Gracias… Danke… Merci… Thanks.
It’s not HOW you say it, but THAT you say it, that changes everything. Gratitude has the power to bind and to build… and if you’ve ever had someone actually thank you, you’ve felt its power.
“Thank you” isn’t just something that comes with “have a nice day” ... Views: 1647
Words are very powerful, not just for the conveyance of ideas, and communication, but as a way to manifest ideas into reality. They have an energy that can attract or repel people and events, causing you to gain, or lose, what you desire.
The words you choose is a major part of the action ... Views: 1558
Even the mightiest of oaks starts as the tiniest of acorns. Neither one is greater than the other; they're just merely different forms of the same thing. And yet, we often look around our lives and see things from only today's perspective. We look up at the oak, but down at the acorn. Sometimes ... Views: 1507
Hope is one of those things that shows up in the oddest places; at the oddest times. It can be found where you would imagine only despair to reign… and it can be missing from places where you think it would be in abundance.
Without it, lives are lost; dreams are destroyed. Fortunately, HOPE ... Views: 1805
Life finds its simplest form, however complex
Life can seem every complex at times. Pieces just don't seem to fit. People don't see eye-to-eye. Heck, sometimes we don't even see ourselves eye-to-eye. It's just that we get lost in the details all too often… and that's what's complex; not the ... Views: 1521
“There’s never enough time to do it right, but always time to do it over,” so the old saying goes.
Yet when it comes to doing something wrong, there’s more than just time and money at stake. “Wrong” comes with a much higher price tag than we might ... Views: 1316
Peace is not about winning a war. Nor is it about avoiding war. It's not about freeing the oppressed, nor ignoring the Oppressed's cries for help. Those things, while noble in effort, are not "Peace."
Peace is a frame of mind. It is a way of life. It has its own rules that must be actively ... Views: 1487
Tis the season of holiday cheer and, most noticeably, gifts-gifts-gifts. I think Christmas decorations started showing up in stores in September, didn’t they?
As the season becomes more and more about fourth quarter earnings and over-hyped consumerism, more and more people are seeing the ... Views: 1547
OK, so you bought your copy of The Secret, you watched it diligently and you started your visualization. Life is good. Then all of a sudden – bam! A downward spiral kicks in, everything goes wrong and you're right in the middle of a total mess. You're not sure what happened, but you ... Views: 1578
Everyone acknowledges the importance of that first step. Volumes of books are written on the subject. Empires are built upon them. But there is another moment, that is just as important; if not more so.
It’s that second step.
The second step not only defines our direction, but also the pace, ... Views: 1678
War and peace are on the minds of a lot of people these days. The thoughts of conflict creeps into our minds and infests our daily lives. Peace is interrupted. Yet peace is one of the top things that we strive for the most. So where is it?
To have peace you must be at peace; at peace within ... Views: 1015
"Mind your own business" has gotten a bad rap over the years. Most people use it to mean "butt out!" but really, if we spend more time minding our own business, just imagine how much further we can get in Life.
What is unfinished?
We need to ask ourselves, 'What one thing would I really ... Views: 1418
"Aha!", "Eureka!", "What-da-ya-know"... or just plain "hmmm." Whatever we call it, it’s that single, magical moment when things just make sense; when that block that seemed to confuse and confound us suddenly seems small and insignificant. There’s that sudden rush of excitement, filled with ... Views: 1007
In this world of go-go-go, we've lost the valuable time between our moments. It's easy to become overloaded, overwhelmed and overworked.
We don't really live in the moments, but rather in between... and if we don't take the time to pause, we'll never really take the time to live.
CATCH OUR ... Views: 938
Even the mightiest of oaks starts as the tiniest of acorns.
Neither one is greater than the other; they're just merely different forms of the same thing. And yet, we often look around our lives and see things from only today's perspective. We look up at the oak, but down at the acorn. ... Views: 911
Bliss is freeing, but it is never free. There is a lot we have to pay, and even more we have to give up, if we're ever truly going to achieve our bliss..
Give up Complacency
When we’re young, we only care about our passions. We have nothing to lose, so we constantly take risks. Yet as we get ... Views: 977
Life is full of lessons, and those lessons take time to "get." Sometimes we're so distracted by everything else that we don't get it for quite some time. It's not really a problem, as long as we understand that. Unfortunately, it often comes with a lack of patience too. We've become such a Now ... Views: 1122