Everyday Dilemma: Should I keep my own counsel and accept my partner’s unpleasant behaviors? Or, should I let him know that I reject them and want him to change?
There’s something very odd about us humans. We invite others to be our intimate friends, lovers, and partners because we either ... Views: 2058
Everyday Dilemma: Even though I’m exhausted, should I push myself to keep that independence that makes me feel really competent and good? Or, should I just relax today and enjoy depending on family and friends for all the wonderful things they bring me?
When I was growing up, the silver ... Views: 1243
Everyday Dilemma: Do I honor my thirst to be alone for awhile, or do I follow the longing in my heart to be together with friends and family?
For years I believed intimacy meant being together with my beloveds - all the time! Everyone I knew suffered greatly from my youthfully exuberant ... Views: 2001
Everyday Dilemma: Should I point out my thinking and doing is right, even though you’re telling me I’m wrong? Or, should I take the high road, avoid conflict, and let you believe I’m wrong and you’re right?
‘You’re wrong!’ Those words were a red flag to my bull. I love being right; and ... Views: 1261
Everyday Dilemma: Should I follow my urge to take control of this project, do it my way, efficiently and quickly, and risk a fight? Or should I just breathe deep, surrender to my partner’s way, and opt to keep the peace to get the project done?
My mom and dad never fought over cooking. But ... Views: 1205
The Everyday Dilemma: Do I take care of myself now, or everyone and everything else first, including my career?
Most of us truly wish to infuse our lives with love, compassion, and caring. And, you have probably been enticed by the common notion that bringing these words to life requires ... Views: 1912
Are you by any chance a marketplace mystic without realizing it? It took me a long time to discover my own penchant for the mystical path. And it took longer still to realize that I needed to follow it while living in the practical world of daily marketplace reality. When I became clear about ... Views: 1410
I don’t know whether you are intrigued, shaking your head in dis-belief, or laughing at the notion of something so seemingly absurd as managing paradox - that mental phenomena where two things cannot logically co-exist, but indeed, do. In our daily lives paradox shows up in the form of ... Views: 3952
What if you heard that to “let go”, you had to hold on? What if you were told that to relax, you had to be tense? What if you found out that to be aware and present, you first had to be unaware and absent? Your first thought might be ‘how ridiculous!’ But on second thought, your own experience ... Views: 1471
Unaware of Unresolvable Dilemma?
Discover the Biggest Ongoing Drain on Your Time, Energy and Money
What if you heard that to “let go,” you had to hold on? What if you were told that to relax, you had to be tense? What if you found out that to be aware and present, you had to be unaware ... Views: 1366