Rituals are actions that are performed which “act out” thoughts produced from beliefs, myths or ideas.
Rituals are important because they provide us with opportunities to enhance our experiences as individuals and as a society. Rituals accomplish this by adding meaning to circumstances ... Views: 1603
Rituals are actions that are performed which “act out” thoughts produced from beliefs, myths or ideas.
Rituals are important because they provide us with opportunities to enhance our experiences as individuals and as a society. Rituals accomplish this by adding meaning to circumstances ... Views: 1603
Fast food exists because we look for short cuts. We even look for short cuts when it comes to success and happiness. So, short cuts to success and happiness have been packaged and repackaged, over and over again, creating a multi-billion dollar industry. Positive thinking is one of the best ... Views: 1549
You probably have a toolkit, or a junk drawer, that contains tools that you use to perform tasks such as cutting paper, tightening screws, gluing things together … Have you ever tried to cut paper without scissors? Tighten a screw with your finger nail? Get something to stick together ... Views: 1171
"If we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live." - Author Unknown
Have you ever been unable to sleep because you were thinking about something that was bothering you? Have you ever left your house, drove to ... Views: 7665
Stress is destructive to health and relationships. Stress is experienced when a person feels demands and expectations that exceed perceived available resources. Resources may relate to time, money, skill, tools, etc. The perception of the imbalance between the demands and resources and potential ... Views: 1418
Do you remember some of the things you believed when you were very young? Some of them were probably quite foolish. However, you may find that if you look closer at certain “foolish” childhood beliefs; you will find some insights for personal growth. I will explain.
Children are familiar with ... Views: 1416
The right tool gets the job done faster, better and with more satisfaction. It's that way for any undertaking; whether it is painting, plumbing, tightening screws ...
When you tackle something, if you're serious about doing a good job; you will use the right tools. But, do you always? What ... Views: 1161