Now, that the new school year is here. I have been receiving calls from parents concerned about their children’s reactions and resistance to returning to school. Many parents are concerned that their child may be suffering from separation anxiety.
It is not unusual that your child may have ... Views: 1417
Following the tragedy of Robin Williams’ death from suicide, I was struck to hear how many people were affected by his death. Clients, who I was seeing for depression, told me how they thought maybe suicide was a good idea and they seemed to be considering it more seriously since the comedian’s ... Views: 1349
Hello everyone and welcome new members
One of the most common challenges I have heard my clients express is their difficulty to deal with or accept changes. Whether it is a change at work, at home, in their relationships, in their body, in their income or lifestyle; they all find it ... Views: 1580
We all have had times in our lives when we felt our partner , parent, child or friend was selfish, unsympathetic and difficult. We may even have accused them of being a narcissist. Behaving badly, lacking empathy and being selfish, though not desirable traits, does not alone define you as a ... Views: 1351
Hi everyone and welcome new members
Recently I started seeing more and more couples with more extreme challenges than the usual litany of problems. I noticed that for some, communication issues were just the tip of the iceberg of the list of frustrations and resentments expressed by some ... Views: 1602
Ideally holidays are meant to be happy, joyous and life-affirming times spent together. Filled with joy and gratitude, inspiring us to connect with family and friends near and far. Opportunities to catch up with what everyone is doing, their lives, their children's lives, their adventures and ... Views: 1195
High self-esteem occurs when a child feels that he belongs. He has a sense of feeling important, accepted and valued. When the child grows up feeling lovable and capable; he develops high self-esteem. He needs to feel proud of his accomplishments. He is able to assume responsibility and is ... Views: 1078
Over the past few months, I have been seeing many couples and individuals coming in with relationship issues. The single clients have been complaining how difficult it is to sustain a positive relationship and the couples come in telling me I am their last hope before divorce. How discouraging ... Views: 1214
Self-esteem is a way of thinking, feeling, and acting that implies you accept, respect, trust and believe in yourself. Self-esteem means that you have confidence that you can fulfill your deepest personal needs, aspirations and goals. It comes from within where you see yourself as a worthy, ... Views: 1366
Many clients come to me telling me I am the last resort for saving their relationship. Talk about pressure! They say they feel angry and resentful. Some say they have given up hope or feel numb to their partner. They tell me that I am their last hope before contacting the lawyers. ... Views: 1260
By this time in January, statistics tells us the most people have already broken their New Year’s Resolution. Is it because they are all weak and not motivated, or maybe those resolutions are just not realistic and people haven’t plugged in a strategy they can use that will enable them to ... Views: 1389
While I am happy for many of my clients and friends who will get to celebrate this holiday season with their friends and loved ones, my heart goes out to those sad and frustrated people who may be dreading the holidays because they are feeling stuck, numb and confused in their unhappy ... Views: 1006
Who doesn't procrastinate from time to time? Most of us are guilty of putting off tasks like filing our taxes, cleaning the closets, calling the doctor for a check-up, or even sending out a monthly newsletter … like me ; ).
It can become more of a problem when it comes to things like deciding ... Views: 2208
Why do we worry? Why is it so hard to stop? These are the questions I often hear from my clients. They tell me how it affects their lives on a daily basis, how it depletes their happiness and stops them from being all they could be because of their fears. They describe this worry as an ... Views: 2026
Why do 60% of remarriages fail? This, I am sure you will agree, is a staggering statistic and concerning to everyone who has been married or living with someone for several years, and is now ready to commit to a new and, hopefully, lasting relationship.
With the high degree of divorces, the ... Views: 1860
We live in an age that wires us to worry. We get way too much information from the tv, radio, and especially the internet. There are no more secrets and almost everyone has 900 "friends" keeping them busy every minute of the day. There is never enough time to do the things we want to do. We ... Views: 1940
The year has barely begun, but for some couples, it can be the time for endings. Here are two reasons relationships end more often in the first four weeks of the year:
1) The New Year is often a time of reflection, looking back at years gone by and evaluating if you are happy with the decisions ... Views: 1275
What most people don't realize is that assertiveness has many layers to it. You can be assertive with your spouse, but passive at work. You can be assertive with your friends, but aggressive with your child and passive with your parents. Take this quiz and discover if there are areas in your ... Views: 1881
Are you one of the many who have made a New Year's Resolution? Have you been able to keep it so far? If you have then "Congratulations"; you are in the minority. Most people start out with the best of intentions. Some even write down their goals, and discuss it with their friends and ... Views: 1233
There are many ways to help a loved one through illness
Recently, I have had a few clients come to see me because they were worried about a friend or family member going through a critical illness. One woman said she wanted to be supportive, yet was concerning about being too pushy or ... Views: 1602
Over the years, I have seen people coming in to see me with all kinds of issues and concerns. Not long ago, I saw a few clients coming in with a different kind of complaint. They were not so concerned about themselves, but were worried about a dear friend or family member going through a ... Views: 1474
Around this time of year, people start preparing to think about their holidays. For many, it is a time of excitement and anticipation whether it is watching their children’s faces light up after they get their gifts, or it is a chance to visit with Aunt Mary or Grandpa Joe, who they haven’t ... Views: 1829
Did you know that the average person thinks 60,000 - 80,000 thoughts per day? Did you know that over 80% of these thoughts are negative and over 85% of the thoughts you think today are the same thoughts you thought yesterday, last week and last year? How do you think these negative thoughts ... Views: 2486
Everyone has distracted moments, we lose our keys, forget our list when we go shopping or are late for an appointment from time to time. These things happen to most of us and are considered quite normal, if annoying. However, when there is a disability involved such as ADD or ADHD, that’s when ... Views: 2368
Hi Everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful summer with all our warm weather.
