We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The world is a myriad of situations and events. The path of humankind often wanders the hills and valleys of contemplation. In love, we find newness rewarding. We desire gifts of the heart and the material representation of our feelings. Yet, in our desires we get lost and fail to humbly look at ... Views: 1856
The previews ended & the movie was starting, or was it? Black screen and no sound. It took me awhile to realize, but I believe the director was trying to get the audience to be present. I of course was in the future, “When’s something going to happen?”
Being in the moment ... Views: 1368
Did you know that our brains are full of cow paths? Robert Fritz begins his book _The Path of Least Resistance_ by explaining how the streets of Boston were laid out; they do not seem to be the result of any planning.
Long, long ago in Boston, grazing and wandering cows walked the easiest ... Views: 1144
I'm the first to admit that I spend a lot of time helping people focus on goals. How to define goals, set goals, and get goals.
But goals are not the be-all and end-all of personal development.
They're just another useful tool we can use to help us get from where were are to where we'd like ... Views: 692
1. Sometimes, the number 1 is the biggest number there is.
Eleven countries in the 2002 Winter Olympics were represented by a "team" of just one athlete. To these athletes, from countries like Cameroon, India, and South Africa, the glory was not just competing for the medals, but in ... Views: 735
All right, the new year is here and it's time to get busy!
Oh, I don't necessarily mean just with your resolutions (although, if you made 'em, they can definitely be added to this list), but just in general.
The new year is a great time to tackle new projects, finish up old ones, and take ... Views: 708
1. Face Facts: YOU may just be the bump in the road that's slowing you down.
Often the most difficult step in getting out of one's own way is recognizing that you are indeed, in it. When you encounter problems in achieving your goals, carefully consider whether or not you are the source of ... Views: 683
For 50 years the daily comic strip 'Peanuts' entertained millions of readers. Every day, the adventures of Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus and the whole gang provided many laugh-out-loud moments while at the same time offering a daily inspiration and lessons on life.
With the recent death of ... Views: 1062
There are just a few aspects of life that we can truly control, and it's useful to know just what those areas are. If you don't know, you'll spend a lot of time blaming others for your own failings. Try and exert too much control in areas you shouldn't and the universe will create some ... Views: 852
1. Be spontaneous.
Seize opportunities to do something interesting. For example; when a friend invites you for a drink or to the movies—don’t make excuses. Simply, say yes and go. Don’t turn down invitations to socialize when you know you have nothing better to do.
2. Visit a new place.
It’s ... Views: 8015
We all live somewhere.
Some of us live in our nice comfy houses.
Some of us live in our big palatial mansions.
Some in our trendy apartments.
Some of us live in our modest bungalows.
And some of us live in prison.
Jail (gaol).
The big house.
The slammer.
The slot.
The pen.
The joint.
In ... Views: 805
In the last parts of this series we talked briefly about the traits you need to work on in order to realize happiness and success in your life. Again, happiness is something that comes by finding peace within yourself and peace within yourself comes from finding a place in the world and in your ... Views: 838
The first two traits that you must work on and develop if you are to ever realize happiness and success and wealth in all areas of your life are clarity and desire. These are the foundation of your path toward success and without them you are destined for failure. As the foundation is the most ... Views: 808
In the last part of this series we discussed the first four traits of what it takes to discover happiness and success in your life. The traits of clarity, desire, advancement of knowledge, and faith are the extremely important first steps for realizing the fruition of your dreams. In this part ... Views: 930
Everyone wants something. For some people it's love, others it's money. Some people want fame while others want inner peace. It is different for everyone, but the fact remains, there is something that everyone wants. Many people continue to live their entire lives and never get close to ... Views: 852
I believe music can play a very important role in our lives. Do you remember picking out your favorite love song with your boyfriend when you were a teenager? Or how about the breakup song, you know that sad song you played after you broke up with your boyfriend and although it was sad, you ... Views: 1071
When I was younger I was one of these women who spent all their free time at the self-help section of the bookstore looking for answers. I was forever hunting down the keys to success and happiness. I’d buy a book, read it from cover to cover and then wait for the success and happiness to come ... Views: 1419
An important part of wellness and overall feeling good is Self Nurture. What is self nurture? In a nutshell, it’s taking time for yourself. Wow, I can almost hear some of you yelling “Time for myself! I don’t have time for myself! I’m too busy!” But if you don’t take time for yourself, what ... Views: 2864
I was driving home earlier today when I noticed a flock of birds flying over head. As gracefully as a ballerina gliding across the dance floor, they soared high in the sky. Catching the wind currents as easily as a professional baseball player catches a fly ball. They were beautiful against the ... Views: 909
Recently, I read an article that was based on questions stated by two lead characters in a movie. The male lead was fretting over changes and pending changes in his life, and kept saying to his wife, “What if it all goes wrong?” Her response was always, “What if it all goes right?”
