Many people think that a stress test measures the amount of stress that you are under. However, it is important from the start to point out that a stress test does not do this. What the stress test measures is the blood flow to and from the heart during stress (exercise) and at ... Views: 3783
Do you feel stressed out? Well, you are not alone. The World Health Organization states that stress is reaching epidemic proportions.
Whether it is financial concerns, pressures at work or feeling like you have too many responsibilities, being stressed out is becoming familiar territory for ... Views: 1191
You've probably heard of the stories of little old ladies lifting cars off other people, or a number of other stories of amazing strength in times of stress.
Any time that you are stressed you can activate the stress response - which releases adrenaline and other stress hormones - which can ... Views: 1186
Stress affects your health and is one of the causes of long term illness. For example, have you ever wondered why you may catch a cold after the exam period or some stressful deadline at work.
This is because stress can affect your immune system. However, the consequence of lowered immune ... Views: 858
While we have all felt stress at one time or another, and we intuitively understand what stress is, a clear definition of stress is more elusive. Stress can be thought of as a perception that the demands of the situation exceed our abilities to cope.
This means that stress is an individual ... Views: 871
With increasing information and the demands of workers to provide real-time responses, it is no wonder that stress is on the rise.
Stress is an everyday part of life. While we intuitively understand what stress is, a definition of stress is more elusive. Many theories of stress suggest that ... Views: 2452
Delegation is an important but underutilized time management tool.
If you find that by the end of the day that you still haven't got through half of you to-do list, then delegation could be beneficial for you and your workforce.
Delegation benefits you because it allows you to free up the ... Views: 9354
Stress is a part of living, and research suggests that stress is on the rise. Stress is not good for your health, which raises the importance of dealing with stress.
Here we give you 5 tips to combat stress in your everyday life.
What causes you stress
Often a first step in stress ... Views: 1282
Have you ever made a New Year's resolution, only to make the same resolution the following year?
You may make these New Year goals with the best of intentions, with a desire and determination for change, only to find that a few weeks into the year you find that your determination and ... Views: 860