We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Did you know that researchers can predict what your energy will be like in the afternoon and evening by knowing your habits in the morning? This is because how you start the day is so powerful in determining the kind of day you are going to have. Just think about your start to the day. Do you ... Views: 853
Make resolutions that are more about how you want to be – how you want to relate to the world – than about specific changes in behavior. They should be spiritual goals. Changes in behavior don’t last unless preceded by a change in consciousness. New Years Resolutions, to be effective, must be ... Views: 1084
Many years ago my family and I used to go to my then husband’s parent’s home for holiday meals. His mother was an excellent cook and enjoyed preparing meals for us. She spent days preparing all the season’s delights and we came to the table eager to begin the festivities. Invariably when 20 ... Views: 712
"Three Pillars of Righteous Living"
Controlling Your Thoughts to Control Your Life.
“Righteous Living means defining what you allow yourself to experience and receive influence from, so you will preserve the best mind-set which allows you to achieve success.”
- Lance E. Ong
Have you ever ... Views: 1839
For most of us, a new year means new resolutions, new goals and new motivation. However, sometimes by the end of January,most of the resolutions and goals have weakened in the face of everyday living. Having your best year ever is easy though.
No, really! Follow these three steps and you ... Views: 573
Depression is more than that sense of feeling "down" or discouraged at times when things are not going well. Depression involves sadness, pessimism, a preoccupation with personal problems, and perhaps self-pity, anguish, crying, and hopelessness.
Symptoms of depression can range from mild ... Views: 1304
As we close out one year and ring in another, many people tend to get sentimental and reflect upon the ending of another year. What has your year been like? A year comprises:
• 365 days
• 8,760 hours
• 525,600 minutes
• 31,536,000 seconds
How is your year ending? One dictionary definition ... Views: 1075
Are you actually aware of what you are feeling right now? Would you know how to change that feeling? Would you know how to get rid of it? So many of us seem to resist and fight our feelings without really being aware of what the feeling actually is and when we stop fighting, we can actually ... Views: 1378
At Christmas time all my friends seemed happy, friendly and excited for the big day when Santa Claus would deliver presents to their house. My father was Jewish and my mother gentile which was why when I was growing up Christmas was more of a celebration of family getting together, eating, ... Views: 1696
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Life Vitamins - by Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach
Everybody needs a way to stay healthy in their life, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. In that vein, most of us know that a good way to help stay physically healthier is to take a vitamin every day.
But did you know that a great way to help you stay emotionally and ... Views: 1098
We’re coming down to the wire. How’s it feeling to you?
Why do I ask that? Well, whatever you’re celebrating, and whatever your religious orientation, Christmas is a celebration, a celebration that for many has a spiritual basis to it. That is, it’s supposed to be merry, at the least, and ... Views: 1177
When I was 39 I scheduled a doctor’s appointment to have a lump in my left breast checked. After a mammogram, the doctor said that there appeared to be a problem on my right side. Well, being the expert in all things at that time in my life, I told them there must be a mistake. I came in for ... Views: 1187
As human beings, we’re creatures of habit. No wonder making a major life change is so hard! But it can be done. Follow these steps to get your change in motion, one easy step at a time:
1. Identify the price of maintaining the status quo. Not making the change you know you need to make is ... Views: 17532
Every day there seems to be something new to learn, something new to tackle, something new that you have to do to keep up. If you don’t keep up, look out, because you may just get left behind! And then who knows what it will take to ever catch up again. It is absolutely exhausting. Not to ... Views: 1878
Are you moving towards or against what you want?
Every action you take supports something, some result.
The question is - are you taking the actions that supportthe results you would rather have in your life?
If not, are they supporting something opposite of what youwant or are they neutral? ... Views: 808
Understanding that painful emotional experiences are a result of belief systems that no longer serve us is one of the first steps in beginning to recreate one’s life.
Life provides many opportunities to, as Carl Jung would say, “make the subconscious conscious” – that is, to reveal to our ... Views: 691
I believe that everyone wants to feel happier -- sometimes
they just don't know where to begin. So here are ten
sure-fire ways to increase your happiness quotient - and
achieve your goals more easily than before!
