A while back I wrote about a book called The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman who claims that you can learn to be lucky. In fact, Dr. Wiseman even lists five steps for learning to be lucky.
First, don't assume there is nothing you can do about any situation. Make the decision to take control. ... Views: 2916
I'm often asked for my best thoughts on what it takes to become a career and life success -- the key competencies. I always tell my coaching clients to think systematically, to break success down into some manageable components.
Here is a summary of what I tell my coaching clients on how to ... Views: 1561
If you want to become interpersonally competent, you need to do three things. First, get to know yourself. Use this self knowledge to help you better understand and communicate with the other people in your life. Second, build solid, long lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with the ... Views: 2038
Self confidence is one of the keys to career and life success that I discuss in several of my books. If you want to become self confident you need to do three things. First, choose optimism. Believe that today will be better than yesterday and that tomorrow will be better than today. Second, ... Views: 1507
If you want to become self confident, you need to do three things: 1) become an optimist; 2) face your fears and deal with them; and 3) surround yourself with positive people.
Today, I'd like to focus on fear -- that uncomfortable feeling that prevents you from taking the action necessary to ... Views: 4080
If you want to become a dynamic communicator, you need to develop three skills: conversation, writing and presenting. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word "dynamic" as, "Marked by continuous and productive activity." In many ways, this is a good definition for an effective ... Views: 1579
Relationship building is one of the four keys to career success. As a career success coach, I am always reminding my clients that they must build strong, long lasting mutually beneficial relationships with the important people in their lives.
Unfortunately, no human relationship is without ... Views: 3762
I chose November 4 as Use Your Common Sense Day because it is Will Rogers' birthday. Will was a great American humorist who was famous for saying, "Common sense ain't all that common."
We are all born with five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. These senses help us navigate our ... Views: 1876
You create positive personal impact in three ways: 1) creating and building a unique and powerful personal brand; 2) being impeccable in your presentation of self -- in person and on line; and 3) knowing and following the basic rules of etiquette.
I was reading an article in October 2009 ... Views: 1451
Your boss and other leaders in your company are some of the most important people in your life. You need to build strong relationships with them. Yet, you have to be careful about stepping over the line. USA Today had an interesting article on brown nosing. I don't like the connotations that ... Views: 4542
Rodger Constandse runs a great site called Goals to Action. Yesterday, I received an e mail from him on the subject of procrastination. Check out what he has to say…
Have you ever been in a situation where you were getting ready to do something important but you somehow convinced yourself to ... Views: 1066
I liked the 2010 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony for its simple elegance. As I was watching, I took note of a line in Slam Poet Shane Koyczan' tribute to Canada, We Are More…
And some say what defines us
Is something as simple as "please" and "thank you"
The Canadian audience roared when ... Views: 1041
"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will not be realized. Make big plans. Aim high in hope and work."
This quote from Daniel Burnham is a perfect to begin a post on outstanding performance.
If you're going to set goals, you might as well set big ones. ... Views: 1042
If you want to create positive personal impact, you need to do three things: 1) create, build and nurture your unique personal brand; 2) dress for success; and 3) know and follow the basic rules of etiquette.
Have you created your personal brand yet? What is it? How do you use it to help ... Views: 938
This is a tough time to be looking for a job. Many of my career success coaching clients are having difficulty getting interviews let alone landing a job. However, I heard a story not too long ago about a new MBA from NYU who got five job offers. He did it by creating unique resumes especially ... Views: 1154
My Common Sense Success System is based on what I call the Four Cs of Success:
• Clarity of purpose and direction
• Commitment to taking personal responsibility for your own success
• Confidence in your ability to create the successful life and career you deserve
• Competence in four key ... Views: 880
The other day I saw a great quote on line. "What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God." It was from Eleanor Powell. If you don't know Ms. Powell, she was a well known dancer and actress who appeared in many musicals in the 1930s and 1940s. She was a good dancer, but an ... Views: 1270
If you want to become an outstanding performer, you need to become a lifelong learner. The other day, I came across a great quote from Louis L'Amour, the great American writer of stories about the old west. I think this quote captures the essence of lifelong learning…
"There will come a time ... Views: 1455
I saw this quote from George Will on line the other day…
"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised."
I couldn't let it go. As a career success coach, I'm always telling my clients that they can boost their self ... Views: 815
Did you watch the Olympics Wednesday night? The Americans did pretty well, winning gold medals in skiing -- Lindsey Vonn, speed skating -- Shani Davis and snowboarding -- Shaun White. Good for them. Their years of training, hard work and dedication paid off.
In this post I want to focus on ... Views: 875
To develop your personal clarity or purpose you need to do three things. First, define what success means to you. Second, create a vivid mental image of you as a success. Third, clarify your personal values.
Once you define what success means to you personally, I suggest that you develop a ... Views: 1177
In my work as an executive coach, keynote speaker, leadership consultant and author I have spent the last five years studying what it takes to succeed in your life and career. I have found that successful people share five traits in common.
1. Successful people are self confident.
2. ... Views: 1260
Last Wednesday the Wall Street Journal ran a small article called "Apprenticeship 101." Diane Prucino, the co-managing partner at the Kilpatrick Stockton law firm in Atlanta offered suggestions on what young lawyers should do to succeed as an associate in a large law firm.
One of the ... Views: 863
Dynamic communication is one of the keys to personal and professional success. My talents, your talents, everyone's talents will be recognized and rewarded if we develop and use our communication skills. You need to develop each of the three basic communication skills if you want to have your ... Views: 881
Successful people are clear on their purpose in life -- and they are committed to it. They take personal responsibility for creating the successful lives and careers that they want and deserve.
