Are you addicted to struggle? Do you find it more comfortable — or just habitual — to stay in the place of “it can’t work for me, or happen to me?” than it is to figure out how to move forward or have things be easier?
Dr. Sue Morter says, “Life is hard right up until it isn’t.” Ok, great, what ... Views: 1217
• Sodium is an essential nutrient for health. It regulates the total amount of water in the body and is critical in generating electrical signals that power communication between the brain, nervous system, and muscles.
• Too much or too little sodium therefore can cause cells to malfunction, ... Views: 1512
Thank god that's over!
No, not the creamy pumpkin ales, chips and curry at the local pub, nor the chewy, seed encrusted bread -- especially not the bread.
It was birthday week after all. Yes birthday week, not day, week. It's tradition that one makes the most of this all-about-me holiday. ... Views: 1182
Anyone not thinking about the New Year with both anticipation and a bit of dread? Without vigilance my mind goes on shuffle.
Thoughts range in tempo and temperament from “Oh my gawd it’s almost the first of the year and I haven’t reached all of my goals from 2010” to “Ahh, a new year, an empty ... Views: 968
For centuries the heart has been considered the seat of the soul and emotion. In a way it feels as if the heart creates these feelings or that our emotions somehow arise from the heart. Isn’t the heart just a muscle, an organ that moves blood through our bodies?
We know that lifestyle choices ... Views: 1097
Who among us does not think about what we might do differently in the New Year?
Tied in to this thinking is the temptation to compare us to the cultural profile of how our lives should look at this age and this stage. I say temptation because it is not necessary, like so many other ... Views: 1260
The female brain is hard wired for connection, nurturing, collaboration and communicating. Is it any wonder then that we love to gab, share, bitch, giggle, cry, kvetch, plan, scheme, and share with one another? The men folk just don’t get it. Their brains are designed for action, fight or ... Views: 1345
Coming into this adventure in weight loss coaching, I was completely convinced that giving up the foods I loved was going to be difficult and, in some cases, danged near impossible. I was wrong.
The endless servings of sugar, processed foods and diet soda that I have loved for years and have ... Views: 1149
We plan, God laughs. So someone told me years ago. The longer it lingers the more I agree. Regardless of your take on the idea of God, I think you get the point.
You’ve been there right? You are heading down a carefully-planned out path, people are doing what they are supposed to. Life is ... Views: 1604
This is a quote from John Mellencamp and it got stuck in my head while listening to NPR one day, on a Terry Gross/ Fresh Air interview. That day, life was good, the sun was shining and I was gathering provisions to cook a typical Hampton’s meal for a client.
Typical means fresh, local caught ... Views: 2100
This is the easiest thing I have ever done, and it’s working! How often do you get to say that — about anything?! Honestly, I have never felt better in my life, and I KNOW it’s due to this new way of eating, and the effects it’s having on my body, internally and externally.
I lost another ... Views: 1121
“How you do anything is how you do everything.” I’m not sure who originated this quote, but think about it: How you do anything is how you do everything.
Now let’s substitute a couple of words, courtesy of my coach, Gregory Anne Cox: How you do food is how you do everything.
It’s so ... Views: 1063
Anyone not thinking about the New Year with both anticipation and a bit of dread? Without vigilance my mind goes on shuffle.
Thoughts range in tempo and temperament from "Oh my gawd it's almost the first of the year and I haven't reached all of my goals from 2010" to "Ahh, a new year, an ... Views: 1104
It's not easy being green for Kermit the Frog but it sure is popular and easier than ever these days to "go green." Paint, flowerpots, paper, shoes, cars and hundreds of other items we use every day are produced in environmentally friendly ways. We care about the environment around us, and ... Views: 755
Judging. Defensive. Tyrannical. These are the shadow characteristics of Why as a means of getting information. Who knew Why had a shadow side? Generally people ask why when they are upset about something and they are looking for someone to blame. Sometimes they just want to be recognized as ... Views: 1085
Ever have anyone ask you that in reference to a new hair color, career move, or big purchase you were considering? How about when you were younger and you were trying on the idea-of-the-moment around "what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Perhaps at one point you thought of becoming a brain ... Views: 890
Science tells us that the stomach has a brain and the heart has a brain. What this means is that these two vitally important organs will react to something when it enters our systems and send a message to other parts of the body independent of the "real" brain, the one on top, the one we think ... Views: 925
Dern, I wish I'd invented that term "muffin top." Alas some other smart woman got there first--kudos and thanks for the hysterical yet accurate descriptor. Just in case the subject of this article is not perfectly clear let me say it to you plain.
A muffin top, outside of Dunkin' Donuts, can be ... Views: 1250
Dern, I wish I'd invented that term "muffin top." Alas some other smart woman got there first--kudos and thanks for the hysterical yet accurate descriptor. Just in case the subject of this article is not perfectly clear let me say it to you plain.
A muffin top, outside of Dunkin' Donuts, can be ... Views: 974
We use the word heart in conjunction with feelings of elation, sadness, kindness, love, and desire. All of these are simply words that we use to describe the emotions that come out of our daily experiences. The heart has for centuries been considered the seat of the soul and emotion but in a way ... Views: 958
Who among us has not welled up while watching the weight loss sheroes and heroes tell their stories on Oprah or the Biggest Loser? Okay, you in the back row there with the “Oh please” smirk on your face, go out and have a cigarette.
How about those “I left that son-of-a-bitch with nothing but a ... Views: 967
When we refer to certain professions we call the business of it a practice. My friend's husband has a dental practice, I have a coaching practice, my brother practices law.
Within those parameters we might refer to the dentist as “excellent”, the coach as “supportive” and the lawyer—at least in ... Views: 867