1. Don't expect perfection from yourself or anyone else.
Don't forget this is ... Views: 623
I could hear the baby crying all the way outside. I walked into the house where my mother and sister, holding her screaming baby, were both tense, frustrated. My mother had a look of absolute exhaustion and total resignation on her face.
I took the baby, patted him, whispered to him, ... Views: 815
Partial Excerpt, Chapter 5
Being Radiant
Being radiant is being centered in your divine nature and truth at all times.
It is viewing yourself as a spiritual gift and as the creator of your life’s circumstances instead of viewing yourself as a victim of your life’s circumstances.
How you view ... Views: 1352
Last Sunday I was sitting in on a class we conduct for newcomers at our church. One of our pastors said, “If we don’t change, we aren’t growing, and if we aren’t growing, we are dying”. Isn’t that so true? If you want your life to remain status quo, then your best guarantee is to resist ... Views: 1103
Top 10 Reasons to Stop Facing Reality
By Sue Frederick, author of Dancing at Your Desk and BrilliantDay:7 Steps to Turn Your Day Around
“You need to face reality!” How often have you heard that? How often have you said that while talking yourself out of pursuing a dream career?
From now on, ... Views: 1350
The pursuit of happiness is one of the primary goals of all humans. This, along with life and liberty, was declared as an essential right in the US declaration of independence. Every religion and philosophy has offered its pathway to happiness. Happiness is a state of mind and there are many ... Views: 674
So much has been in the news recently about boards of directors, seemingly to be asleep at the wheel while major corporations crumbled. Most boards are designed to provide oversight and guidance to the direction of a business. Good or bad, boards of directors effect the direction of a ... Views: 1217
Drama occurs all around us. We don't think of ourselves asa drama queen or king. "isn't that a movie?" isn't that aneighbor, co-worker, friend, or in-law? For artists, dramacontributes to their creative production. There is a darkerside. One we don't want to admit to. At least not ... Views: 1227
It’s that time of year again and with Thanksgiving just around the corner, this is the perfect time to take inventory of our lives and the perfect time to focus on the amazing and magical effects of thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude.
If you want to be the magnetic force in your own ... Views: 1180
There's been a lot of talk about navels in our house lately. You see, my youngest daughter is asking to get hers pierced, and we are saying no--for now. So, naturally, I have been noticing navels more than usual.
The term "navel-gazing" means indulgent contemplation, and that's an interesting ... Views: 1090
Everyone has times when they could use some support or motivation from others. That means everyone is a candidate to receive encouragement from you.
Look for someone you know who has been disappointed or is going through a tough moment in life. Showing an interest can be very encouraging. It ... Views: 1227
The word “want” is arguably the most negative word in the English language.
What if someone told you that everything you thought you knew about how you must “increase your desire” in order to achieve your goals was 100% backwards and will lead you to untold pain and suffering instead of to the ... Views: 1326
Ever wonder why the good things in life seem to just slip out of your fingers when they do come your way?
This is why: Because there’s no dock for that “ship” you’ve been waiting on, and it just can’t stay around without a safe harbor.
We all want our ship to come in (pardon the analogy). ... Views: 1044
Those of you familiar with the Law of Attraction know how straightforward the deliberate creation process is: like attracts like, so get in vibrational harmony with what you want, and let it in. Seems simple. Yet virtually everyone who practices it runs into a few hiccups. Here are the top ... Views: 1420
You know it never ceases to amaze me when talking with people regarding living life to the fullest, how the majority of people perceive that it must happen.
When it comes to money, the majority believe that you must work longer, harder, or be luckier than the next person if you are to ever ... Views: 1284
Ask any of my kids and they’ll tell you immediately that you’ll find it in the dictionary between “sh—“ and “syphilis”. Wasn’t that absolutely cruel and unkind of me to instill in them a nearly total distain for the concept of “sympathy”? With so many individuals in the world suffering in so ... Views: 1215
Happiness From Within
By Elizabeth Savino
Are you happy? When asked this question, do you stop to ask yourself, “What is happiness anyway”? I wonder how many people even stop to clarify what happiness means to them or what can be done to improve the present level of happiness that exists in ... Views: 4089
As a student of success for many years, I’ve become familiar with the idea that we need to generate a passion for our goals, a burning desire to see them brought to fruition. Yet, as a student of spirituality, I’ve spent a lot of time embracing the idea that desire is the root of all suffering. ... Views: 2101
Sometimes a random word of kindness is all that’s necessary to transform someone’s entire existence, and it’s so little cost to us. There’s a wonderful story I heard several years ago. The teller, we’ll call him John, claimed that it was true. John had just come from a self-help seminar in which ... Views: 1213
In the waiting room in my clinic, there is a poster that says “Self Forgiveness is Essential for Healing”. A patient once asked me what it means and why I put it up there.
