Many of you hear me speak all over the
world and I teach the process
“What you sow, you shall reap”.
It is a principle that is based upon
whatever you do today will predict your
future. You can’t dispute the fact, it’s
not fiction, it’s fact, that what you ... Views: 701
Over the past five years, I've often spoken about the
power of words and that the words that you speak predict
your future. You are exactly where you are in life today
based on what you have spoken into existence. One word
that has been a very powerful part of my individual
(personal) life ... Views: 671
As you read this, I’d like for you to think of three people that would greatly benefit from this article.
Listen – Who are you listening to? The person that you need to listen to is you. Inside you is your heart’s desire, and I want you to commit today to truly figure out your “Why”. Your ... Views: 717
Knowledge When Properly Applied…
As a Champion, I know that you heard this statement many, many times. Get ready to learn what Knowledge truly means! Let’s begin by breaking down this word.
Know: You must know your business, which means you must know the power of Network Marketing. You ... Views: 759
*The Year 1906*
This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine!) The year is 1906 - One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes!
Here are some of the U.S.A. statistics for the Year 1906:
The average life expectancy in the US was 47 years.
Only 14 percent of the homes in the US ... Views: 691