We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Visit a bookseller and you can find any number of books telling you how to find your dream job (a “dream job” search on Amazon returns 513 results), from using the Internet to using the rules of dating. Clearly, there is a large number of people who do not have their dream job and want help ... Views: 763
How often do you take a good hard look at the different areas of your life? Do you periodically take an inventory of your surroundings? Your work environment, home environment, and relationships in your life truly impact how easily and productively you go through life. If your work space is ... Views: 965
By learning, understanding, and applying the Law of Attraction you can easily attain success in any area of your life.
Wealth, health, love and everything else are all profoundly influenced by this powerful universal law whether one is aware of it or not.
Therefore, why not become an expert ... Views: 523
Stop Chasing Success and Let Success Find You
Copyright 2006
One of the major problems that many business entrepreneurs have is that instead of following their own goals, ambitions and interests to gain success, they choose to chase after success by working to establish themselves in a hot ... Views: 952
Why is it typically easier to focus on our insecurities and flaws than to highlight our strengths and positive attributes? Do you feel uncomfortable tooting your horn every now and then? Why? It is far easier to compliment others than to turn the table on yourself. We all have natural abilities ... Views: 951
Each of us has many things to be grateful for in our lives. But sometimes we take them for granted or, even worse, we forget them in the midst of our crowded daily schedules. Working moms tell me that when they are really busy they find themselves focusing on what they don't have instead of ... Views: 818
Children naturally love to play. My son spends most of his waking hours just having fun.
Remember how that used to feel? Playing for the joy of it... for pure pleasure.
When you have so many demands on your time, it is easy to forget about finding joy in everyday life. It's easy to get too ... Views: 794
10 ways to get back into the Confidence Club
The word for confidence in Gaelic is muinín (pronounced muneen) and it is also the word for trust. The English dictionary definition of confidence is "firm trust", "a feeling of reliance or certainty". So self-confidence is really about trusting ... Views: 1286
You have an enemy. It is a cruel enemy, full of cunning and without a care for you or your ambitions. It is relentless and it will never stop wreaking havoc with you by spoiling your dreams and plans for a better, happier life. It has one purpose: security. You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. ... Views: 821
We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past. Thoughts become things. We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem is that we usually think more about things we don’t want, than about the things we want. It doesn’t matter if we want or don’t want ... Views: 875
I am a firm believer that there is no greater self-help or self-exploration tool than a journal. That’s right—a simple blank book and a pen can help you manifest millions of dollars. It can help you identify goals. It can ease emotional pain or grief. It can transport you back in time. The ... Views: 2012
We're talking emotional and mental habits, mostly. That's not to say the advice couldn't apply to, say, nasty habits like chewing tobacco or not washing your hands before you eat. However, I'm primarily talking about habitual negative patterns we engage in our hearts and minds, our personal, ... Views: 1419
Damn, I wish I could make a decision ... why can't I make up my mind? Sounds familiar to you? Then NOT reading this article could be the wrong decision!
We've all been there. A decision has to be made and we just can't get our head round it. Did I consider all the important facts? Shall I ... Views: 683
I am a self-help junkie, admittedly, and there was a tip I read from Brian Tracy in a course that I’m taking online. He asked me to catalog my fears – and then to imagine that I didn’t have this fear. The moment you are feeling anxious or nervous about something, he said, you can simply stop and ... Views: 560
“Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” --Henry James
When I think of summertime, I hear a lazy, engaging lyric taunt me with “…and the livin’s easy…” But then reality hits and I realize I needed to be ... Views: 606
I don’t know what else you’d call it. “Sneaky” is the only word I can think of that best describes the actions of the frequently devious little part of our mind that is commonly referred to as our “subconscious”. “Sneaky”. Just plain, out and out sneaky.
Oh, that’s not to say that our ... Views: 1204
One Way To Make Life Better is To Look Within.
