What is greatness? This is a question we all need to spend time considering because it will be different for us all especially if discovering greatness is a journey you are thinking about taking. Let me share with you what greatness is for me.
When I think about my own greatness I think about ... Views: 6731
When it comes to being human I always find that it is funny how easy we think it is to resist our own destiny rather than go for it! This was something I had said to a friend during our phone conversation and I was talking about my on again off again journey with stepping forward to have my book ... Views: 810
In Anthony De Mello's book "The Way To Love" he talks alot about our attachment to people and things. In particular he mentions our need to be loved by another as if we would die if they did not exist.
When we give up who we are to please another person we do what I call prostitute our being. ... Views: 710
Deep within us lies a 'voice' our own voice, which has been created based on our past experiences, even the experiences you think you have forgotten about, or you do not think about on a daily basis are buried deep within you. This inner voice that constantly speaks within you will be repeating ... Views: 1131
If there is one thing you need in order to help yourself on this journey to self discovering it's awareness. Awareness is the state of being conscious of something or a sense of knowing (either by perception or by means of information) and is your key to transforming your current way of ... Views: 2510