From the time we are children, we are taught to be kind to others. And while it is obvious that being kind is important when we are the recipients of the kindness, it turns out that being kind to others is not only good for them, but it is also beneficial to the person who is being kind. ... Views: 2172
Last fall, I was standing on Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park. Hurricane Ridge features clumps of subalpine firs, bent by the frequent 75-mile-an-hour winter winds, and since it is at treeline, it sports spectacular panoramic views. On a clear day, which it was, you can see the ... Views: 1599
While I believe that there are not “good” or “bad” feelings, as I just mentioned, I do feel that some are more positive and helpful than others. Anger doesn’t solve anything. Getting angry only makes you, and the people around you, feel worse. And, over time, it can also have a negative impact ... Views: 1177