This might be a tough one to understand. You may be asking yourself; don’t content and satisfied mean the same thing? Not really.
Contentment is something we should all be striving for. To be content, as far as I’m concerned, is to be able to be happy in the life you’re living; to have the ... Views: 18317
Psychologists performed an experiment where they put a pane of glass in the middle of an aquarium full of water. They then added two fish to the tank. One fish was the natural predator of the other. They put the predator on one side of the glass and the prey on the other. What happened next ... Views: 1833
Remember when you were 5? Remember how you believed that anything was possible? You thought that you could be and do anything. You may have even thought that you could fly. Then, somewhere along the way, you started to lose your faith in possibilities. Subconsciously or otherwise, you absorbed ... Views: 1853
If you study the most successful and respected people in the world, you’ll find they all share a similar trait; they accept nothing but the best in everything they do. They expect the best from their employees, their friends, their family, and even themselves.
Why do you suppose that is? Are ... Views: 5507
Initially the title of this article may seem as if it runs contrary to your common sense. After all, we all hate to struggle. Dealing with difficulties in life can be scary, frustrating and exhausting. No one looks forward to going through one of life’s rough patches, but we should. I haven’t ... Views: 1683
Initially the title of this article may seem as if it runs contrary to your common sense. After all, we all hate to struggle. Dealing with difficulties in life can be scary, frustrating and exhausting. No one looks forward to going through one of life’s rough patches, but we should. I ... Views: 1377
Behaviorists and others who study success and human behaviour will tell you the difference between those who succeed and those who don't comes down to what they repeatedly do; their habits. If you have habits that are conducive to success you will succeed, if your habits are self-destructive, ... Views: 5057
Do you set goals for yourself? Sure you do. But do you set good goals? Have you achieved many of the things that you want in life? If not, how goal setting technique may need a little polishing. This month’s article is about how to set a clearly defined goal that will work for you to help ... Views: 1273
As much as I hate to admit that there are faults with our generation, it would definitely be fair to say that we are an “it’s not my fault generation”. We think we’re entitled to everything and we want to blame everyone else when we don’t get what we want.
Chances ... Views: 1328
Dependability is crucial to effective leadership. As a student leader, you will always be learning new things. No matter what your experience has been so far, you still have lot’s to learn and you’re going to make mistakes. That’s ok. People will forgive you almost any fault ... Views: 2083
When was the last time that you went to the grocery store, airport, video store, bank, or any other place where you are “waited on”, and the person working behind the counter failed to say, “hello” and “thank you”? Sadly, I bet it wasn’t long ago. ... Views: 1158