Are you a fish that needs a bigger tank?
There is a Japanese fish whose growth depends on the size of its fish tank. When the capacity of the tank is 250 gallons…it grows as big as the tank it’s in. When the capacity is increased to 500 gallons…it stretches to fill the tanks capacity.
If you ... Views: 1545
One cannot consent to creep when one has an impulse to soar.
—Helen Keller
Imagine this scenario:
You wake up in the morning…
Geez! You feel weak!
Your heart sinks at the thought of facing the day. You are alive but feel like you don’t exist—you feel numb. ... Views: 1462
1. You have a mission to accomplish!
You are not here on earth merely to exist. You have a purpose, something special to offer the world and people are waiting for you to manifest this gift and bless their lives. The importance and urgency of your dream, calling, idea or goal prompts you to ... Views: 1380
How do you handle the pressure?
In March 2007, I left work at about five o’clock eager to get home, turn on the television, make my favorite brand of hot Chai, relax and just enjoy my life.
It was a pretty normal afternoon or so I thought!
After many years of driving my 13 year old car, ... Views: 1419
Have you ever “poured” your life or energy into something or someone…even after you knew deep down in your heart that it wasn’t worth it?
Were you successful? What were the returns?
A couple of years ago, I faced a tough and emotional situation. My beloved Volvo car, which I had owned for ... Views: 1467
Here is how to get your life, work or personal goals out of that rut...right now!
1. Clarify matters that remain unclear.
Are you stuck because you are in a mental fog? How can you possibly move forward with confidence if you don’t know where you are headed? What exactly are you doing and what ... Views: 1370
Here is why you haven’t made progress at work and in your life…
1. You are listening to the “voice” that’s screaming at the back of your head that you are an imposter or fraud! You therefore feel undeserving or unworthy of the "good stuff" ahead.
2. You are afraid of entering into new and ... Views: 1362
Perfection is an illusion. If you have to wait for the perfect time to begin working on your goals…you will wait a long time!
• What is your heart aching to do?
• What is the pending dream/goal you yearn to fulfill?
• Who is the man/woman you want to become?
What are you waiting for?
Are ... Views: 1390
1. Negative people or dream killers.
A negative person is anyone who creates doubt and fear in you and pours cold water on your dreams with the intention of bringing your plans to a grinding halt. They are people who have resigned themselves to living unfulfilled lives and whose negative ... Views: 1743
You say you want "stuff"...but do you have room in your life to receive it?
You want to be loved, to be at peace, have wonderful relationships, look and feel good, find a better job, be respected and recognized for your work, make more money, grow your business, advance your career and so ... Views: 1342
Are you a woman who’s living her life feeling worthless and invisible?
Are you battling feelings of low self-esteem and insignificance?
If you are, let’s get one thing straight…
You matter—you are significant. You are somebody!
Take a minute to let that sink ... Views: 5944
1. Be spontaneous.
Seize opportunities to do something interesting. For example; when a friend invites you for a drink or to the movies—don’t make excuses. Simply, say yes and go. Don’t turn down invitations to socialize when you know you have nothing better to do.
2. Visit a new place.
It’s ... Views: 8015
1. Have a clear goal.
To achieve anything, a woman must have a clear goal. You must know what you want to do with that brilliant idea. You must know what the end result of your idea will look like, so that you can take deliberate and focused actions to achieve that desired result. A clear goal ... Views: 1527
1. Be spontaneous
Seize opportunities to do something interesting. For example; when a friend invites you for a drink or to the movies—don’t make excuses. Simply, say yes and go. Don’t turn down invitations to socialize when you know you have nothing better to do.
2. Visit a new place
It’s a ... Views: 955
Whether you are working on a new project, starting a new relationship, starting a new job, taking on a new position, launching a new business, meeting a new client, going to college or giving your first speech; that initial euphoria of “wow, my life is finally taking a turn for the better!” can ... Views: 1015
1. Information gathering with no action
Granted, information gathering about the things you want to do is wonderful and highly recommended for success. However, when all you are interested in is gathering information, reading, researching, attending seminars, and listening to what everyone else ... Views: 953
Have you noticed that when you are fully committed to issues that affect your life or to an important cause, goal or even a relationship; you become bold, decisive, gutsy and unstoppable and are able to attract support and resources from people who have the answers or the help you need? It’s ... Views: 2501
Are you an immigrant woman who once had dreams and goals for a brighter future?
Have you lost your self esteem and the confidence in your ability to create the life you want?
