If you are like most people, you started out the year with dreams, good intentions, and new hopes. However, it's all too easy to let busy schedules, work priorities, stress, and inclement weather cloud over the optimism of those great objectives.
While anticipating the arrival of your goals is ... Views: 2651
Are you a foodie?
A foodie is a term invented in 1981 by Paul Levy and Ann Barr, who used it in the title of their 1984 book The Official Foodie Handbook. The term is used to describe someone who seeks out and enjoys new restaurants, foods, and wines. is a term used to describe someone who seeks ... Views: 2412
How are you feeling today? Me, I'm tired. As a result, I need more than my usual daily mini-breaks. Today it's time for a heavy dose of tender loving care.
Many of us have so many responsibilities in life that we forget to take care of ourselves. The mind reasons that it's silly to take a bath, ... Views: 1947
Have you heard the phrase "attitude is everything"? Indeed, your attitude determines the quality of your life.
Your attitude can have a great impact on your level of success, including how you deal with challenges and obstacles. It's your attitude that determines the path you take as well as ... Views: 2504
Has your self-care taken a back seat this winter? Spring is in the air and it's time to revamp your mind, body, spirit routine. Here's a few extremely powerful ways to say goodbye to the long cold days of winter and bring the warm sunshine and blue skies back into your life.
1. Eat ... Views: 1868
Ever feel stuck in a rut and not sure about how to get out? If so, you're not alone. It's easy to get bored in the comfort of doing the same things in the same way at the same time. Here are nine simple and practical ideas to get out of a boring routine, and back into the enjoyment of life.
... Views: 3628
"With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every day we wake up, eat, go to work, eat, sleep, and do it all over again the next day. We find a system makes life run smoothly and that adds to our productivity. And it works - for awhile. But ... Views: 2026
In a recent Twitter post I wrote, "Blessed are the humans who have made it their goal for self-improvement." In response, a dear friend wrote back with this question:
"Ok... Great. Good idea. Makes sense to me. It's been the goal of my life. Only one problem... If we are perfect the way we are ... Views: 1822
Have you misplaced your inspiration? Does it feel as if someone literally sucked the motivation right out of you? One day you were moving forward on your goals and dreams. Life was smooth sailing and the sun was shining. Then you got up one morning only to discover your creative passion had gone ... Views: 1807
For the past three weeks, I've been experiencing writers block. Previously, inspiration had been flowing. It was a beautiful experience. Ideas fell neatly into place, difficult concepts were easily expressed, and I had words! I was living in the land of milk and honey.
Then one day I woke up ... Views: 1962
If someone were to ask me, “What is self-love?” I would reply, “A growing ability to be true and compassionate to yourself. For it is only when you are filled with the love of who you are that you can share this gift with the world.”
To be true to ourselves is a lifetime journey of ... Views: 1400
Self-compassion is a skill. That means if you don’t have much compassion for yourself, especially when you need it most, there’s a lot you can do to erase the self-doubt and self-criticism and bring in the self-love.
Here are four easy steps that can get you started:
Keep a journal ... Views: 1257
We all know what it’s like to want to live a better life. We want to be healed of our childhood wounds. We want to be free of the burdens that weigh us down. We want to feel happier and more content. We want to be engaged in a life we love. We want our hearts to sing, our minds to relax, and our ... Views: 1223
If you want to create positive change in your life, here are seven empowering steps you can take to increase your success:
1. Choose a goal that enlivens you!
2. See yourself as willing to live your goal! Follow your heart and imagine yourself living your dream in a way that feels really, ... Views: 971
“Every New Year's Day, I start a new diet. What suggestions do you have for helping me stick to the diet this year?”
Congratulations on your persistence to achieve a goal that is important to you. Resolutions are a noble effort to begin the New Year with your most important goals on the front ... Views: 1014
The end of a delicious feast is often marked by coffee, an after dinner drink, and a sweet dessert. Dessert time not only provides perfect closure to a memorable meal, but also assists digestion, aids assimilation, and creates space for good conversation.
