Fast forward 20 years; your children might be 20, 25 or maybe even 35. It doesn't really matter how old they are. What matters is whether or not they will learn the important family values that you wish to impart. Now I understand that, as mothers, we don't have complete control over the ... Views: 854
When many of us think of self-care, we immediately think about all the things we should be doing for ourselves but aren't. We remind ourselves we should exercise or start eating healthy. We might even think about getting out to enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend. Some moms express a desire ... Views: 1436
The call came at 8:10 in the morning. "Mom, I forgot my baseball stuff in the car. Can you please bring it to me now?" My teenager had spent the night with his friend and inadvertently forgot to prepare himself for the baseball summer camp he was helping with in the morning. His baseball ... Views: 1044
Many moms have a hard time learning the essential art of saying no. It is such a struggle that Mary M. Byers has devoted an entire book, "How to Say No and Live to Tell About It", and has branded herself as "The No Queen". Sometime between the age of two, when no was our only vocabulary, and ... Views: 959
Is everything always what it seems? A daughter blames her mother for staying in an unhealthy marriage. A neighbor drinks too much and is ruining his health. This child is disrespectful because his mother doesn't discipline him. As human beings, we are quick to "judge" others and even ... Views: 856
Do you remember that phase in your child's life when all you heard was "I want to do it!"? You're in a hurry, and you want to help your child get dressed, but your two or three year old will have no part of that. You must wait for 15 minutes while she masters the socks and shoes. Your helpful ... Views: 2375
Over 20 years ago, my mother disowned me for a period of 10 years of my life. It wasn’t something I could ever imagine doing to one of my children, but it happened. It was one of the most painful times of my life. I was angry at her. I got married and gave birth to my first child and she ... Views: 1427
The holiday season is a time for giving. When most of us think of giving, we think of gifts. The mere thought of tackling that Christmas list can be daunting. Maybe there isn’t enough money to buy the gifts you’d like to give. Or perhaps you have a few of those “hard to buy for” people who ... Views: 1142
With each changing season, it’s a time to reflect on the past and make plans for the future. The seasons of the year can be compared to various cycles of our life. When I think of spring, it reminds me of new growth, opening up, and coming out into the world. Summer is time for sunshine and ... Views: 1489
When you reflect on your role as a mom, what objectives seem most important to you? Very few moms would disagree that it’s important to try and raise our children to be loving, happy and responsible adults. Although we all have different ideas on how we’re going to do that, there is a general ... Views: 2822
Have you ever been faced with trying to stay positive when others around you are negative? Negative people can be a challenge to be around. They will bring you down and drain your energy. A negative person can throw your best laid plans to be positive right out the window. Whether your child ... Views: 44568
I’m sure there have been times you struggled to make a decision or enter into a commitment because you weren’t sure you would make the right choice. Maybe you’ve gotten a feeling in the pit of your stomach that something was not right, but you ignored it. If deep in our core, we know what is ... Views: 1992
My teenager’s act of rebellion is listening to rap music. Personally, I cannot stand the music. The beat is okay on some songs, but the majority of the lyrics are horrible. Now, of course, this is my personal opinion, but I don’t think there is much positive to be gained from lyrics that are ... Views: 1288
Sometimes our loved ones hurt us. Dads can get physical or disappear from our lives. Moms can betray us with their anger and lack of support. A best friend can shock us by turning their backs on us. A spouse can be unfaithful and destroy our trust. Our children can take a destructive path ... Views: 1216
It was a typical evening in our home. Arguments from my teenager, opposition from my preschooler – family dynamics that were driving me crazy. I don’t remember quite what sent me over the edge. I do remember reaching my limit. We’ve all been there. However, this time, for me, was different. ... Views: 999
Have you ever really sat down and given thought to what values you want to teach in your family? If someone asked you, could you tell them the five most important values to you? How clear are your children about what the family values are? Your values speak to what is most important to you in ... Views: 3123
The other night I lay in bed watching Oprah’s 20th Anniversary DVD collection – a gift given to me by my best friend. Story after story of incredible people that have touched and changed the life of Oprah caused my tears of inspiration to flow. One particular person I really identified with – ... Views: 3261
Let’s face it. We live in a fast paced world. As moms, it is hard to keep up with everything on our plates. We have piles of laundry, piles of dishes, and piles of school papers. Along with the many errands we have to run, we also play chauffer for our children. It may be martial arts on ... Views: 1009
Have you ever watched children walk along a curb, or along the railway ties lining the local playground? They walk with their arms straight out, placing one foot in front of the other, as they teeter from side-to-side. They have to stay focused in order to keep their balance. As adults, we ... Views: 951
The most common complaint of mothers today is that they are tired. Being a mom is hard work. I love Dr. Phil. He always says, “Being a stay at home mom is like having two full time jobs.” Following that logic, moms who work from home actually have three full-time jobs. It’s exhausting just ... Views: 867
Are you tired of listening to your children bicker? Do you long for them to get along and love each other? Sibling rivalry can be exasperating, often interfering with our ability to enjoy our children. It may be helpful to know though that sibling rivalry has been going on forever. Some ... Views: 1194