Here is how to restore your self esteem and achieve your goal:
1. Be proud of who you are!
The fact that you have ... Views: 1276
Imagine this:
An assignment you have been waiting for has finally come along but for some reason you find yourself literally struggling to accomplish the task. You just can’t seem to be able to get the work done. You keep spinning your wheels and making no progress. You are stuck. Meanwhile, ... Views: 1003
There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream.
~Author Unknown~
Are you on the verge of giving up on your dream?
Are you just about to let all your hopes and dreams slip through your fingers?
Has the thought crossed your mind?
Are you despairing because ... Views: 1453
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life. Define yourself."
~Harvey Fierstein ~
Why do you allow people to talk to you like that?
Is there a sign on your forehead that gives people permission to talk to you in an ... Views: 16366
Are you a woman who wants to start a business? Are you afraid to venture out on your own?
1. Believe in yourself
Self belief is the point at which everything begins. Without it, it becomes difficult to succeed. To venture out on your own, you must have confidence in your ability to succeed. ... Views: 1080
You are not in charge when:
1. You need other people’s permission and affirmation before you can take action.
“Wow! That’s a wonderful idea you have. Why don’t you go ahead and do something about it?” These are the kind of words you desperately need to hear before you can take any form of ... Views: 1255
If you are sick and tired of the dreaming phase of things and are ready to take some action and get is what to do.
1. Believe in yourself.
It is a fact that you become like the person you think and believe you are, and you achieve only what you think and believe you can ... Views: 982
Are you working at a job where the boss has no interpersonal skills; micro-manages you and treats you like a child?
Do you work for a fault finding boss who yells and screams and talks to you in an arrogant and demeaning manner? Are you are tired of walking on eggshells at work because any ... Views: 1852
How many times have you come up with a brilliant idea only to find yourself paralyzed with inaction and wondering/regretting why you never pursued it?
How many times have you allowed those unfounded fears to stand in the way of your progress? How many times will you keep allowing inaction ... Views: 1269
Were you once a successful, professional woman who had a significant status level and received adequate remuneration for your work?
Have you re-located to a new country where the educational degree you worked so hard to achieve is neither recognized nor considered valid?
As a result, have ... Views: 1183
Do you get stressed out at the thought of going to work every morning?
Does the thought of spending eight or more hours at work each day get you all wound up and sweaty?
Do you constantly find yourself wishing that Monday morning were Friday evening?
Do you feel emotionally and mentally ... Views: 9761
The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life is on your shoulders. The sooner you realize this, the better!
The most important question to ask ... Views: 5080
1. Stop seeking approval from people.
You don’t need anyone’s permission to fulfill your dream. Trust yourself and give yourself permission to succeed. Having support from people whose opinion you value is a wonderful thing but it should not be the criterion for whether you begin acting on ... Views: 1148
Do you believe in yourself? Are you shaky about your capabilities? Do you constantly rely on affirmation from others about what you can or cannot do?
Sometimes people will ignite your passion for achievement by believing, championing and supporting you. But then a time comes in the journey of ... Views: 13173
Are you still hoping and waiting for someone somewhere to come to your rescue, wave a magic wand and instantaneously change your life for the better?
Are you praying that you will one day win the lottery and dramatically alter the financial quality of your life?
Are you sitting behind your ... Views: 1097
1. Get a life purpose statement.
A well thought out life purpose statement is a powerful way to boost your self-esteem. It will define whom you truly are, draw out your essence and affirm you. Each time you read your life purpose statement, you will be reminded about who you are, what you ... Views: 1272
Procrastination is a delay tactic that has the ability to choke your dreams and abort the plans and purposes you have for your life.
It has to be nipped in the bud. It should not be given a chance to put your life and your dreams on hold.
The following are 7 benefits of not procrastinating. Not ... Views: 5178
Starting a business or project is one thing, keeping it running successfully is another issue.
Do you recall the initial enthusiasm, drive and passion you had, when you were working on setting up your business or project?
You spent countless hours working on it, researching about it, making ... Views: 1133
Whether you are working on fulfilling a dream, launching into business, or selling a product or a service, there comes a moment when all the theory and knowledge you have gathered has to be practically applied and turned into reality.
This is the point where the rubber meets the road. The point ... Views: 1201
"What I do is prepare myself until I know I can do what I have to do."
Joe Namath
How prepared are you for that big break you are anxiously waiting for?
How prepared are you to begin the journey to achieve your dream?
What opportunities have you missed because you were not prepared?
Have your ... Views: 1553