I can’t tell you how many friends, colleagues and clients I speak with who struggle endlessly to find the “Love of their Lives.” It is a quest that one would hope would be full of adventure, excitement and beauty. However, it is most often a road of disappointment, frustration, hurt and ... Views: 571
Do you ever find yourself wishing your life was different than it is? Do you wish you could be handed instructions for creating and living a life that you can truly delight in living? If so, this article is written just for you! Read on to discover the recipe for creating a life you can truly ... Views: 667
A couple weeks ago my husband and I slipped away to Portland, Oregon. This beautiful city is one of our favorite miniature vacation spots and it is practically right in our backyard. As ever, we had an amazing time. We walked for hours, perused the many wonderful shops, dined on incredible ... Views: 547