I have yet to meet someone that wasn’t working on something about themselves. In the thousands of individuals I’ve worked with, met and connected with I have been able to recognize and connect with them because I see parts of myself in them. ... Views: 720
How many of you can remember when you were a kid and looked for that proverbial prize in the box of cereal? I can remember when I was about 8 years old, I asked my mom to buy me a certain cereal because it sponsored Flash Gordon. It’s possible that many of you younger readers don’t have a clue ... Views: 653
Nobody will question that the purpose of school is to educate us and to prepare us for a successful future. But why, then, don't schools teach us some of the most important skills and lessons of life?
Like what, you may ask?
1. The dangers of credit cards and other debt, for example.
Think ... Views: 1534
Ok. So you are out of work either by your choice or not. You’re scared. Most people do not have adequate savings to allow for a long period between jobs. Not having savings or a spouse/partner to support you financially through this period adds tremendous stress to your already stressful ... Views: 799
The Constitution of the United States affirms that each person is endowed with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In this three part series, we are exploring what these three rights mean for us. In the first part of the series, we discussed the difference ... Views: 914
For most people in our society, life will hold little more than a dutiful slog in the 9-5 rat race for forty years before retiring. Many will look back on their lives and wished they’d had an opportunity to have done something different. Some may have even had opportunities to do so but didn’t ... Views: 950
Although quite young, I can still remember my parents asking me, "What do you say?" as I was receiving something, be it a fruit, a gift, or a compliment. Of course, they were looking for the magical words "thank you", which many parents adamantly train their children to respond. Isn't it ... Views: 1107
In the last 12 years or so I have read hundreds of self-development books. Although I have never really counted, I would estimate the number at around 300-400 books. How am I able to read these, while most people struggle getting through even one book? Was I born with the natural ability to ... Views: 1185
An excerpt from "The Role of Your Life"Recent discussions have focused on the inside and stated that change occurs from the inside out. Many authors of self-help books have encouraged their readers to dig deeply inside themselves to accomplish change, but have failed to give them the necessary ... Views: 1575
Or more to the point, really about YOU!!! Who do you really think is going to look after you if you don’t? The systems? Let’s get as real as we can while still being part of this illusion. You are the only one that really can know yourself and to do what it takes for you to get where you are ... Views: 759
Have you thought “Why can’t I just be happy?” If so the answer may be staring you right in that mirror. We all have it within us to be happy, but often we get so caught up in everyday life that we neglect important parts of ourselves that bring us contentment and even joy.
Happiness begins ... Views: 11106
It's about Appreciation, not Achievement
Have you ever found yourself waiting for something “good” to happen so that you could be happy? “When I get that promotion, lose those ten pounds, fall in love, graduate from school, pay off my debt, have a baby, buy a house, accomplish that big goal, ... Views: 1318
Let’s Appreciate Ourselves
In my years as a college and professional baseball player I learned many things. One of the things I learned to do as well as almost anything else was beat myself up. I became a master, along with many of my teammates, at being hard on myself and “never being ... Views: 939
“I meant to do my work today – But a brown bird sang in the apple tree. And a butterfly flitted across the field, and all the leaves were calling me.”
--Richard le Gallienne
Remember that scene in “Big” when Tom Hanks -- the man who woke up one day to find that he was trapped in a boy’s ... Views: 536
I was watching the animated film Chicken Run with my daughter a couple of weeks back - if you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a rental, especially if you're into a send up of old concentration-camp-breakout movies.
Anyway, Ginger, leader of the fowl breakout plot, rallies her fellow ... Views: 1006
If you cannot love, you can’t live because love is the soul of life. Can you imagine of living without soul? Of course not!
What love really is?
Love is much more than the romantic feelings, physical attraction, or sexual desires between a man and woman. Love is the divine force within you ... Views: 824
It’s amazing how we beat ourselves up about who we wish to be. I was having a challenge recently about where I has heading to, where I was going and seeing a greater picture before me. I was being hounded by this vision because I felt I needed to aspire to it but it felt so far away. I kept ... Views: 512
What does happiness mean to you? There’s a lot of searching going on these days for the elusive emotion of “being happy” --where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it actually is.
