I know that sometimes it may be hard to believe you really can follow your passions and purpose AND make money, touch lives, AND have all the peace and security you want.
I've said many times before that I can't think of many things better than being self-employed. But self-employment isn't ... Views: 889
They may be hard to see but if you're willing to look you'll see that even in bad times gifts abound!
Here they are in short form:
1. Gift of Choice: You have a choice, even in bad times...which road are you going to take? Your response to bad times is always YOUR choice. Will you see what's ... Views: 963
What can you do when the stuff that makes life crazy happens? As hard as it is not to get stressed out by unexpected events that demand your attention, getting stressed out only hurts one person: you.
In the midst of chaos how can you regain your composure and feel in control once again? How ... Views: 916
If you're one the lucky ones you get to wake up in the morning and head into your day feeling on top of the world because you're doing exactly what you want to be doing in your life.
You own your own business, run your own show, and you love every minute of it. Or do you?
No matter what size ... Views: 972
There's a word I've been using a lot this year - POWER-FILLED. I know it doesn't exist in today's dictionaries but it's a word I started using in connection to the choices I, my colleagues, and clients make on a regular basis that CONFIRM the life we have said we want to create.
To be FILLED ... Views: 1066
Caroline Myss recently wrote an article regarding the economy for her newsletter subscribers. I think her perspective on the state of our union is one of the best I've yet to hear. You can read it right here.
She talks about our economic situation as the Divine Chaos that takes place when we ... Views: 1031
1.What you "think" is ALWAYS anchored by a belief, value, or life experience that causes you to think like you do.
2.When words like "can't", "have to", "should", and "shouldn't" are present there's a strong belief being expressed.
3.How you view your possibilities is based on your ... Views: 1052
If you feel stretched, pulled and overwhelmed please don't pull out that gorgeous hair of yours! There is a way to handle LIFE and BUSINESS that puts you in a cool state of calm and definitely in control!
1. Make a list of ALL there is to do, including decisions you have to make. More than ... Views: 960
This isn't a new idea...but here are my observations: happy and successful people have really good habits! And since I'm all for following in the footsteps of those who have "been there, done that" I put together this short list of good habits happy and successful people have that are worth ... Views: 1249
Has anyone ever asked you what you want and you fumble for words and freeze? As a business owner, does the idea of someone asking you what you do leave you feeling queasy?
Is that because you can't clearly articulate what you want and/or what you really do?
If that's the case chances are you ... Views: 866
Attention gifted solopreneurs everywhere: even though you CAN come up with a million great ideas for your business doesn't mean you SHOULD.
I see it time and time again. Gifted solopreneurs everywhere trying to do this, that and the other thing only to be left lacking focus and clarity, feeling ... Views: 732
Wondering how to make a leap to self-employment? To be sure, it can feel like a big leap to most that have done it. And if you're sitting on the edge ready to make the leap it can feel daunting and you might even be tempted to retreat and NOT do it.
My husband and I are both self-employed ... Views: 928
One of my clients is a gifted author of children's books. Right now she has a lot on her plate but seems to be having a hard time getting any of it done.
As we talked on the phone it became clear that the task at hand, even though a little challenging, wasn't really what was behind her ... Views: 656
*I know some of you reading this article are not solopreneurs but that's O.K. Simply replace "turn your passions into profit" with anything else you want...new career, love, etc! It all works the same!
Get to Know Your Brilliant SELF Better!
The first and most important thing you must do to ... Views: 1015
There are very specific things you need to know and do to Turn Your Passions into Profit. Sometimes knowing what NOT to do is as helpful as knowing what to do. Take a look and see if you're making any of the mistakes that could cost you time, money, and energy.
Mistake #1:
Thinking You Know ... Views: 752
My daughter's 4th grade basketball team has a problem. Their problem isn't a lack of desire to win the game, or even a lack of talent. Actually, they're GUNG HO to do whatever it takes to score. So, what's the problem? When they get the ball they often find themselves in a big huddle with the ... Views: 759
Here's why I ask. I've coached many solo-preneurs over the years and I started to notice something, the solo-preneurs whose businesses took off like wildfire got very in touch with the essence of their business in three key areas: 1) who they are, 2) who their customers are, and 3) what they're ... Views: 767
Are you creating a purpose-filled business, or would you like to? Then without a doubt you've experienced days, nights and weeks when YOUR EMOTIONS seem to be running the show.
It's important to be present with your emotions as they arise. Why? Well, there's a big reason: the only power you ... Views: 702
Are you tired of starting the New Year with the same old goals as last year, goals that never seemed to manifest? This is the best week of the year to take a new approach to goal-setting and ask the question that will lead the way and open the door to a life filled with more purpose, freedom and ... Views: 716
The life you have today is in large part due to your daily habits. Those habits keep you on a path you either like or don't. As they say, success leaves clues. Over the years I've observed, interviewed and been associated with dozens of successful* people and they all have the following five ... Views: 747
Implementation is the key to making your dreams come true. It's what separates the sort of successful from the super successful.
However, a lot of people have trouble with implementation because they let self-sabotaging behaviors get in the way of their best intentions. Below is a list of ... Views: 1092
When you're forced to deal with your most difficult relationships what's your first impulse? Do you want to withdraw from the world? Fight? Eat? Give up? Sleep? Blame? Cower?
