Alan Cohen From the Heart September 2006
The Divine Payroll
One of my seminar students was a man of great faith that he built through overcoming longtime alcoholism. When Dan came out on the other side of his addiction, he embodied a remarkable blend of strength and ... Views: 1034
While walking through Costco, I noticed the large bin of photographs that had been processed and were waiting for customers to pick up. There were probably a couple of hundred packets listed alphabetically according to customers’ names. I was struck by the fact that all of these personal bags of ... Views: 1278
Chris Chrysler was a skilled and devoted violinist who had a lifelong dream to own a Stradivarius. For many years Chris worked hard to earn enough money to buy the coveted instrument. Finally he took his life savings to New York City’s music district and searched many stores. After numerous ... Views: 1322
While walking through Costco, I noticed the large bin of photographs that had been processed and were waiting for customers to pick up. There were probably a couple of hundred packets listed alphabetically according to customers’ names. I was struck by the fact that all of these personal bags of ... Views: 1218