But I’d like to share a little secret with you -- happiness is not for the lucky few who were born ... Views: 1176
It’s all about love. It may seem trite to say, but its true. Love is where it’s at.
What do you want to do in life? It goes easier with love in your heart. Want better relationships, or a better family life? Make sure love is in your heart. Trying to do a better job at work? Do it with love. ... Views: 627
At last, the closely-guarded, little-known habits of the highly mediocre are exposed! After years of unscientific research and observation, we reveal the powerful daily habits in this article. No longer will the highly mediocre have the corner on status quo. By developing these habits, we ... Views: 1591
Tea originated in China 5,000 years ago and the selection and brewing of tea has been refined to an art with health and spiritual aspects emerging as part of the process.
Experienced tea drinkers throughout the world generally follow established guidelines for infusion or brewing of tea and the ... Views: 601
So many of us walk around in a bubble living a life that could be so much more than what it is. Are you waiting for your night in shining armour? Are you waiting for some one to recognise your talents or did you possibly have a hard done by childhood which left you with thoughts that you are ... Views: 648
Picture this…everyday getting up to your alarm clock, begrudgingly rolling out of bed, grabbing a cup of coffee, showering, dressing, making that long commute to work, doing your job, coming home, going to bed, only to do it all over again the next day.
Waking up, excited to greet the day ... Views: 992
Having studied successful people in all walks of life -- in business, sport, the arts, science, politics, and other fields -- it seems clear to me that successful people share a very similar mindset.
In fact, this "success mindset" has 7 critical elements or keys that virtually propel such ... Views: 690
I just had an adventure! I walked on fire and didn't burn, not even a little! Just thinking about it makes me happy. I had forgotten the feeling you get when you try something you aren't sure you can do. The fear, the anticipation, the crazy relief and exhilaration of trying.
Often the older ... Views: 1040
“An optimist is the human personification of spring.”
-Susan J. Bissonette
Every day I wake up a little more giddy than the day before. Steaming cup of coffee in hand, I challenge my slippers to take on the dew and head out the door to see, literally, what’s new. I give a nod of acceptance ... Views: 617
On its face, judging from what we get in the media, it would seem our world is spiraling into the abyss. Putting aside that “doom and gloom” is a profit center for the media, there is reason for concern but also reason for hope.
That hope resides in each of us as individuals. Evil can only ... Views: 638
When I was a child my parents told me what was right and wrong, school had its rules and church had its sins. To be a good boy, all I needed to do was obey all the do’s and don’ts. If I did, I was led to believe I was following my conscience.
This view of conscience can carry into and through ... Views: 617
Picture the scene:
It’s the Monaco Grand Prix and the Ferrari of Michael Schumacher is in pole position. The warm-up lap has been completed and Schumacher revs the engine, waiting for the lights to flash in sequence: Ready. Set. GO!
The race begins. Schumacher uses his supreme skill to drive ... Views: 885
If you are asking the question how do I manifest, take note.Learning to manifest your desires is similar to learningto swim.
So how is swimming similar to manifesting?
Both manifesting and swimming requires total trust, i.e.letting go.
In the case of manifesting, trust that you shall ... Views: 1061
Most self care materials are related to how you manage your own needs when taking care of others, especially when other people are ill or incapacitated. Since there are so many resources out there already related to that angle, this article fleshes out the idea of self care in a couple of ... Views: 918
Nature is one of the greatest sources of happiness. In fact, humans had lived in the lap of nature for millions of years and their stay in modern cities is comparably very very short. Still now majority of them lives in close proximity to nature. In fact, human race is dependent upon nature ... Views: 1006
The simple pleasures are sometimes the sweetest.
Here are twelve affordable pleasures to help you slow down and taste the sweetness of the simple life.
1. Take a walk out in the world and pay attention to the signs that summer is on its way.
2. Go barefoot whenever possible.
3. Eat fresh ... Views: 1096
'Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.'
Abraham Lincoln
I'm happy. My Email software has developed a frustrating problem, it's been raining for days, the car has sprung a leak which will be very expensive to fix - and I'm still happy.
How can I tell? How can anyone ... Views: 804