Christmas time is a wonderful time of year with shopping, parties, cantatas, children’s programs, numerous Christmas parties, families and much, much more. We love this time of year, and yet some of us loathe this time of year. If we took the time to ponder the reason why people loathe it, ... Views: 1282
If we were to dissect the superficial front of families we would find, strife, jealousy, fear and hatred and no holiday within the family feels like a blessing. Love brought families together. Love that binds the family together is often taken for granted, by the parents and the siblings. ... Views: 1880
Each day I park in my driveway, and wish that I could park my car in the garage. Each day I say to myself, "You need to get rid of this stuff. You don't need it, and you're not using it. Either take it and give it away or sell it at a garage sale. Just do something." Have you ever had those ... Views: 1031
I have a picture on my desk that was given to me by a friend. It is a close-up of a stream in Sedona, Arizona and in it is the rush of the water and a few rocks. Obviously when I look at it, I can almost hear the water and see the white of the stream as it flows downstream. When I get upset ... Views: 1298
Each day we wake up with the chance of making today the best day of our life. We have the choice to have a good day. We must use our free will and choose to have that best day of our life. How can we do this each morning as the alarm wakes us from our dreams?
About three weeks ago, I woke up ... Views: 1474
Once in a while an event will occur either directly or indirectly in our lives which will cause us to reflect on our humanity. Do we treat each other with a sense of honoring that each person is sacred? If not then we need to do just that. Human life is fragile, and we need to protect that life ... Views: 1079
Suppose you really want to make major improvements in your life, then a Personal Life Coach is a must. Maybe you need as we say a helping hand to make even minor improvements in your life, then a PLC would be a good person to find. The best kept secret of the world, and successful people are ... Views: 1054
Obtaining your personal best is a goal for each of each day. One would think that most of us would strive to be our personal best. Each day we find people who just settle for status quo, and who seem to care about their own problems. Have you seen those kind of people in and among us? Maybe ... Views: 1140
In the New Testament of the Holy Bible is the text about our bodies as a temple. "...that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own." 1 Corinthians 6:19. Many have discussed the debate about our physical bodies belong to God ... Views: 2676
A respite or a scheduled time off from work, school or any activity happens to be the official definition of vacation. I ask you how many times do you truly believe when taking a vacation that you totally take off from such activities, and deviate from the normal every day-to-day nose to the ... Views: 1646
"I don't deserve to earn more money."
"Money is the root of all evil."
"Rich people are greedy"
"Having and earning a lot of money isn't spiritual."
"Money is power, and power corrupts."
"It's better to give than to receive."
"Wanting to have a lot of money is selfish."
"There's never enough ... Views: 997
As I was listening to an audio speech by Chris Weidner I became aware of a problem. Sometimes we feel that we've beat a subject to death. As leaders we feel we've stated the need, the change, the information to everyone and everywhere. Because we've stated the intention over and over again we ... Views: 911
Look closely at the title of this article. You’ll notice a question. Before we get into what drives you, let us examine the question. Thoughts…Where do they come from? Think this through and give yourself plenty of time. I firmly believe I have the answer, and that is thoughts come from the ... Views: 1109
Do you remember way back when you were in elementary school, the big pencils, Big Chief Tablet ®, crayons, with a very strict teacher? When you were caught talking too much or throwing paper and that strict teacher made you write 100 times: “I will not talk in class” or “I will not throw spit ... Views: 1829
If you ask a teacher about their wealth they will probably inform you that they aren’t in teaching for the money. They are teaching to enlighten the young people of the day. They want to see society improve, and they truly care about people. However, teachers do not make much money in the ... Views: 1088
The ultimate success formula begins with clarity. Now that the New Year is upon us, many of us have made resolutions or have written down what they want to attract for the year. In other words you have determined what you want and desire. The question is why do you want that? What purpose does ... Views: 835
The ultimate success formula begins with clarity. Now that the New Year is upon us, many of us have made resolutions or have written down what they want to attract for the year. In other words you have determined what you want and desire. The question is why do you want that? What purpose ... Views: 953
I was at a restaurant recently, and a young woman was our server, and she had a frown on her face. I said, “How are you today?” She responded short and curt “Fine. What would you like to drink?” She wasn’t into this lets talk and be cordial, for we might have a little more fun in our day. ... Views: 1407
Meditation is the art of being still, and centering oneself to communicate with the sacred witness. Many people confuse thinking with the act of meditation. Yes, one gets quiet, and one does hear the thoughts of the mind, but that is not meditation. The mind would really like to control you, ... Views: 950
Goals are just that: goals to be achieved in the distance, in the future in the making. Goals are our desires, our wants, and sometimes our needs. They are something intangible, unable to be magically manifested without human powers added to those goals. Our powers can be one tiny thing and ... Views: 1018
Having perception means that you have the ability to attain understanding and awareness through the senses. Now perception is a mental image an awareness or consciousness of the observation or result. When looking at the definition of perception you hope that everyone perceives the same ... Views: 1089
Depression, anxiety, relationship problems, divorce, self awareness and self esteem can all be helped by walking the Native American Circle or commonly referred to as the Medicine Wheel. This wheel of the Native American way of life or religion can cure our disjointed, selfish, chaotic ways. ... Views: 903
While at the cash register the woman who was checking me out and I started a conversation about how to reduce stress. I suggested that meditation can reduce stress in our lives. The woman said that she didn’t have time, because she worked two jobs. I said during your break go outside and ... Views: 897