for every effect there is a cause.
As we know from physics there is and equal and opposite reaction for every action. So whatever you do, it will come back ... Views: 2259
If you start analyzing the things around you, you will come to the conclusion that everything is energy. The whole Universe is made of energy. This energy manifests in different ways and it is moving and constantly changing with different speeds.
If you look at living things, they are created, ... Views: 769
I guess that you already know something about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. You know that you can manifest the life of your dreams and that you can attract whatever you want into your life.
Of course theoretical knowledge is not what we want. We want the results. Unfortunately we ... Views: 1849
What are you afraid of? I’m sure that like almost everybody else you are afraid of something.
Charles F. Haanel defines fear as “…a powerful form of thought". I think it is a very good definition, because mostly fear is in our minds. Phobia is abnormal fear. We are often ... Views: 908
Do you sometimes observe your mind? In the ancient Vedic scripture Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says to Arjuna “One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. For him who has conquered the mind, the ... Views: 948
We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past. Thoughts become things. We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem is that we usually think more about things we don’t want, than about the things we want. It doesn’t matter if we want or don’t want ... Views: 875
Gratitude or appreciation of what we already have is necessary to attract things we want. Every day when you wake up try to be thankful. Think about the good things in your live you should be thankful for. Appreciate your job (even if you don’t like it).
Feel gratitude for a place to live. If ... Views: 850
I’ve read a very good book “Influence” by Robert Cialdini. I started reading the book because of my interest in marketing, but in the chapter “Social Proof” I’ve found something very interesting connected with manifestation and the law of attraction.
In this chapter Dr Cialdini gives ... Views: 812
I’ve learned about the success principles from Jack Canfield. In his book “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield presents the sixty-four principles which, if learned and practiced, can help everyone to realize their goals. The principles that he teaches are timeless. He did ... Views: 2370
What are you afraid of? I’m sure that like almost everybody else you are afraid of something.
Charles F. Haanel defines fear as “…a powerful form of thought. I think it is a very good definition, because mostly fear is in our minds. Phobia is abnormal fear. We are often afraid of things which ... Views: 847
Have you ever thought who you are? Are you the body you see every day in a mirror? Of course you are not. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists cells in our bodies are constantly replaced by the new ones. Although the ... Views: 1110