Are we the blaming kind? Do we find some kind of satisfaction in putting the responsibility and therefore the blame “out there”? Do we tend to say, its Obama’s fault we’re in this mess? Or I just can’t get the work done in this heat, or as Flip Wilson used to say, “The devil made me do it.” Or ... Views: 1156
1. The grass is not always greener over there.
There is a gift or opportunity right where I am if I will only take the time to think and reflect. After all if I’m thinking about their grass, I’m missing my own. My energy is better spent just being grateful I have grass.
2. Bigger is not ... Views: 1457
What if you were built like a computer where you could run at full speed, operating multiple programs and all at once? If you’re like me, you attempt to do just this and then get frustrated, if you (or the computer) don’t change as quickly from one program as you deem necessary…what’s wrong with ... Views: 1798
How are you at bouncing back? Is it easier than it used to be? Harder? Seems like everyone and everything is bouncing back from something; unemployment, poor business, faith in America, the economy, the market, the banks, or real estate.
Many marriages and relationships have fallen apart, ... Views: 1243
Where do you place your trust when you take a leap of faith?
I was driving today and a song came on the radio about a boy who could fly because he didn’t know he couldn’t. It went something like this:
Spread your arms
Hold your breath
And remember to trust your cape.
What is it you ... Views: 1165
Today's workforce is experiencing a tremendous crisis of morale. This is not only effecting individual success, but corporate finances across America. We can't wait for the government to do it for us. Each of us is responsible not only for the actions we take but the way we think and believe.
... Views: 1272
Have you said this to yourself: I have a great product so I need to get busy with the marketing; without fully doing market research or product research, or creating a business plan first? I call this putting the cart before the donkey. Can a cart actually pull a donkey? A donkey can ride in a ... Views: 1687
I’m sure most of you are familiar with 360 degree feedback. Most large companies administer these through their Human Resources to see how well an employee is living up to the objectives of the company and their individual department. It definitely plays an important role in personal and career ... Views: 1591
Many Spiritual teachings say that the universe arranges for all the people in our life – from our most casual acquaintances to our dearest friends, from our closest family members to the stranger who walks his dog past our house; share negative traits similar to our own.
Here’s what happens: ... Views: 1353
Living the Life You Love
“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same.” ~ Carlos Casteneda
I ‘woke up’ one day and realized life is what you make it, not what is ‘dished out’ to you. Me – personally – I am responsible for my happiness. ... Views: 1448