He is… she is…, they are… Go ahead. Complete the sentence. Fill in the blank. About anyone you know. What words would you use? Mean, grouchy, controlling, sneaky, nosey, conniving, kind, caring, funny, loving, giving, sexy…?
It’s not difficult to do, is it? We can think about anyone we ... Views: 1232
I went to lunch with my number one daughter (chronologically speaking from a reference of arrival time on earth) not too long ago. We went to one of those neat little mom and pop restaurants to grab a burger and listen to some tunes provided by a local vocalist. And yes, it is great to live in ... Views: 1041
A new employee was working the grill at a fast-food restaurant. He had only been on the job a couple of days and of course, was still learning how to prepare the various sandwiches on the menu. He was a good worker and extremely conscientious. He was a good addition to the crew.
As the ... Views: 1055
We all have ‘em, don’t we? Thoughts and opinions on our government, climate warming, drug companies, religion, the latest fashions, the best TV programs, diets, raising children, hair styles, house colors and whether or not the gal in the next cube is sleeping with the boss. When you get right ... Views: 1149
First the good news. There’s a really, really good chance that we all can do things – make a few changes in our thinking and in our lives – to help us become a happier person. The realistic side of this though, is that some of us probably have the ability and even the opportunity, to be ... Views: 1153
I remember one of the things Mom used to say when someone had done something that didn’t completely make sense to her was “I’m not sure he (or she) even knows which way is up!”
Well Mom, guess what? Ain’t nobody knows which way is up! Yeah, yeah, I know. Most ... Views: 1124
No, no, I’m not referring to you. I personally don’t feel that anyone on this planet is an “idiot” – although it seems there may be a few of us cruising through life a few French fries short of a Happy Meal. But that’s the way life is. We can only play the ... Views: 1053
As I begin my transition into the second half-century of my life, there are some things that… huh? Whaddya mean, I shouldn’t lie about stuff like that? Yeah, I know I’m supposed to tell the truth in these articles but that doesn’t mean I can’t fudge just a little once in a while, does it? Not ... Views: 1230
I frequently like to think about where I am in my life and the things I’ve done – and the things I would still like to accomplish in whatever time I have left here on this old planet. A few mornings ago (I like to do this kind of thing in the morning with a big, hot cup of coffee) ... Views: 1068
As I peruse various articles from the “self-help experts”, I am amazed at how often I run into the admonition to stop wasting time. Create a daily “To Do” list, prioritize, and do, do, do. Get stuff done. Don’t get sidetracked. Remember your goals. Try to keep on schedule. Go, go, go! ... Views: 1216
OK, maybe that’s a bit of an overgeneralization but it applies most of the time. Basically, what I am saying is that we are what we are because that’s what we’ve decided to be. We live where we live, do what we do and think what we think because that’s we’ve decided to do. Yes, I understand ... Views: 1143
There are probably at least 17 gazillion reasons why folks get into arguments. Unfortunately none of them are very valid.
Here’s what I mean.
Let’s take a look at the base word first. My super-duper dictionary defines “argue” as: “To present reasons for or against a thing”. OK, so the ... Views: 1423
We humans are so silly – and on top of that we’re fun to watch! Here’s one thing that immediately comes to mind. For some strange reason, when we’re running behind schedule we have a tendency to try to “make up time” by moving faster – or even driving faster. Well, it only makes sense you say? ... Views: 1073
I don’t know what else you’d call it. “Sneaky” is the only word I can think of that best describes the actions of the frequently devious little part of our mind that is commonly referred to as our “subconscious”. “Sneaky”. Just plain, out and out sneaky.
Oh, that’s not to say that our ... Views: 1204
For those of you who have been living in a cave for most of your lives, you can translate the “torqued” in the title of this article to “mad” or “angry”. For today’s discussion of anger, let’s quantify the intensity of our focus with the words “downright, PO’d!” I think that’s quite clear. ... Views: 1221
Time. I’m talking about Time! Where’d it go? Not just yesterday, or the week before, but last year – and the one before that – and the one before that…
Wow! It seems like not all that long ago I was running through the alfalfa field on our central Nebraska farm chasing grasshoppers and ... Views: 1116
In an attempt to simplify some of the self-help (or self improvement, personal growth, whatever you want to call it…) concepts that I – and a whole gob of other people and organizations – have been bombarding you with, here are five basic principles that have worked well for me.
