Typically people make resolutions and set goals at this time of year. And usually within a couple of months most people feel that they have not come close to meeting their goals or feel that they have failed miserably. Why this low success rate? We are so full of promise and expectation in ... Views: 992
Dealing with “End of Life Issues”
There are so many wonderful things about our particular society but facing the end of life isn't one of our strong suits. We do very little to prepare for this certain event. This topic, "end of life issues", has been on my mind for some time but it has ... Views: 2254
“Green” Spring Cleaning
Ahh, Spring. Now is the time to throw open the windows, put on some upbeat music and start spring cleaning. Let’s get started, but let’s do it without harsh chemicals that can harm your body. Many people believe, inaccurately, that the only way to effectively clean ... Views: 1446
We all love to collect things, whether it is our silk scarves from places that we have visited, shells picked up at the shore, or antique collectible teacups. And some of our collections are not so clearly defined as a “collection”. For instance all those Victorian Home magazines or ... Views: 961