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True Happiness : What Is It Really And Where Does It Come From? Can It Really Be Achieved? You’re About To Find Out.
So many in the world today are seeking True Happiness. I at this point in my journey have never heard anyone express a desire to be unhappy. Have you?
True happiness is such ... Views: 1389
Your life depends to a great extend on your life habits. Your daily life habits determine the quality of your life in terms of health and general well being.
Good life habits ensure your body’s ability to combat sickness and stay younger than your real age and feel good and happy. The way we ... Views: 587
“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”
-Langston Hughes.
Yesterday, I was strangely excited. The sky stayed dark all day and my battered wind chimes worked overtime. “Clang, clang….the weatherman wants to tell ... Views: 581
Everything in life that grows into it’s final potential begins as a small package called a seed. As small and as uninteresting as a seed may look in the hand of a farmer, it’s the key to a future harvest.
If you plant the seed of an apple tree it will not only give you apples when it matures, ... Views: 700
Whenever you’re in an uncomfortable or challenging situation, you have only 3 options:
1. Wait for the situation to change
2. Change the situation
3. Change your response to the situation
Let’s look at each:
1. Wait for the situation to change
Ask: Is the situation likely to change on its ... Views: 1320
No matter how enthusiastically we embrace theconcept of simplifying our lives, things have a way of getting complicated.
Perfect example: My family sold nearly everything and moved to Mazatlan, Mexico to explore living with less stuff and more fun. And it's been working beautifully. It's ... Views: 1020
The Secret of Sustainable Change
Change is hard. So difficult in fact, that scientists report the prospect of radical change can create a neurological reaction in the brain similar to those produced by torture. We fear change and yet we want it.
Initiating change is challenging enough, but ... Views: 653
“Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens.” -Frank Herbert.
A person expects it to some degree, whether they are aware of it or not. You squeeze through the aisle -- trying not to bonk anyone in the head with your carry-on –mumble words of appreciation to the flight ... Views: 656
Manifestation and The Law Of Attraction
Yes, you can have anything your heart desires through applying the universal law of attraction. However, the key is to really be in touch with your Higher Self in order for your true heart’s desire to manifest for you on a conscious level. If a desire ... Views: 655
The world you experience around you is the world YOU experience around you. It’s not my world, and neither is it your mother’s or father’s world (although to a certain degree it is, but more about that a little later).
You have your very own way of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and ... Views: 1273
What pops up in your mind when you think of the movie "The Terminator?" No doubt an image of Arnold Schwarzenegger pops up in your mind, and I would probably be on safe ground to bet that it wouldn’t take long before you remember the infamous words, “I’ll be back.” That single declaration has ... Views: 2170
“If I get to pick what I want to do, then it's play...
if someone else tells me that I have to do it,
then it's work.”
Some folks are good at creating relationships, some at creating money. One thing I’ve always been able to do easily is create wonderful jobs for myself. Over the years, I’ve ... Views: 1506
As you get closer to fulfilling your dreams, don’t be surprised if doubt and fear surface. The number one way we sabotage our dreams is by saying things like, “But, what if?” and imagining the worst. But, what if I . . . fail, succeed, say or do the wrong thing, don’t make enough money?
With ... Views: 1332
Time. I’m talking about Time! Where’d it go? Not just yesterday, or the week before, but last year – and the one before that – and the one before that…
Wow! It seems like not all that long ago I was running through the alfalfa field on our central Nebraska farm chasing grasshoppers and ... Views: 1116
There are many people who like to listen to music while they work and I am certainly one of them. I find it helps me focus more on the task at hand. Of course I am sure there also people who listen to music because it helps them to NOT focus on their job.
Whilst there may be many reasons for ... Views: 775
Have you ever watched children walk along a curb, or along the railway ties lining the local playground? They walk with their arms straight out, placing one foot in front of the other, as they teeter from side-to-side. They have to stay focused in order to keep their balance. As adults, we ... Views: 951
There has never been a more opportune time to follow yourheart and realize your dreams. However getting to the pot ofgold is not always easy. It takes dedication, commitment andthe willingness to do whatever it takes.
