The video released by ESPN displaying the behavior of the Rutgers University basketball coach demonstrate a total failure of the University Athletic Director and University Leadership to protect students from bullying on the part of staff. Bullying goes beyond student to student interactions. ... Views: 1262
Business success is built on a strong foundation and help up by four strong pillars. Just like any good structure, each of these is built strong and each is essential to the overall structure.
The four pillars of business success include:
--Pillar #1: Vision, Strategy & Implementation ... Views: 4372
There are many ways that entrepreneurs and small business owners can generate new leads for their business. But it is vital, that it be a consistent and constant activity. You need that type of flow of new leads coming to you. If you decide that you have enough business and stop your lead ... Views: 1671
You are ready to start your cold calls, your anxiety goes up, you can feel it throughout your body, and yet you have decided YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT!
Let’s define what exactly a cold call is. A cold call is you, personally, calling or visiting a person that you do not know at all or you know ... Views: 2035
Generating new leads is a focus of most business owners. But do you ever stop to evaluate where your leads are coming from and how your lead generation methods are working? It is important to have systems in place to track new leads and evaluate each lead strategy.
There are a couple of ... Views: 1757
Business is all about relationships. They are at the heart of marketing as well. Strategically using relationship marketing is about building strong, long term relationships with your current clients and companies. By having this type of focus you are increasing your business but not solely ... Views: 1592
Your email box is inundated and yet you wonder if email marketing can work for you. Email marketing remains an effective means of staying in touch with your clients and prospects. And at the same time you have to be smart about it.
Email marketing requires some tools. First you need to use ... Views: 1486
The Internet has become a vital component of any business marketing plan. Even if you are a locally based business and is solely word of mouth: a website and overall web presence is needed. People (your clients and prospects) use the Internet to vet their service and product providers. They ... Views: 1484
Having an internet presence is essential in this business environment. As a business owner, you must have a web presence. But when you are developing that web presence you have many decisions to make. Here are some of the things you need to consider:
• What is the goal of my website: Is ... Views: 1571
Having a web presence is an essential component of business. People expect to be able to check you out via your website. It becomes your online resume and credential builder. There are many options for websites available today. You can easily build your own or you can contract with a web ... Views: 1642
You know that Search Engine Optimization is one of the essential things you have to do if you want a website that works for you and your company. Part of the process for entrepreneurs is to use the right keywords to attract your target market to you website. It’s not only keywords but also ... Views: 1559
No matter what your business is you should be building a list of contacts and prospects. Entrepreneurs and small business owners need to be as diligent at this as Internet Marketers are. What Internet Marketers have demonstrated time and again is that a list of prospects and contacts CAN build ... Views: 1484
The Internet has become a vital component of any business marketing plan. Even if you are a local based business and feel that your business is solely on word of mouth, a website and overall web presence is needed. People (clients and prospects) use the Internet to vet their service and ... Views: 1444
Remember when families and couples survived on one income. Back in the 50’s and 60’s it was typical for there to be only one income. Today many are struggling with two incomes. Inflation and severe economic factors are challenging families to just survive, not even thrive. If this trend ... Views: 1206
Web 2.0 is the buzz on the Internet, not some new software for your computer. But some are still mystified as to what Web 2.0 really is – as was I for quite some time. Now, I find it a fascinating exploration and journey to meeting and connecting with new people every day. If you are ... Views: 1068
Success is a personal journey. It looks different for each person. It is more than money, professional titles, or higher education degrees. Planning a life of success is about mapping out the aspects of your life. It is a holistic approach to success that includes mind, body and spirit. (even ... Views: 1249
The Bully in the Manager's Office
Bullies don't just exist on the playground. They also sit in the manager's chair or the CEO's office. Bully leadership is sharp, authoritative, angry, and feels uncomfortable to those in contact with it. Bully leaders believe that they are rallying the ... Views: 10066
Leadership is one of the biggest challenges managers face. How to be an effective leader, that effectively motivates staff to get their jobs done and with the quality of an owner.
One way to look at leadership is situational. In this model we tailor our behavior as leaders to the employee. For ... Views: 1017
Strategic planning and strategic leadership styles vary just as the employees and owners of companies involved in the planning process differ. Visit local bookstores or check on line to see hundreds of books claiming to have the secrets to a successful business and easy strategic planning. ... Views: 1473
Strategic planning only helps organizations when they are kept active and implemented. The strategic plan defines the business direction. That direction is based on the future, the vision of the company. Before an effective strategic plan can be developed a clear and compelling vision is ... Views: 1100
Are you working in your power?
Creating a powerful work place that is focused and intent on success is one of the biggest challenges business owners face. What is a powerful workplace? Powerful workplaces are focused, strategic, and intentional. Owners and staff are action oriented in ways ... Views: 1193
A clear and compelling vision that inspires, drawing you into the future… like a magnet
Why do we need a vision for our organization?
Many business owners feel that their organization is too small to need a clear and compelling vision. But vision is what draws you to the future. It ... Views: 3076