I’d had a ... Views: 572
What's Your Favorite Color ... Today?
Making Color an Ally in Your Life
By Rebecca Brents
I have known for years that color affected me. If the colors I'm wearing don't fit my mood, life and I are out of synch somehow. Now it seems physicists, mystics, and healers ... strange allies in our ... Views: 1034
Sometimes it is all too easy to fall into the feelings of being a flop or defective because a clear direction is no where in sight. Those feelings can come from internal and external pressures. It would seem that society expects one to have a course mapped out, one that covers from the time you ... Views: 1356
I was reading through some statistics regarding depression and the percentage of people suffering from this has increased substantially. And I remembered what I often hear from people: ‘I have failed in my life’ or ‘I have not achieved anything,’ or ‘I experienced such and such in my past and it ... Views: 796
There's a school of thought which suggests that those who adapt most effectively (to their situation, environment, circumstance, challenge) are the ones who ultimately survive, or at the very least, do the best; succeed when others don't.
We see this play out, not only in nature but in business, ... Views: 685
Spring Cleaning……………..Inside and Out
Yes, it’s that time of year-Spring time! Baseball has started, flowers are blooming, and bees are buzzing. For many, a time for Spring Cleaning. A time to shake out the rugs, clean off the dirt of winter and pull those weeds that have taken over the ... Views: 892
As a child, I always loved watching Winnie the Pooh. I used to wake up at 6 am on Sunday mornings to catch his adventures on the local Disney channel. His love for honey fascinated me, as did his entourage of interesting buddies. Looking back upon this show, I realize that each character ... Views: 1007
An Excerpt from
The Feeling Soul - A Roadmap to Healing and Living
By Mark Linden O’Meara
Available at Amazon.com
Seven Steps to Forgiveness
Much has been written about forgiveness. Everywhere you turn people are saying you have to forgive, yet few people likely understand the process of ... Views: 9034
Traveling in Thailand meant adapting to changes. Like every other human, I find that difficult. I expected to miss the big things in my American routine: brewed coffee and toilets that you can sit down on. I was caught off guard by my strong reaction to the little changes. The Thai lack of ... Views: 1103
"Achieving tranquility is a matter of simply changing perspectives..." Raeleen D'Agostino Mautner
How often have you experienced one of the following?
• Things seem to be going okay and then something happens that completely changes how you’re feeling and throws your life into ... Views: 1548
As a rule, I'm not a big fan of anger.
Generally speaking, I don't consider it to be a particularly valuable emotion (most of the time).
It's more often than not, associated with violence, insecurity, embarrassment, fear, resentment, selfishness and jealousy, than it is with anything ... Views: 729
“Discomfort is not a problem to be solved, not an enemy to be fought, not a monster to escape from; but instead an energetic relationship within, to be owned with courage and grace, and transformed through total acceptance, divine wisdom, and love.”
Joe Hurley
We all experience discomfort ... Views: 1194
* Excess (noun): more than or above what is necessary or usual. Unnecessary indulgence.
Is it just me, or do some of you also feel that perhaps most of us actually have... 'enough'.
Perhaps we don't actually need a 'better' computer with more ram, mega-thingies, or gigga-wotsits.
Maybe we ... Views: 773
I told you! A very simple question but your answers to this question will give you clues into your personality, preferences and things you can surround yourself with on a regular basis to ensure you lead a happy, feel good life.
Take out a blank sheet of paper, write the question above at the ... Views: 911
Here are twelve simple pleasures to help you slow down and taste the sweetness of the simple life this month.
