For many, and unfortunately this is an overwhelming majority, setting goals is as unfathomable to them as horses walking on their hind legs. Why is that? Highly successful motivational speaker Jim Rohn shed some light on the answer when he said, "I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps it's because escape is easier than change."

There have been many studies done on the relationship between success/wealth and goal setting. In one such study, it was found that 95%-97% of the people do NOT have their goals written down - and they fail; 3%-5% have written their goals down and they succeed. Given these statistics, doesn't it make just plain good old-fashioned sense to write down your goals?!

If you're in the 3%-5% range, things are looking even better for you. With all the research into goal-setting, success, wealth and yes, the Law of Attraction, there's more information now than ever in history on how to reach your goals quicker and easier than you ever thought possible.


Doubt and fear will rear their ugly heads on the road to success. By focusing on your strengths, you're telling your subconscious mind that you've been successful before and now isn't any different. You're more likely to push through adversity and be successful when you constantly remind yourself of your past successes and areas of strength.

This works even when you're doing something new. Many skills are transferable to different occupations, relationships and projects. You likely won't have to dig too deep to recognize what your strengths are.


It's okay to have big goals. In fact, dreaming big is far better than thinking small. It takes you out of your comfort zone and develops the confidence and self-esteem to actually live your dreams.

However, big goals can often make you think it's impossible. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your dreams. Chunk your goal down into smaller, shorter-term goals. If your goal is to run a marathon and you've never even made it one lap around the track, well, that marathon may seem way out of reach. Make a smaller goal to run 10 laps around the track by a specific date. That's more believable and achievable to your subconscious mind.

Once you've reached your first shorter-term goal, take another chunk out of the bigger goal. By breaking down your goal in this way you'll gain momentum through continual success.


I've mentioned the subconscious mind several times - for very good reason. Everything you are and will be is a result of your thoughts. Your thoughts become your feelings. Your feelings become your results. In order to change your life, you've got to change the way you think. This is where current research in Quantum Physics comes into play. I won't bore you with the details, but trust that these proven techniques will accelerate your results:

* Write your goals out and read them daily
* Visualize yourself having already achieved your goal - again daily
* Create a vision board featuring pictures and words that represent you reaching your goal - review it daily
* Repeat affirmations of success - take a negative belief about your success and turn it around into a statement of belief - repeat this several times a day
* Inspire yourself by reading biographies of successful people, personal development books, audio and programs
* Surround yourself with a powerful support network - this means limiting the amount of time you spend around negative people, environments and information - consider turning off the news

When you do what the successful do, you too will be successful.

Author's Bio: 

A Message from Miki Strong, Founder of Mi Hamba

Each and everyone of us has the potential to live an extraordinary life. Discovering our purpose can unlock the door to it being a happy and fulfilling one. Many people ask us how to go about doing just that. They're unhappy, overworked, stressed and want to live their dreams - at the same time they often think it's not possible. At Mi Hamba we excel at showing you how to unlock that door and discover your own potential.

Get access to FREE success resources when you visit us.

Miki Strong
Founder, Mi Hamba