It keeps on amazing me first how one’s expREssion gives potent hints on the consciousness that is lived in and second how English and Hebrew are connected in meaning… Here is what I mean: consider Gertrude (just a name!) who punctuates every other sentence with the words “I guess…” Well, dearest ... Views: 741
You know how there are days when you wake up totally connected, the heART blooming in gratitude, and plainly happy to be alive? And you probably know how there are the other days, the bad hair days, when there seems to be a weight in your heART, and things do not feel as bright and appealing… ... Views: 665
Every true genius, every creative mind has known the dark night of searching for a truth one could sense yet not quite grasp nor express, has felt the compelling desire to birth into full view the challenging inkling that something more is there, and has sat in the disheartening unease that ... Views: 850
Should you be dedicated to explore consciousness, you will sooner or later uncover a belief in your inadequacy. Maybe it will touch your finances, maybe it will express itself in a series of unsuccessful relationships, maybe you will experience some resistance in marketing your services ... Views: 728
Although quite young, I can still remember my parents asking me, "What do you say?" as I was receiving something, be it a fruit, a gift, or a compliment. Of course, they were looking for the magical words "thank you", which many parents adamantly train their children to respond. Isn't it ... Views: 1107
Money is energy. Money is an exchange. Money makes the world go round. Money, Money, Money, Money! Money is possibly the most powerful metaphor of our planet. How do you feel when you are free? Receive the keys to wealth, and discover the soulful laws where money becomes an auspicious bird that ... Views: 846
You may know the tale of the Princess whose sleep was highly Perturbed by the Presence of a little Pea Purposely Placed under her many mattresses … I tell you, the things you have to do to be a Princess are just Phenomenal! This Top Ten Piece is another “P” story, designed to have a Practical ... Views: 832