1. Take a walk out in the wide, wide world and pay attention to the signs that summer is on its way.
2. Give yourself a pedicure. Then go barefoot whenever possible.
3. Eat fresh ... Views: 1081
Along with being a huge personal development buff, I am also a huge fan of history. It was my favorite subject in school, and I was even dubbed the "history channel" by a very well meaning class my freshmen year in high school. A couple of days ago while I was watching a documentary on western ... Views: 741
Have you ever had an excellent idea which went by the wayside?
How about a moment of inspiration, a solution to all your difficulties, which turned out to be nothing more than a dream?
It happens to me all the time!
I once read a story which has since served as a lesson in life. “What is the ... Views: 709
Our evolution is toward greater and greater possibilities and as we individually experience more of what's possible beyond mediocrity, we create and expand patterns for all to enjoy.
As more people have a certain experience (i.e. peace or joy), the pattern for that experience is strengthen ... Views: 843
Intentions are indeed very powerful if they are created in the right way. There are a few basic rules you will want to understand, otherwise your intentions may simply evaporate, or even backfire. By backfire, I mean they create just the opposite of what you wanted.
The Purpose of Making ... Views: 1184
One of the many challenges we face when working is maintaining our PMA-Positive Mental Attitude. This one factor an make or break our day, and often does. How many times have you got up on a cold cloudy morning and just decided, “I’m not going to have a good day?” Well, they ... Views: 610
How happy would you be if only you could win the lottery? This fantasy is universal because so many people are unhappy, dissatisfied with their lot in life.
But why do you focus on what you haven’t got rather than on things you could feel happy about? Why waste your life dreaming about ... Views: 1158
Did you know that you can learn how to be happy? Read on to discover how.
You can actually train yourself to be happier. Happiness is a choice, you can choose to be happy and take steps to become happier regardless of what's happened or what people have done to you.
"The happiness of your ... Views: 1026
The human heart is amazing in its ability to experience love, wisdom, compassion, and caring. The human heart is amazing in its ability to experience sadness, disappointment, and sorrow.
Living life with a full and open heart means opening to it all and accepting the passion, mystery and flow ... Views: 1288
Women’s Month- Reclaiming Beauty, Redefining Success
It felt like cold water slapping my face. The first time I watched, it made me uncomfortable. The second time, I cried. Now I'm all fired up with positive energy about healthy female power and want to share that with ... Views: 683
It’s amazing all the ways in which we try and divert our attention from our individual responsibilities. The bottom line is that we’re each responsible for what we do with our time here in this birth-death cycle we’re born into. We’re responsible for what we do to our ... Views: 2786
First thing in the morning a couple of days ago, I took my laptop (still very new and shiny) in Starbucks to do a little writing. I sat down with my big mug o’ steaming Jo and just as I was taking my first sip a member of staff came up to me, leaned in and said, ‘I just wanted to say sorry. What ... Views: 1133
Life is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it.
It's not officially Spring but it sure does feel like it.
Here in Houston, we have been enjoying some absolutely awesome weather conditions. All the trees are beginning to bud, the lawns are greening up, spring is definitely in the air. ... Views: 958
You're a diamond.
I've always said that each person was a diamond hidden in the ground. Personal development is making the diamond as shiny as possible. Clearing off the mud is equivalent to getting rid of negative emotions, self-image, and core beliefs. Most previous articles I have written ... Views: 926
In this world, there are two categories of people who make money in society. One is the contributors and the other is the resellers. The contributors are the ones who create real value for society while the resellers are the ones who make use of the value created by the contributors to profit ... Views: 1382
Who are we, standing here on this planet, looking for a place to be? Are we the “forgotten ones” from a time gone by, a piece of pre-history perhaps, that lets itself unfold through the pages of time?
Are we here all alone, or are we part of something bigger, larger perhaps than we ... Views: 1332
Awareness is unity with the present moment. Being fully aware brings together your spirit, mind, emotions, and body. And awareness is inherently expansive; it grows whenever you grant it the opportunity. Therefore, awareness is dynamic and constantly probing the edges.
Keeping your mind ... Views: 2910