There are many symptoms that sufferers experience when they are dealing with stress, too many to go into detail here. One symptom common among many sufferers is the continual replaying of events from the past. Today, let's look at a new stress relief technique I have created that will really ... Views: 2124
Everybody is going to have to deal with several quite demanding situations at certain times of their lives. There are going to be highs and lows throughout life and during the lows, knowing how to handle stress proficiently is key so you don't enter into traumatic periods of depression or ... Views: 2212
You hold a belief about yourself, about who and what you are as a unique person. I have this too, so does everybody. These beliefs are shaped by events that happen to you during the course of your life and it is the way you make sense of these events - how you assign meanings - that is so ... Views: 695
If you're caught up in a harrowing storm of stress, depression or anxiety, you may feel that the storm will never pass. Most sufferers of these problems feel like this at some point and it further deepens the torment, intensifying the storm, a storm with no end in sight.
I want to give an ... Views: 1035
With a busy working life and a busy home life, stress levels can soar during the regular week. Let's make the most of the weekend by including several great stress busters to help you relax and find peace of mind.
Another great way to relieve stress is to read a book. Great if the sun is ... Views: 1019
Are you like millions of other people who've endured the frustration of relationship breakdown? Perhaps you're disillusioned with love because relationship after relationship never lasts. Here are 5 reasons as to why many relationships breakdown to help you form lasting, happier unions. ... Views: 5828
It’s amazing but many guys unknowingly ruin their dating game because they do the same things other guys do and just end up frustrated and perplexed. Check out the following common dating mistakes so you can get rid of them and tighten up your dating game.
One of the biggest mistakes most guys ... Views: 1095
It is widely believed that antidepressant drugs are the best treatment for stress, depression and anxiety. After consulting with their health professional, many sufferers will be put on a course of antidepressants, but how effective are these drugs? Not very, in fact they cannot provide a ... Views: 1624
Managing stress successfully needn't involve powerful medications. You can drastically reduce stress levels naturally and here are five stress management steps you can take to quickly boost your mood levels.
If you're feeling under stress, here is a quick, easy technique you can use anywhere ... Views: 2570
It’s strange but for many people, the anti aging battle is just about looking younger. But the aging process doesn’t just affect your looks, it also affects your mind and your attitude to life. Entering a state of atrophy is a major factor in aging. Atrophy is the process of withering away and ... Views: 1373
If you’re enduring a harrowing episode of stress, depression or anxiety, then seeing light at the end of the tunnel can be difficult. You just want the torment to stop. Here are three steps you can take to start walking towards the light today:
1. With many changes in life, the first step is ... Views: 1316
Do you ever wonder why millions and millions of people live life in exactly the same way? Fear and a need for security are the driving forces at work here and this combination prevents most people from living their dreams. Terrified to take even the smallest of risks, they experience very little ... Views: 899
One of the ways stress, depression and anxiety affects sufferers is in the way they recall events from their lives. I call this “Selective Thinking” and in this article, you’ll discover how selective thinking fuels stress, depression and anxiety.
There are many days that we have lived in our ... Views: 1051
You have an enemy. It is a cruel enemy, full of cunning and without a care for you or your ambitions. It is relentless and it will never stop wreaking havoc with you by spoiling your dreams and plans for a better, happier life. It has one purpose: security. You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. ... Views: 821
For most people in our society, life will hold little more than a dutiful slog in the 9-5 rat race for forty years before retiring. Many will look back on their lives and wished they’d had an opportunity to have done something different. Some may have even had opportunities to do so but didn’t ... Views: 950
For many sufferers, depression brings on feelings of guilt and shame and because of these feelings, they will not seek help. But are these feelings valid? Lack of understanding – both in sufferers and non-sufferers – clouds the issue. So here’s how to end the stigma associated with depression, ... Views: 1138
It’s a powerful statement isn’t it? Because who on earth would ever give themselves permission to fail? But, and I say this without any fear of contradiction, most people I meet give themselves permission to fail time and time again.