Here is a question for all those people out there (you know who you are) who tend to go over that line between being in love and being addicted to love. Feel free to pass on this quiz to any of your friends who ... Views: 1384
What causes anger and how is it managed effectively? The following article addresses these two principles concerns, themselves instrumental in learning to control one's anger. To this end, this article is helpful for anyone who gets angry from time to time or has difficulty understand their ... Views: 1682
Are you at risk for burnout?
Rhonda Rabow
According to Stats Canada in 1998 a survey showed time stress levels have been rising dramatically beginning in the 1990s. 38% of working mothers are now classified as “severely time stressed”. Working mothers now put in 74 hours a week of paid ... Views: 1351
All of us from time to time feel anger and frustration at life and at situations that face us. While feeling angry can be a normal reaction when feeling annoyed, stressed or attacked; it is how we deal with this emotion that let’s us know if we are managing our anger well or if it is the anger ... Views: 1514
How many parents don’t care about their child’s ability to succeed and excel in life? Very few, I think. Isn’t it our goal as parents to bring up our child with the values, beliefs and self-esteem they need in order to enable them to meet life’s challenges successfully and with confidence? ... Views: 2137
The Art of Positive Thinking when you’re feeling negative
Rhonda Rabow, M.A.
Experts say that being a positive-minded person can help make your life easier, healthier, and longer. People who are optimistic are generally believed to be stronger than pessimists, both in ... Views: 1938
First of all, we need to define what is self-esteem. From my point of view and experience, I see self-esteem as a way of thinking, feeling, and acting that implies you accept, respect, trust and believe in yourself. To believe in yourself means that you feel you deserve to have the good things ... Views: 1914
When we think of relationships, we normally think of how our partner is treating us, whether we are happy and feel heard. We tend to weigh the pros and cons of the relationship and then consider how we feel about our partner.
But what if your happiness in your relationship has as much to do ... Views: 1463
We, as women, are brought up to be nurturers, to take care of everyone else.
We are so good at reminding our spouse or boyfriend, to call his mother on her birthday, get the perfect gift for his boss, and make sure he doesn’t forget about his doctor appointments. We tell our children to ... Views: 1650
How self-confidant are you? Most of us think we are pretty self-confidant, yet we often wonder why we aren’t getting more out of life. What stops us from taking risks? What keeps us stuck in dead end jobs, or unhappy relationships. Could we possibly be less confidant than we think? Why not ... Views: 9883
The challenge is how does one measure it? What is a reasonable expectation and what is asking too much? It doesn't mean that you never argue, are never upset or angry, always in love and always happy. If you expect perfection, you will always be disappointed. On the other hand, there are ... Views: 4802
10 Free things you can do today to take care of yourself
1. Relax, take a nap
2. Make a list of the things you appreciate in your life right now.
3. Practice a meditation or say a prayer
4. Go out for a walk
5. Watch a comedy show
6. Pet your cat or dog
7. Talk to a supportive ... Views: 2673
Should I stay or should I leave?
Maybe you are feeling frustrated or disappointed right now. Maybe you are just in a rut or your relationship just doesn’t feel the same. How do you know when there is no hope to fix it, or when it is just like any normal relationship, having some bumps along ... Views: 1348
1. Make it a realistic goal.
Planning to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week might not be exciting, but it is more likely to be successful than planning to lose 30 lbs in 3 weeks; and then gaining it all back. You need to break things down into small steps that you can manage.
2. Make sure the goal is ... Views: 1086
Are you prone to stress?
Have you ever noticed how some people seem to take life’s little upsets in stride while others stay constantly wound up?
- Do you worry that there is never enough time to get everything done?
- Do you hate to stand in line and always feel rushed?
- Do you worry ... Views: 3510