There are two main reasons why I put the poster up.
Firstly, I want my patients to realise that some physical illnesses ... Views: 1838
Everyone has times when they could use some support or motivation from others. That means everyone is a candidate to receive encouragement from you.
Look for someone you know who has been disappointed or is going through a tough moment in life. Showing an interest can be very encouraging. It ... Views: 1181
Halloween never has been my favorite holiday. As a kid, growing up on the farm, trick-or-treating meant getting in and out of the car (often on very cold nights) and wearing coats over our costumes. I certainly liked the candy, but it never made much sense to me.
As a father, I must admit I ... Views: 1054
”Good humor is tonic for the mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment."
--Grenville Kleiser
It's the grease that ... Views: 543
Nothing is working, what should I do? Have you ever had that unsettling thought? What happens when you wake up and nothing seems to be working in your life? There is no immediate crisis, but you feel “out-of-step.” Now, because you are a “doer”, you will begin to take a mental inventory of ... Views: 999
It was a warm, humid and somewhat overcast Saturday afternoon with just over an hour left to play in the day, as I sat watching from the side line as my eldest son Simon opened the batting for his cricket team. Simon has played cricket for just on fifteen years and for many of those years he was ... Views: 808
How good are you at managing your assets? Over the past few years, I have received a few invitations to attend seminars at high-class restaurants. Naturally, I have attend a few and enjoyed a nice meal and at the same time listened to expert financial managers teach me how to take care of my ... Views: 790
Rather than beat around the bush and try to lead into this in a semi-logical manner, I’ll get right to the point. The past is gone – vanished, disappeared in a cloud of dust and a hearty “Hi, Ho Silver!” It is history, not real, mental vapor, and gone, gone, gone!
“Yabutt” ... Views: 1123
Our nation became obsessed with self-esteem in the 1990s. Teachers in several school systems were told to discontinue using red ink when correcting students’ homework because it “hurt their self esteem”. Kids received trophies even if they came in last place, so that no one would feel left out. ... Views: 924
Can I ask you something personal? I won't breathe a word, I promise. Are you over 50? Are you in the high tech industry? Do you hate your job?
Well, maybe not exactly hate, but just a feeling that there must be something more and that time isn't as plentiful as it used to be. A feeling that ... Views: 723
Discovering Your Personal Success Footprint
Nina Ham, CPCC, LCSW
Are you tired of being told what success is and isn’t, or counseled how to get it, as though it’s a publicly held commodity? Even when it’s couched in glowing New Age language (“success is fulfilling your destiny…”), the ... Views: 1048
Our Present Reality – By Joseph Ghabi
How do you envision your life and dreams? Do you look at them with open or closed eyes? If you have your eyes open, that means you are not afraid to go after what you dream of. With closed eyes, it means that you are having some difficulties and are fearful ... Views: 649
Dealing with change.
“The only constant is change”. Change is something that affects us all in our lives some more serious and impacting than others. Moving house, changing jobs, redundancy, divorce, losing a loved one, death, they all affect us in different ways and our ability to cope ... Views: 1468
We all know what a rollercoaster is. The one moment youare up in the air and the next moment you plunge down tothe very bottom, just to hoisted right-up again.
Now the ups can be both exhillarating and scary. It's upto you to decide what you are going to make of it. Therollercoaster will not ... Views: 6285
Getting the right answer every time
Sooner or later it happens to us all - a big decision comes up and we don't know what to do. Whether it's deciding the fate of a relationship, choosing a work path or some other dilemma, sometimes we get stuck between choices.
That's when we often turn to ... Views: 919