End of the year reflection is like the ... Views: 1241
Years ago, I realized that our most difficult personal challenges offer a unique opportunity to raise our sights, explore new potentials and possibilities, and cast off beliefs of limitation and doubt. Personal challenges are a way of working things out for ourselves and discovering new creative ... Views: 3038
If you have a friend or loved one who is experiencing hopelessness or depression, it can be difficult to know exactly what to say or do. While there isn’t any one magic thing to say that will alleviate their pain, there are many ways to offer support.
The best way to offer help is to listen, ... Views: 12403
One of the great things about the movies is that the hero always manages to lift up from life’s troubles. While the rest of us mere mortals would curl up in a dark corner, the hero commits fully to the journey ahead and finds a way to restore the world’s balance.
If we look ... Views: 1199
Romance fills our thoughts, our dreams, the movies we watch, and the songs we listen to. And why not? Romance is the very essence of life. It is the celebration love.
Typically, we expect romance to come from a partner, a lover, or a significant other. Wanting to love and be loved is ... Views: 1379
Having self-doubt is an all too common occurrence for many people. It can rob us of a joyful, meaningful life, and keep our best gifts locked up inside. If your self-doubt and fear stops you from living the great life you dream about, here are eight techniques and processes that can help you ... Views: 1298
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Quality “You” Time - by Dr. Annette Colby, RD, the Official Guide To Energy Healing
I admit it. I’m the type of person who loves alone time. Don’t get me wrong – deeply meaningful relationships with other human beings are a necessary and important part of my everyday. However, I adore, crave, and carve out vast amounts of time alone.
As it turns out, solitude is a positive ... Views: 1108
Remember way back in January when you made those New Year’s resolutions? Time sure flies! Now that fall is quickly approaching, it’s a great opportunity to take one last long look at those beginning-of-the year goals and assess how you are doing. This is the perfect time to review and evaluate ... Views: 1075
Have you seen the motivational plaque that reads, “Life is a do-it-yourself project. Get excited about it!”
I love that expression because it reminds me that it’s up to me to make each day special. That doesn’t mean that each moment of every day is going to be ... Views: 2469
In our rush to meet the daily obligations of work, family, and social life, we tend to overlook our own needs. As a result, we feel exhausted to the point of emptiness. What's missing is a relationship with ourselves. We need time to get know ourselves, time to nurture our spirits, and time to ... Views: 996
Are you stuck in the same old rut, feeling uninspired, tired, and bored? Are you wondering how to gain motivation for the things you really want to do? Motivation is an ongoing process, a behavior that you can nurture and expand, but motivation cannot be forced. If you are ready to live a ... Views: 1273
Karin has struggled with food for as long as she can remember. Intellectually, she knows that food is not going to make her feel better about herself, but she just can't seem to quit eating. Every morning Karin starts out with the best intentions, but by the end of the day, she's munching on ... Views: 1052
Do you often ask yourself, “Why am I so tired throughout the day?” Is it difficult to concentrate, stay focused, or spend time on your favorite activities? Life can be quite drag when you are feeling dog-tired fatigue and can hardly keep your eyelids propped open. If your energy level isn’t what ... Views: 1210
Cigarette smoking is a personal choice. However, if you are considering stopping smoking, you may already realize that quitting requires more than willpower or scaring yourself with statistics of why smoking is bad.
Conventional smoking cessation systems often don't work in the long term ... Views: 3919
There’s a new movement brewing – eat locally. But what’s the importance of eating food grown and produced locally? There are plenty of great reasons to eating local – from conserving energy to supporting local economies. But the best benefit lies in developing a new, ... Views: 2082
Losing weight is about fewer calories in and more calories out. Right? The problem with eating fewer calories than we burn is that intentionally cutting back on food intake inevitably makes people hungry. As you cut back on your daily intake, there is a sense of deprivation, your body goes into ... Views: 2618
My husband is rarely effected by mood swings. It’s the most incredible thing to behold! He is honestly the most balanced, joyful, and happiest person I have ever met. Sure, he can get upset, angry, or disillusioned just like the rest of us, but overall his mood is light-filled and loving. ... Views: 1302
It’s tough to balance the many demands on your time. Yet, although it may seem an impossible task, living a balanced life is not only possible, it’s also vital to your enjoyment of life. Without balance, you may have trouble setting limits, experience difficulty saying no to demands that add ... Views: 1031
Contrary to what I once decided to believe in my early years, we are not trapped here on Earth, we are not here to suffer, nor are we mistakenly dropped off on the wrong planet. Instead, we live on a magnificent planet where it is possible to turn dreams, hopes, and desires into physical ... Views: 1034
Emotional eating is the practice of turning to food – consciously or unconsciously – to deal with feelings and emotions. These feelings may be with you most of the day. However, it is often only when the pace slows down, that you notice them. Not knowing how to handle these powerful emotions, ... Views: 1200
When we’re stuck in the middle of an unhappy or undesirable life circumstance, it often feels as if we don’t have any choice at all. We feel trapped in a corner, or imprisoned in our unhappy bodies or lives.