We all have a fight or flight response to stressful situations and difficult relationships are some of the most ... Views: 14609
Going through a major life change (transition) is tough. Sometimes the transition is of your choosing (quitting your job to start your own business, having a baby, moving to a new home), and other times it's not (the death of a loved one, getting laid off, divorce). Whether you choose the ... Views: 2711
The cornucopia that is your life is full. In fact, it has the potential to overflow with so much good fortune you would never again have to worry about having enough.
How do you get your cornucopia overflowing? Be grateful for what you have today.
Magic happens when you express your ... Views: 729
If you want to make things happen and get things done you've got to stay focused! But saying so and doing so are two very different things. The following nine tips will show you various ways to find and keep your focus, in the midst of it all!
1. Revisit Your Big Picture
Make sure the ... Views: 829
The Rolling Stones say it best, "you can't always get what you want, But if you try sometimes you might find, you get what you need". And I would add: and then some.
Last Friday my daughter experienced this lesson firsthand.
She had been saving for months for an iPod video. Mowing lawns, ... Views: 823
There is much written about goal setting, moving forward, making things happen and getting things done. As a coach & entrepreneur my entire business purpose is focused on helping people create the lives and businesses they most want from the ground up...which only happens if you move from where ... Views: 865
What can you do when the stuff that makes life crazy happens? As hard as it is not to get stressed out by unexpected events that demand your attention, getting stressed out only hurts one person: you.
In the midst of chaos how can you regain your composure and feel in control once again? How ... Views: 751
I used to sit and cry because I couldn't keep up with everything I was supposed to do as a wife, mother and working woman.
I would actually get so frustrated by my inability to "do it all" I would be unable to do anything at all. I would freeze, be unable to move, and then feel like a failure. ... Views: 783
Leading a fulfilling life - a life you love and feel great about - is a matter of knowing how to put the pieces of your life together in a way that empowers you.
Your best life starts with CLARITY.
You create a fulfilling life by creatively capitalizing on your talents, passions and values. ... Views: 779
Ever wonder what you need to know and do to live your best, most amazing life?
Some people make it look so easy. They’re happy most of the time, have interesting jobs that they love, plenty of money to do what they want and freedom for fun on a regular basis. If something “bad” happens they ... Views: 874
I told you! A very simple question but your answers to this question will give you clues into your personality, preferences and things you can surround yourself with on a regular basis to ensure you lead a happy, feel good life.
Take out a blank sheet of paper, write the question above at the ... Views: 911
Do you know your life’s purpose? Most people, at some point, wonder what theirs is. We search for meaning and hope that our lives carry special meaning. We sense, at a deep level, there is MORE to life. We can feel it.
Discovering your life’s purpose is more like putting together a big puzzle ... Views: 811
How do you end your year? Without much thought and barely a glance back? Or, do you bend down and kiss the ground you walk on because you made it through another year – just barely!
There's personal strength, refreshed energy and renewed focus to be gained from mindfully acknowledging and ... Views: 887
This time of year can be especially difficult if you’re someone who’s experienced a loss or find yourself separated from your loved ones.
During the holiday season there is so much pressure to put on a happy face and act as though all is well. But doing so can set you back and keep you stuck. ... Views: 830
Bette Midler has been quoted as saying, “Cherish forever what makes you unique, ‘cuz you’re really a yawn if it goes.”
Valuing what makes you unique is important because when you can feel your value, at a deep level from within yourself, you’ll finally understand how unlimited you truly are ... Views: 877
With the recent release of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. II, I was thrilled to receive my personal copies of the book.
As a contributing author of the book I was proud to be asked for my participation and thrilled my name wound up alongside many personal growth experts I personally ... Views: 834
You wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You snap at your friends and family. Stress fills your days and when your day is over, and you’re exhausted, you can’t sleep.
Nothing feels quite right. Your zest for life diminishes, and your desire to DO disappears.
You know you’re not depressed ... Views: 868
What does healing your past have to do with getting and keeping your life on track? Just think of the last time something just slightly bad happened to you and how it ruined your day. (Like getting a speeding ticket, or having an argument with your best friend.) How much energy and time did you ... Views: 3405
You have one, don't you? A dream? Of course you do. We all do. Whether your dream is big or small here’s some advice on Living Your Dream.
1. You can be sure it's a dream and not a fantasy if your dream involves serving others in some way.
2. You're never too old to start living your dream. ... Views: 742
In your mind, what does Living Well mean to you? Does it mean you have plenty of money to do whatever you want? Does it mean you get to spend your time as you wish? Does living well conjure up the image of beautiful cars and homes and luxurious vacations?
As they say, if you can dream it you ... Views: 761
Some people make living their best life and creating success look so easy, don’t they? And yet, many successful people will tell you it’s not actually easy for them, they just rely on their strengths to pull them forward and over the rough spots.
Below are 15 characteristics of the happiest, ... Views: 5504
We've all experienced moments in our life when we hear ourselves say "YES" to a job, person or situation we know deep in our heart isn't right for us. And still we do it. As soon as "yes" leaves our lips somewhere in us we hear a voice that screams "NO! Don't do it!" but somehow another part of ... Views: 884
Do you have a ton to do and have no idea where to start? Would you like to know with each step you take you're heading in the right direction? Would you like to narrow your "to do" list down to a few key items and let go of the rest? Would you like to work smarter, not harder?
The questions ... Views: 860