1. Learn to ... Views: 1160
OK, so it wasn’t quite that big of a deal. But I did find the “T” that mysteriously escaped from the word “not” in one of my articles a few months ago. Yep, I found it all right. Right at the end of what was intended to be the word “though”. Of course, that misplacement resulted in a stupid ... Views: 1105
Really. Not a great big skull-splitting headache. Just one of those little low-pressure guys. And I know why. It’s because I’ve been thinking too much. I really need to try to cut back on that.
Actually, my headache is not the result of just thinking – it’s due more to what I’ve been ... Views: 1239
Ask any of my kids and they’ll tell you immediately that you’ll find it in the dictionary between “sh—“ and “syphilis”. Wasn’t that absolutely cruel and unkind of me to instill in them a nearly total distain for the concept of “sympathy”? With so many individuals in the world suffering in so ... Views: 1215
Rather than beat around the bush and try to lead into this in a semi-logical manner, I’ll get right to the point. The past is gone – vanished, disappeared in a cloud of dust and a hearty “Hi, Ho Silver!” It is history, not real, mental vapor, and gone, gone, gone!
“Yabutt” ... Views: 1123
That’s it! I’ve had it! Here I am bustin’ my hump and all I get is busted in the chops! Enough awready! I’m sick and tired of trying to get anything to go my way. From now on, I’m just going to get up, do my thing and whatever happens – happens! To hell with it!
Yep, it does happen, ... Views: 1143
I remember when I was just a little guy probably about 4 or 5 years old, I was fascinated by snakes. Not any particular type of snake – just snakes in general. I remember being really curious about how they could move around so easily without any legs or feet. I remember liking the colors on ... Views: 1171
With the probable exception of some basic instincts – or motivation toward self-preservation – we’ve just flat learned to be afraid of about all the rest of the stuff we’re afraid of. I know, the word “about” is a cop-out but I’m using it because I’m not really sure where this next mega-fear ... Views: 1377
Life can be downright scary - sometimes more than others. Probably all of us are wandering through life afraid of something – maybe a situation, an event or other people. Because we’re individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences, our fears vary from person to person. Some people ... Views: 1336
That would be me! From what I can see, I’m just beginning the second year of a minimum four year sentence as a Village Idiot. I say minimum because the sentence may be extended at any time and without advance notice – written or verbal.
Actually, I’m not treading on unfamiliar turf. I ... Views: 1211
OK, maybe not but I’m a lot like him in many respects. Yeah and the same goes for my Grandma and my Mom and Dad, too! I’m a lot like all of ‘em. Naturally, genetics does play a substantial role in all of this but I’m talking about all of the other stuff that goes deeper than that. Like my ... Views: 939
It’s confusing isn’t it? Anyone who has been traveling the road toward their own personal self improvement or spiritual enlightenment can quickly attest to the fact that it’s not a particularly easy journey. We quickly find that our projected well-defined path is suddenly obscured by the glare ... Views: 1163
Those five words are from a song that I remember hearing a long time ago. It may even be the song’s title. I dunno. For those of you who don’t speak casual English, the word “teejus” can be translated to “tedious”. Somehow it just doesn’t have the same impact though. I think I’ll just stick ... Views: 1363
Don’t let anyone kid you. The road to self improvement and personal growth is not a short, straight, well-marked, paved highway. Looking back on my journey, I see a road meandering over hills and through valleys, around sharp curves and over muddy trails, with occasional boulders blocking my ... Views: 1254
Well, dang! From what I’ve heard and read, it looks like we’ve reached an all-time world-class new record in the amount of personal debt on the books. Now it’s probably not quite as bad as we’ve been led to believe, however many of us have managed to tromp further than we should have into the ... Views: 1357
1. Trust no one. Not your superiors and not your employees. Especially not your employees. They’re probably out to get you anyway.
2. Believe that all of your people are lazy, good-for-nothing slackers. Remind them of that frequently.
3. Get mad and shout a lot. This will reinforce to ... Views: 1459
Well I’ll tell you what it’s not. Even though many of us like to periodically visit our own personal Fantasyland complete with its mansions, servants, fancy cars and trips to exotic places (check under the heading of “What I Would Do if I Won the Lottery”) most of us over the age of twelve with ... Views: 1301
What a great time of year! It’s a time to be thankful for what we have and enjoy all the festivities that mark a renewal of our hope and faith in the “system” that will carry us toward a bright new year.