So how do you go on when the going gets tough. When you havedug and toiled, ... Views: 1101
When the Israelites heard that God was going to take themto the promised land they were excited as I'm sure you wouldbe too. The road to the promised land however turned out notto be, what they expected. They expected to be taken therespeedily and in comfort, but instead the road took ... Views: 1064
In the deep south, spring begins to show off during the month of March. She pushes Old Man Winter aside so her warmth can nurture the tiny buds that appear on the trees and plants. The birds sing loudly and the world seems alive again. Browns and grays are replaced by a rainbow of color. ... Views: 635
In an attempt to simplify some of the self-help (or self improvement, personal growth, whatever you want to call it…) concepts that I – and a whole gob of other people and organizations – have been bombarding you with, here are five basic principles that have worked well for me.
1. Learn to ... Views: 1160
In days gone by it was common to keep a diary or personal journal. Today few people do it and fewer recognize the astonishing power of keeping a daily journal. If you can read and write, you have access to the most amazing source of personal power and absolute magic!
When I first suggest ... Views: 2067
I speak a lot about resiliency, a key component in a happy, successful and thriving life. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from adversity with more passion and knowledge than you had before the bad times. Bad times are inevitable. They are the price of admission to the game called life. ... Views: 4602
When people ask me about my business, I tell them I’m in the learning business – that we help organizations, teams and individuals reach their potential through learning. This is a fine statement and it does describe the breadth of what we do, but it often leads to the follow-up question like . ... Views: 1452
Love is a consuming passion for our own happiness. It is a choice we make to be excited, safe, secure. Love and joy are available when we decide we are important. To decide means to conclude. Not based on any proof or accomplishment and not waiting for some magical moment when someone gives ... Views: 5975
Lets face it, we all have dreams. And we all want to knowhow to manifest dreams.
We had dreams since we were young and since that time wewanted to know how to manifest dreams. We lived our dreamsin our imagination. We were brimming with confidence andwere sure that one day we would manifest our ... Views: 979
So you want to know how to manifest reality, right?Actually you're already doing it. You're creating realityevery second of every minute of every hour of every day.But I suspect you don't like what you are creating.
And you know why? Its because you're creating by default.What do I mean by ... Views: 1047
What does it mean to manifest a desire? Lets look at thewords manifest and desire. Manifest means to offer proof,attest to or to display clearly.
So when we say manifest a desire, we say to display yourdesire as having been fulfilled or to offer proof ofsomething.
For example if your desire is ... Views: 1031
What is it that makes one man go where others don't daretread? And that keeps him going even when the odds seem soinsurmountable? When others around him expect the worst, andobstacle upon obstacle, cause him to wonder if perhaps, justperhaps, everybody might be right and he may be crazy?
That ... Views: 1193
What triggers stress for you?
Most people think they know exactly what pushes their buttons, but they're going for the low-hanging fruit. It's the stuff that's hanging in the hard-to-reach branches that tends to multiply our feelings of frustration, exhaustion and disconnection.
One ... Views: 1093
I first heard the term “spiritual suicide” used by motivational speaker, Les Brown. What is spiritual suicide and how do you know if you’re committing it? It is the killing of that part of oneself that is associated with the feelings and the mind as well as the killing of real meaning or ... Views: 9128
With the amount of excellent material available in books, courses and on the internet these days, it's unlikely that you are short of ideas about how to improve your life.
But how many great ideas have you read and then forgotten? Probably a fair few, even most of them, if you're honest with ... Views: 1134
Life Coach Advice
As we rush through our busy days accomplishing our tasks– work, kids, shopping, cleaning, and eating on the go, we often complain that we don’t feel good. It is important that we take an active conscious roll in how we feel. By just slowing down and taking a few seconds for ... Views: 2065
Responsibility. Webster defines being responsible as: 1 a : liable to be called on to answer b (1) : liable to be called to account as the primary cause, motive, or agent (2) : being the cause
I rather like that when I think of what MY role is in YOUR life. First off, you are calling on me to ... Views: 1479
Uncover the Blocks; Build the Bridges to a Future That Fits
Most of us have at least one area in our lives that could use tweaking or improving.
