There are many benefits of feeling connected with the Divine. These benefits include--and are certainly not limited to--increased abundance, well-being, peace of mind, optimism, and/or faith.
You do not need to “set time aside” in your life to connect with God, although it’s great if you can. ... Views: 5229
Many folks tell me they wish they could "hear" the Divine more easily. Lately, I've begun to think that it may not be as difficult to hear the Divine as we believe it is.
Sometimes when we receive information from the Divine, I believe we move into fear, and not surprisingly, these are the ... Views: 1116
It may not seem like it, but there are incredible opportunities right now for you to transform yourself in wonderful and expansive ways. Especially during these difficult times, I encourage you to be aware of the mind.
Your mind is patterned to keep you feeling separate. It can cause you to ... Views: 1167
Feeling your emotions is very important if you wish to create a life you love. Many of us avoid feeling emotions we tend to think of as negative; for instance, anger, sadness, fear, hate, doubt, shame, jealousy, and resentment. These emotions (and others like them) become especially toxic when ... Views: 1300
Many of us do not feel our emotions fully, especially emotions we tend to think of as negative; for instance, anger, sadness, fear, hate, doubt, shame, jealousy, and resentment. Regardless of why we do not feel our emotions, the end result is the same.
* Lose personal power and ... Views: 5768
When you feel like you are weak or a victim, you have aligned yourself with illusion. For instance, when you place consistent focus on traits about yourself that you consider to be "negative" or "weaknesses," this action leads you to believe that you do not have any power.
In reality, you have ... Views: 1070
Do you ever get really excited about your New Year's resolutions, only to have your enthusiasm quickly turn into apathy or frustration? Or, are you so bummed out by the whole concept of New Year's resolutions that you've given up on them completely? If so, I'd like to offer you six tips for ... Views: 962
Fear can be a wonderful asset in our lives--protecting us from dangerous situations and keeping us safe. But fear can also limit our lives significantly. While it may not be conscious, fear may make us think we are unacceptable or that what we have to offer isn't valuable. Fear may make us feel ... Views: 1218
In today's uncertain times, it is easy to understand why you might feel yourself moving into resistance. Resistance may stem from fear and anxiety, but in many cases it comes as a very familiar, knee-jerk reaction to change. But life only gets more complicated when you resist "what is." Many ... Views: 1645
The topic of image seems to be up for me these days, and that leads me to believe it may be up for some of you as well. I invite you to go on this journey of discovery with me if it calls to you...
My question to you today is "What is the image you (think you) project to the world?" Here's ... Views: 1030
What in your life is illusion? What in your life is reality? These questions are not as easy to answer as we might expect, for many things that we have been assuming are real are anything but. Our fears are a good example. Many of the fears we carry with us--fears that drive our daily ... Views: 970
Have you ever asked the Divine for help? Perhaps called on an angel for some assistance? A decade ago, I rarely even considered doing such a thing. Today, I call on Spirit several times a day; it is as normal to me as brushing my teeth.
Recently, however, I found myself getting frustrated. I ... Views: 761