I love The Secret as created by Rhonda Byrne. It was perfect in almost every way for the world today. It created a stir in the imagination of so many who had given up on themselves or the world in general. It did, however, leave a couple of vague impressions that need to be further explained. ... Views: 1111
A Gift in My Life
My friend Nel is a woman whom I can never forget. She is bright, funny and very excited about energy work—a part of my life that is very important to me. It really pleased me that she was in tune with my work and liked to share the healing energies. She practiced Reiki and was ... Views: 1262
In my book, The Mystical Secrets of Life, I dedicate a lot of energy to miracle thinking. By this I mean that miracles are happening around us, through us and for us CONSTANTLY while many people go their merry way ignoring them or even complain their way through them. Life is totally miraculous. ... Views: 1074
My friend Nel is a woman whom I can never forget. She is bright, funny and very excited about energy work—a part of my life that is very important to me. It really pleased me that she was in tune with my work and liked to share the healing energies. She practiced Reiki and was a certified ... Views: 892
When I was a kid my big question was, “Who am I?” After a while I realized that the answers I was getting were all too cynical for this peewee optimist. I still don't have it all figured out, but perhaps you'd like a look at my findings.
The way I see it, it's all about energy. Ask your local ... Views: 1144
Seeking the Cure
If I were given the power to cure just one ill that haunts mankind, I would pass up cancer, breeze by AIDS, and overlook heart disease because curing the malady I have in mind might just cure most of the others as a side effect.
The cure I would seek would be the cure for ... Views: 1473