We tend to be ‘repeat offenders’ with the same basic issues showing up but disguised as different circumstances and relationships.
We don’t ... Views: 1149
I am amazed by the number of people that I hear from who apologize for only being able to volunteer one or two hours a week. Some of them don't feel like the time they have to contribute can make a difference. Some even avoid volunteering because they consider their potential contribution a ... Views: 1290
Can finding a stray rubber band flood a person's heart with warmth and joy? Yes! Especially if you are participating in a rubber band collection contest with childhood friends. Long ago, a friend challenged me to compete in such an event. I said yes and vowed to win. I frequently rode on my bike ... Views: 748
Or should I say “Well Balanced Moms Are More Fun”? Let me ask you… When was the last time you had lunch with some girl friends, or went on a girl’s night out? When was the last time you went on a romantic weekend getaway with your spouse? If you can’t remember, we definitely have to talk.
It’s ... Views: 1031
Continued from Part 1: The 9 ways we create unconsciously:
6. Momentum from the recent past in this life
Manifesting, from the time we think or feel a powerful thought to the time we experience our creation, can take a while. Sometimes, even though we have changed our thoughts and beliefs ... Views: 1885
When an opportunity arises to change your life for the better, your fear will generate excuses to spoil it for you. Each excuse is a single piece in the loser’s jigsaw. The end picture is an unhappy picture of you. Here’s how you can build a happier one.
Let’s say you’ve seen someone you really ... Views: 1396
OK, so it wasn’t quite that big of a deal. But I did find the “T” that mysteriously escaped from the word “not” in one of my articles a few months ago. Yep, I found it all right. Right at the end of what was intended to be the word “though”. Of course, that misplacement resulted in a stupid ... Views: 1105
Every day is a gift, but some sure don’t seem like it, do they?
I often suggest to my clients that they use this higher goal to help them achieve a happier life: “Wake Up In A Good Mood”.
Now in order to achieve that, you’ll have to get personal. My waking up in a good mood will be ... Views: 1096
The following article describes ten salient points that could harness and improve human relationships
1. Putting Yourself into others shoe
Most of the time we get agitated and annoyed when people react in an unprofessional /abrupt manner. At this juncture, if we could pause for a while and ... Views: 760
“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is
not possible to find it elsewhere.” Agnes Repplier
Like computer programs, we can be misconfigured and need to re-program our subconscious minds.
Happiness is a subjective state, a temporary one by necessity. We can't know we are ... Views: 1242
A Thankful Heart Is the Way to Happiness
Why do people go through life looking for happiness? Dogs and cats look for food and comfort, but they certainly don't go to all the trouble that people do in their continual search for happiness. I suppose the reason is that we are the only ones who ... Views: 1248
One evening last summer, as the temperatures soared in Arizona, I noticed that my plants were suffering. Wilted, laying over in frustration, drained from a day of work in the hot sun they were very unhappy and stressed plants.
Of course I went out immediately, gave them a cool shower, and ... Views: 1161
Myrna, 38 and a successful physician, sought my help because she often felt inadequate. While she really valued herself as a doctor, she did not value herself in her important relationships with friends and family. In addition, she said she wanted to be in a loving relationship but she took no ... Views: 3339
The Constitution of the United States affirms that each person is endowed with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This is true for everyone on the planet, not just people residing in the US; although in this country, you are provided with the freedoms necessary ... Views: 1096
A funny thing happened on the way to writing an article about Gratitude. I changed my consciousness.
For quite a while, I’ve been attaching "I am grateful for"in front of all of my affirmations. I had heard, and accepted, the words of others who spoke about the importance of gratitude. But ... Views: 734