Fear and uncertainty are common emotions that people are feeling right now. It is completely understandable with the news we are bombarded with everyday.
The question to ask yourself is: What is the most powerful place I can come from right now as I manage my life and business? Fear and ... Views: 952
Doing it All
Those of you familiar with Stephen Covey’s writing, particularly his “7 habits”, will recognize the term Quadrant II manager. This idealized manager recognizes that time spent on the important but non-urgent aspects of her business are the most important for success. The ... Views: 1068
You know you have way too many things on your to-do list. Here are some ways to down-size that list, and turn it into a powerful income generating tool at the same time:
Step One: Acknowledge that it is impossible to do it all. Decide right now that you are going to choose the Highest ... Views: 1130
Steve had a Big Idea for his business. He had read all the books on success: The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, all the classics.
He had a check made out for $1 million taped to his computer where he could see it every day.
Every day for years he would repeat the mantra “I am rich beyond my ... Views: 998
When my son was 8 he had a Big Idea. “I’m gonna be a Back Street Boy”, he said confidentially. “I’m gonna be a famous rapper.”
“Great!” I said. “Let’s get started. What do you think you need to do to be a famous rapper?”
“Nothing”, he said. “It will just happen.”
Even having a ... Views: 1054
Here is the on-line definition of a habit:
a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
b. An established disposition of the mind or character.
We tend to think of habits as things we do and we categorize them as good or bad. Brushing our ... Views: 2446
Making a significant change in ones habit can at times be a deflating, exhausting experience. Feelings of worry, fear, and uncertainty often weigh us down, making any slip up seem personal. And, if you’ve been trying to change a habit for a long period of time, it becomes tempting to believe ... Views: 1178
Self-Care is Essential for Your Success
Making a career change or searching for the perfect job can sometimes be a deflating, exhausting experience. Feelings of worry, concern, and uncertainty often weigh us down, making any rejection seem personal. And, if you’ve been searching for a ... Views: 1080
Aristotle observed that every living organism has within it a force, a vitality that propels that organism to be fulfilled. He called that state of being entelechy, or entelekey, as we call it.
Everyone has an entelekey, a vital force that is yearning to be expressed. The entelechy of an ... Views: 1152
"I maintain that men [sic] could be incomparably happier than they are, and that they could, in a short time, make great progress in increasing their happiness, if they were willing to set about it as they should. We have in hand excellent means to do in 10 years more than could be done in ... Views: 1571
1. Identify your top 3 personal and professional goals before the event. Get the ideas clear in your mind.
2. Make sure your website is set up to collect emails. Have a really cool bonus to give people that sign up on your site.
3. Make a list, on a separate sheet of paper from your other ... Views: 828
Achieve Your
‘Someday’ Dream in 10 Minutes a Day
By Rory Cohen and Cornelia Flannery, Entelekey, Inc.
"I maintain that men [sic] could be incomparably happier than they are, and that they could, in a short time, make great progress in increasing their happiness, if they were ... Views: 1297