However, no matter where we are in life there is always a choice about how we proceed. ... Views: 1115
On your journey through life, you will undoubtedly face disappointment, both large and small. In fact, the more you aspire to step into a greater life, the greater the risk you face of being disappointed. However, it’s how you deal with it that counts. Disappointment can build character and ... Views: 1212
Whether you want to lose weight, end emotional eating, overcome stress, or move beyond sadness and depression, creating any major change in your life can create feelings of discomfort. You are here, and you want to be there. As enticing as the outcome of your goal appears, you cannot instantly ... Views: 1031
Do you dream about losing weight, decreasing your level of stress and anxiety, or overcoming sadness or depression? You want to change your life for the better, you really do. However, you find yourself stuck in an exhausting cycle of wishful thinking, then procrastination, frustration, and ... Views: 1194
The giving and receiving of compliments may be one of the simplest and most underused tools towards gaining inner peace, serenity, and a sense of self. However, often we find it difficult to take in positive messages and compliments. We get nervous or defensively brush off the kind words of ... Views: 5046
Some things are easy to change. Then, there are deeply ingrained habits that are much more difficult. You try to change those habits, and you succeed for a while, then you stop and end up feeling like a failure.
Why are habits so difficult to change? When you are changing a habit, you are ... Views: 1253
What could be more wonderful than to relax and be comfortable in your own body? Yet few of us have truly reached a place of peace, security, and joy to have created a balance between who we are and our physical bodies. Loving your body is not about how you look, but about how you feel about ... Views: 1091
Is it really possible to lose weight and keep it off? Absolutely. However, creating long-term weight loss success requires implementing some basic tried-and-true principles. Here are three simple but extremely powerful pointers that open the gates to your dreams. Do not let the simplicity of ... Views: 1004
Let's talk about happiness. Most of us want to be happy, all the time, no matter what is going on around us! It's plain and simple. But, being happy, how do you do that, get there, be that?
Maybe happy is not really what you are looking for. After all, happy is just like any other emotion... it ... Views: 1526
"Every New Year I start a new diet. What suggestions do you have for helping me stick to the diet this year?" Despite our best intentions, many of us never make it past January with our declarations. Here's the pattern: initial excitement, great expectations, and grandiose promises to get in ... Views: 1062
I am blessed in many ways.
One thing that I am particularly grateful for is the fact that over the years I have been able to connect with a steady clientele of people who are willing to listen to their inner voice and create successful lives. My clients are people who have had enough with being ... Views: 9170
Have you ever wondered why your dreams haven't come true yet? If you've been reading my newsletter for awhile, you know that I embody and teach the 'how to' principles behind successfully achieving our goals and dreams. Nothing happens, no forward steps are taken until we first have a dream. ... Views: 1752
What Is Compulsive Eating?
Compulsive eating involves episodes of uncontrolled eating or bingeing, that feel frenzied or out of control. Eating occurs even past the point of being uncomfortably full. Unlike individuals with bulimia, compulsive overeaters do not attempt to compensate for their ... Views: 1100
Author Melodie Beattie explains to us, "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes ... Views: 1498
"I know what I need to do, but I just can't get myself started." Who among us hasn't been caught in this scenario before? We know what to do, but we cannot seem to put knowledge into action. As a result, we feel frustrated and stuck. Common signs of being stuck include boredom, stress, increased ... Views: 1340