When I decided to leave my job in Business Development for a Hedge Fund company I got a glimpse of the abyss. That deep, dark scary place that descends forever into hell and from which there is seemingly no escape. In fact, it called out to me offering such reassuring words as “if you leave now ... Views: 990
Often clients come to me feeling tired, overworked and overburdened by the demands on their time. Unanimously they all want more hours in the day so they get even more done. One of the first exercises I ask of my clients is to conduct an energy audit.
The energy audit has 3 parts:
1. ... Views: 1558
“You have put in many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile”
---Brian Tracy
We generally accept that it takes 30 days to change a bad habit. Just replace the old habit with a new habit for a month and you’re on your way to a new life. ... Views: 938
Today I attended the funeral of a family friend. The father of two young children and a brilliant scientist, he was taken before his time by cancer. There was much to be moved by at the service, particularly the sight of his ten-year old son and eight-year old daughter gently laying ... Views: 698