I'm always looking for ways to get my common sense message about career and life success across to ... Views: 990
If you want to create the successful life and career that you want and deserve, you need to perform at a high level consistently. High performers manage their time, life and stress well. They pay particular attention to their health and well being. It's impossible to perform at a consistently ... Views: 777
The other day, I was at a workshop and one of the speakers was clearly nervous. He began his talk by telling the old story about the survey that asked people to name their greatest fear. Public speaking came in first, by a large margin. Death was fourth. So, if you believe the results of this ... Views: 750
Did you watch the Super Bowl on Sunday? About 100 million people did. The game was entertaining and fun to watch. New Orleans won 31-17. Drew Brees, the Saints quarterback was the Most Valuable Player, and he endeared himself to the country by bringing his little boy -- who was wearing noise ... Views: 910
Commitment to taking personal responsibility for your success is one of the keys to career and life success.
If you want to succeed, you must commit to three things. First, you must take personal responsibility for your success. Only you can make you a success. You need to be willing to do ... Views: 1233
George Bernard Shaw is one of my very favorite playwrights. I always enjoy a production of one of his plays. I quoted him in a recent article and I'd like to quote him again. He makes such a great point about how important a personal clarity of purpose and direction is to your career and life ... Views: 977
The other day I saw a great quote from Margaret Thatcher…
"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."
Ole' Iron Maggie really nailed it with this one. I like ... Views: 1007
This week Sue Shellenbarger had an interesting column in the Wall Street Journal called "Thinking Happy Thoughts at Work." The column focused on the application of recent research in positive psychology in the workplace. Put simply, positive psychology emphasizes building resiliency and positive ... Views: 990
I came across a Japanese proverb that relates to two of the four pillars of my Common Sense Success System: clarity and purpose of direction and commitment to taking personal responsibility for your life and success.
Vision without action is a daydream.Action without vision is a ... Views: 907
Building relationships comes down to two words: trust and abundance.
When you trust others you are willing to put yourself out there -- to give with no expectation of return, to act in a non quid pro quo manner. In a recent article, I pointed out that while there is nothing wrong with ... Views: 979
Self-confidence is an important key to personal and professional success. If you want to become self confident you need to do three things. 1) Become an optimist. 2) Face your fears and take action. 3) Surround yourself with positive people.
In this article, I'd like to focus on the ... Views: 3492
To develop your personal clarity or purpose you need to do three things. First, define what success means to you. Second, create a vivid mental image of you as a success. Third, clarify your personal values.
To develop your clarity of purpose you need to carefully think through your ... Views: 797
Presentation skills, conversation skills and writing skills are the three keys to effective communication. In this post, I'd like to focus on some tips for using non verbal communication to improve your presentation skills.
Eye contact helps indicates your interest in the people in the ... Views: 984
Relationship building may be the most important of the success competencies. No one can do it alone. If you want to create a successful life and career you need to learn how to build and maintain strong relationships. Period.
I am in North Carolina as I am writing this post. I am doing a talk ... Views: 946
I love the Dilbert comic strip -- even though it often points out the how dysfunctional our workplaces can be. Sunday's strip was a classic. Dilbert approaches one of his colleagues and says…
"Could you make these changes in the database? It will only take five minutes."
Colleague: "Ooh I ... Views: 917
Mentors, by definition are positive people. They are willing to give of themselves to help others grow and succeed. That's why I urge all of my coaching clients to find mentors. However, it is also important to be a mentor. By mentoring others you are giving back, and you are building your self ... Views: 830
Self confidence is one of the keys to personal and professional success. You can become self confident by doing three things. First, choose optimism. Believe in your heart of hearts that today will be better than yesterday, and that tomorrow will be better than today. Second, face your fears and ... Views: 1250
The other day, I came across a succinct statement on goal setting and goal achievement from Denis Waitely…
"The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if ... Views: 3644
I was asked to review a new book, The Big Picture: Essential Lessons for the Movies. Authors Kevin Coupe and Michael Sansolo do a great job of discussing the business and career success ideas in almost 200 movies. This is a very thoughtful book. Kevin and Michael make some great points about ... Views: 2276
Yesterday I wrote about the importance of knowing yourself when it comes to building relationships. Today, I'd like to focus on building relationships on the internet. The internet gives you the opportunity to maintain relationships with people you know well, strengthen relationships with people ... Views: 859
I have learned that self confidence is an upward spiral. Self confidence leads to professional success, which in turn leads to increased self confidence, which leads to higher levels of success, and so on.
You might be saying, "That's great, but how do I become self confident if I'm new in my ... Views: 1479
Belonging to a mastermind group is one of the best ways of building strong, lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with the people in your life.
To the best of my knowledge, Napoleon Hill was the first person to use the term mastermind group in his timeless work Think and Grow ... Views: 864
You can become self confident by doing three things. First, choose optimism. Believe in your heart of hearts that today will be better than yesterday, and that tomorrow will be better than today. Second, face your fears and act. Procrastination and inaction feed fear and rob you of self ... Views: 1151
Dynamic communication skills are one of the keys to personal and professional success that I have identified. If you want to become a dynamic communicator you need to master three basic, but very important communication skills: Conversation, Writing and Presenting.
I was paging through the ... Views: 1496
As you know, all outstanding performers have three things in common:.1. Outstanding performers are technically competent. 2. Outstanding performers set and achieve high goals. 3. Outstanding performers are well organized.
Well organized people manage time well. The other day, I came across ... Views: 1057
You can become self confident by doing three things. First, choose optimism. Believe in your heart of hearts that today will be better than yesterday, and that tomorrow will be better than today. Second, face your fears and act. Procrastination and inaction feed fear and rob you of self ... Views: 2553