It has become the norm in today's society to see our flaws instead of our beauty. It seems like anytime anyone looks in the mirror anymore all they see is what they would change. They see love handles, they see flab, they see rolls, moles, and freckles. It seems that finding the good in one's ... Views: 956
Have you ever imagined that you are receiving Divine messages and guidance all the time? That you are continually guided in everything that you do? Whether you realize it or not, you are consistently receiving Divine messages.
Maybe you doubt the validity of what I'm telling you. Maybe you're ... Views: 1927
There is a life out there with your name on it and it is beyond even your wildest dreams. I can barely express in words how much I want for you to love your life! I want so much for you to experience the sublime joy that is yours when your life is your own. I however, can't do it for you. Only ... Views: 701
There is a version of your life in which you are excited about each and every day. Your feet hit the floor in the morning and you are raring to go. Each and every moment of your day brings you new joy and excitement. This is what it means to live your passion.
1. When learning to live your ... Views: 768
There is a life that is meant for you. A life that is filled with all the good that you want for yourself and for others. That life is your dream come true, it is your best life.
So many people are not living their best life. They live lives of quiet desperation. They believe that they don't ... Views: 834
I don't know a thing about you, and I'll bet that there are goals that you have set for yourself that you are having trouble achieving. You set the same goals year after year. A prime example of this is the New Year's resolution. It is generally excepted that these resolutions are to be made to ... Views: 731
Boy, did I learn a valuable lesson. Your life can be exactly what you've always wanted it to be. I learned this lesson the hard way. In spite of spending years pouring over self help books and tapes, not so very long ago I was absolutely miserable. In a very short time I managed to turn my ... Views: 2650