Right… So if this is such a wonderful season, how come so many of us wind up in ... Views: 1202
Never used ‘em. Not likely to start now.
OK, so I just lied a little bit. (Is that anything like being a little bit pregnant?) I really didn’t mean to. (Hmmm, that comment could be applicable to the pregnant thing too but actually I was referring to my lying.)
I guess the one positive ... Views: 1284
1. Learn About You
If you don’t know who you are and why you think and act the way you do, it’s gonna be really difficult to make any positive changes in your life. Take a look first at your parents and close family members. Think about how they look and how they deal with life. This is ... Views: 1271
Hack, hack, cough, gasp, wheeze, snort… where’s the tissue? Wheeze, snork, gasp…
I really hate to be the bearer of sad tidings however, guess what season is just around the corner? Correctamundo! ‘Tis almost that time of year to welcome our frequent visitors, Carol Cold and Freddy Flu. ... Views: 1344
To paraphrase a saying my mother liked to use occasionally, “The whole world is goofy – except you and me. And sometimes I’m not too sure about you!”
Rest assured that no matter who we are or what we do, there is at least a handful of people somewhere in this world who are convinced that ... Views: 1308
We hear a lot about the steps we should take to achieve our goals, however unless we take the first steps to realistically consider who and what we are right now – our capabilities and interests – and think logically about what we’d like to accomplish, our chances of achieving our “goal” are ... Views: 1410
“Nope, this just ain’t good!” How many times in our lives have we had those or similar words bouncing around inside our skulls? Yeah, I’ve lost count, too!
There are usually only a few reasons these annoying words show up. Occasionally, it’ll be when we just run smack-dab into an “Oh ... Views: 1241
Mirrors, mirrors all around
Why don’t I hear the joyful sound
Of myself clapping as I stroll by?
Is it you or is it I?
Aarghhh! My sincere apologies to the real poets of the world! The things I do to amuse myself…
Mirrors lie. All those pieces of glass with the reflective coating on ... Views: 1946
OK – so there are lots of “G” words, however for today we’ll focus on one particular word that has created (I would have used the word “wreaked”, but I personally think it’s a silly word that always seems to have an umbilical connection to the word “havoc”) a bunch of havoc and confusion in our ... Views: 1277
…you are, he is, she is, they are… But you knew that already, didn’t you? Or have you really stopped to think about it recently – or ever for that matter?
I guess we need a little clarification on this. So…do this. Touch yourself. That’s right, go ahead and touch yourself. ... Views: 1340
At this point in my education at the University of Earth, I’m pretty well convinced that our ability to experience and enjoy life hinges on the type of mental programming that we’ve each managed to accomplish over the past several years. The kinds of information that we’ve crammed into our ... Views: 1233
I’ll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I’m not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you that we really exist on some obscure planet in a distant spiral galaxy and that all of this we’re experiencing as “Life” is only a dream. ... Views: 1282
“I can’t believe she did that!” “What the hell is he thinking?” “Any idiot would have better sense than that!” “Are they all taking dumb pills?” “What’s the matter with these people?” “Why am I working with a bunch of morons?” “He doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose!”
Do any of ... Views: 1457
Yuck! It’s all yuck! The sky is falling, the earth is splitting apart, a giant asteroid is headed our way and we’re all going to hell!
Don’t believe me? Just check today’s headlines or catch the six o’clock news. We’re slogging our way through the cesspool of existence. We’re all just ... Views: 1306
To a society and civilization that has grown accustomed to having, pursuing and often worshipping the material things in life such as money, houses, cars and physical appearance, it’s not easy to think about dropping any of these from our list of priorities. Many of us have been programmed to ... Views: 1340
…busy, busy, busy, busy, busy…busy, busy, bus… OK, slap me with a wet diaper! Enough of that silliness. Most you know what I’m talking about though, right? That’s us! Busy. Doing what? Stuff. What kinds of stuff? All kinds of stuff. Like what? You name it. Give me an example. Can’t. ... Views: 1403
Our lives are overflowing with negative information from the newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Nations are at war, thousands are dying of starvation and hundreds are killed by natural disasters. There is no avoiding or ignoring the facts. We even receive negativity from our own ... Views: 1375