The problem is that the permission is given without even ... Views: 1342
One of the most common flawed modes of behavior performed by every sufferer who enters into a harrowing episode of stress, depression or anxiety concerns the words they use to describe situations and events they are confronted with. In using powerful, emotive words, sufferers will trigger the ... Views: 5301
Recently, as I was surfing around the web, I found yet another website offering misguided, uninformed and irrelevant advice to people who are stressed, depressed or anxious. The site had the following advice for sufferers:
“Most people who become stressed, anxious or depressed do so because ... Views: 933
Picture the scene:
It’s the Monaco Grand Prix and the Ferrari of Michael Schumacher is in pole position. The warm-up lap has been completed and Schumacher revs the engine, waiting for the lights to flash in sequence: Ready. Set. GO!
The race begins. Schumacher uses his supreme skill to drive ... Views: 885
Recently, as I was surfing around the web, I found yet another website offering misguided, uninformed and irrelevant advice to people who are stressed, depressed or anxious. The site had the following advice for sufferers:
“Most people who become stressed, anxious or depressed do so because ... Views: 1340
For many people who suffer from depression, or stress or anxiety, the only way to find relief is by taking antidepressants. Sometimes they help, often they don’t. Here’s five far more effective but wholly natural ways you can use to help you lift the fog of a depressive episode. And unlike a ... Views: 1045
When an opportunity arises to change your life for the better, your fear will generate excuses to spoil it for you. Each excuse is a single piece in the loser’s jigsaw. The end picture is an unhappy picture of you. Here’s how you can build a happier one.
Let’s say you’ve seen someone you really ... Views: 1396
One of the hardest symptoms to deal with during a depressive episode is feeling disconnected from reality. This feeling causes sufferers to retreat further and further into their own world. They become isolated from their loved ones and friends and the loneliness deepens the depression.
Here’s ... Views: 3750
If you’re feeling like everything is getting on top of you, or you’re finding it difficult to cope or function, or you’re feeling down in the dumps, then try these 5 easy-to-do tips to relieve tension and stress and boost your spirits:
1. Take a relaxing bath. Add music, candles and a glass of ... Views: 784
Do you wish you could live your dream life? Here’s 5 top tips to help turn your dream into reality…
1. Invest in your dream. This will mean investing time to develop the necessary skills and investing money to develop skills - equipment, books, courses, seminars - to take you closer to your ... Views: 915
It's one of the saddest events I see and unfortunately, I
see it far too often. Fear, the most destructive of human
emotions, succeeds in totally ruining the dreams and
ambitions of millions and millions of people EVERY YEAR.
And the real sad part is that the people involved give in to their ... Views: 790
I receive many emails from concerned relatives, partners and friends who are trying to help a loved one suffering the torment of a stressful or depressive episode. Sometimes, it's easy to forget that people who love us are also affected by these illnesses and may find it difficult to understand ... Views: 1103
They’re the plagues of the modern world. Stress, depression
and anxiety are on the increase, year in, year out and they
show no signs of ending their relentless onslaught. In the
United States alone, over 40 million people are affected by
these illnesses annually, and for the majority of ... Views: 758
Have you ever started a new project full to the brim withenthusiasm only to have your enthusiasm and motivation waneas the months go by? When we're pursuing something of worthin our lives, enthusiasm and motivation are two veryimportant factors. They act as driving forces for us andkeep us on ... Views: 971
One of the biggest problems we can encounter when we consider making changes to our life is fear. Even though the changes we want to make will bring more happiness by considerably enhancing our lives, fear will still raise its head to try and stop us in our tracks.
Why does this happen?
It’s ... Views: 967
Stress. Depression. Anxiety. They’re powerful words that conjure up all kinds of images and prejudices in our minds. People who suffer from these illnesses find it hard to cope with life. They can feel deeply unhappy, they can find no joy in anything life has to offer, and of course, their ... Views: 969