With the holidays upon us, one of the ways many of us will be celebrating is by indulging in the high fat/high calorie foods that seem to define the season.
Big dinners, cocktail parties, cookie exchanges, candy canes, chocolate, celebratory lunches and happy hours fill our days and nights ... Views: 1512
Some people will tell you that weight loss is a simple math problem.
3500 Calories = 1 pound of fat
10 minutes of aerobic activity = about 100 calories burned
500 calories less (through changes in eating or exercise) per day = 1 pound lost per week
When it is all spelled out like ... Views: 1226
What is aerobic exercise?
In a nutshell, aerobic exercise is the type of sustained activity where you engage the large muscles of your body (legs and gluts) for a prolonged period of time. Aerobic exercise increases the need to oxygen that allows these muscles to perform, helps to flush ... Views: 1428
First, I hope you had a wonderfully fun Halloween and that your kids enjoyed dressing up and seeing all of their friends in costume. Now that the excitement has settled, you may be faced with a huge pile of candy and wondering what to do with it. Maybe you are thinking, "They're kids, it can't ... Views: 1460
When it comes to lasting weight loss, slow and steady wins the race.
Although many people take on the latest diet program, quick fix or promise of immediate results, most only find themselves right back where they started in a relatively short period of time. In fact, most people who take ... Views: 1740
Imagine mealtime at your house. Does it go like this?
The kids are screaming, the dog is barking, the phone is ringing, and the kids are starving NOW! Soccer practice ran late leaving you less time to prepare dinner, piano lessons start in 30 minutes, and you have to feed everyone else and ... Views: 2063
Are you ready to make some changes in your life? Do you have challenges in any of these areas?
* Nutrition
* Fitness
* Stress control
* Emotional health
* Relationship wellness
* Spirituality
You don't have to wait until New Year's Eve to make significant changes in your ... Views: 1745
Stress and Sleep
Are you getting enough sleep? According to the latest survey from the Better Sleep Council , 68% of American women admit to getting less than 8 hours of sleep per night. You can bet that percentage is higher among moms!
Sleep eludes some of us because stresses in our lives ... Views: 1563
You know by now that one of the easiest ways to avoid temptation is to avoid bringing high-fat, high-sugar foods into your home in the first place. This effort begins in the supermarket, so learning to shop more effectively can be one of the most useful skills when trying to create new, healthy ... Views: 1460
This weekend I drove by a nursery and noticed many people excited to get everything they need to grow a perfect garden. While some held plants, some held flowers, some held seeds and others held gardening tools, these people all shared the same intention, to plant and grow a beautiful garden. ... Views: 1254
Many of us have heard the saying “we are what we eat”. Basically this means that if our diets are made up of fast food, takeout, foods high in sugar, high in fat, if we drink too much or if we consider our children’s leftovers a decent meal, we can’t really be surprised if our body doesn’t look ... Views: 1754
The words yes and no are two extremely powerful words. They’re also two of the most misused words in our language today. Do you have a case of yes and no confusion and how can you tell if you do?
Let’s start with the word yes. Think of all the times you’ve said yes to an extra task, project, ... Views: 1021
What's your vision for yourself? Have you ever really thought about it? When you picture yourself at your very best, how do you look, feel and live? Are you sleek, fit and toned, carrying yourself with grace and ease? How do you dress? Are you wearing clothes that feel great, flatter your skin ... Views: 1136
What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Is it to lose weight or begin an exercise program? If you’re like most of us, a fit, healthy body is something you may want to work towards this year. In fact, it’s probably something you wanted to work towards last year as well as the ... Views: 1053
Usually when we talk about dieting, we talk about deprivation. We think of all the foods, treats, desserts and snacks that we can’t have. We feel that the only way we can get the weight off is by depriving ourselves of these “forbidden” foods and wait for the day we can indulge ... Views: 819
Many of us are either “on” or “off” a diet at any given time. We may spend years, even decades struggling with the same 10, 20, 50 or more pounds to lose. Many of us have even lost the weight…many times, only to regain it with an additional bonus of a few extra pounds. Of course we want to lose ... Views: 976
One of the most common reasons why many of us struggle with weight loss and weight maintenance is because we fail to look at the: who, what, when, where, how and why we actually gained the weight in the first place. Once we’re able to ask ourselves these questions and come up with some ... Views: 878
Is it possible to fit in exercise when you travel? Here are a few ways to not only make it possible, but easy as well.
The first thing you may want to do is pack everything you'd need for your workout, such as sneakers, workout clothes, music or a book (if you read while on treadmill, etc.). ... Views: 963
As moms, we often try to instill our beliefs, values, ethics, morals and standards of behavior onto our children. Often, our goal is to ensure that our children learn from the benefit of our knowledge and experience so that they can create enriching, rewarding lives for themselves. So why is it ... Views: 860
If you think weight loss involves just changing your diet and exercise habits, read on. You see, while healthier food choices and fitness certainly contribute to changing the way your body looks and feels, chronic, unmanaged stress plays a huge role in our weight loss efforts.
There are many ... Views: 904
What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Is it to lose weight or begin an exercise program? If you’re like most of us, a fit, healthy body is something you may want to work towards this year. In fact, it’s probably something you wanted to work towards last year as well as the year before. So here’s a ... Views: 1074
For many of us, it can be extremely difficult to become organized. If it were easy, everyone would be organized, no one would talk about it, magazines and newspapers wouldn’t write stories about it, you wouldn’t be reading this article and companies that help you organize your space wouldn’t be ... Views: 1304
School’s Back in Session…For Mom! By Debi Silber MS,RD,WHC
Towards the end of summer, moms begin to think about the upcoming school year. While the summer may have meant lazy days without schedules or routines, the school year brings about something else entirely. Shopping for school ... Views: 875