I’m often asked where I get my writing ideas. To tell the truth it’s not always easy, they come from all over, but most of the time they come from the people around me. This week I had a conversation with a friend of mine and was truly inspired to share it with you. In order for you to ... Views: 964
I want to share a poem I thought of during my last coaching session. (Yes, I have my own coaches.) At the end of the session, we kind of switched roles and I began coaching my coach. When I mentally switched gears from the client to the coach, I instantly relaxed.
It was so much easier to ... Views: 1192
I’m so excited! As you know, I’ve recently partnered with another company. When I first found Compass, I thought, “Are you kidding? Affordable coaching with experts in five areas of life; this is the best thing since bread. Not sliced bread, but actual bread! This is great for everyone!!!! I ... Views: 1053
I have to tell you about this friend of mine. She’s been driving me crazy lately. Don’t get me wrong; she’s one of the nicest people I know. The problem is that she is a consummate fixer and can be a little pushy about it.
You know the one…
She always knows what’s best for everyone. ... Views: 1184
Have you ever worked really hard at something and couldn’t get it right? You knew you were missing something, but couldn’t figure out what it was?
I have. I’ve struggled often in my life… personally and professionally.
I kept making the same mistakes over and over again. I would change ... Views: 1229
I walk my dogs every day. After I get past a certain point on the walk I let them off their leashes. Their reactions to freedom are the exact opposite.
Barney likes to wander off the path. He’s a three year old Beagle so he will follow his nose just about anywhere. In fact, I have to watch ... Views: 2000
The other day I was talking to one of the strongest women I know and she said, ‘I’m a pansy. I never stand up for myself.” I was shocked. This was the same woman who refused to follow the crowd in high school.
You know that one person who always did what she thought was right even as ... Views: 1242
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth."
— Mark Twain
Isn’t that a great quote? I love inspirational quotes and saying. This one and others like it are everywhere. They’re on posters, key chains, ... Views: 2361
Remember a couple of years ago during the presidential primary, there was a lot of outrage about Hilary Clinton. It seems that both Clintons had “a plan” to win the presidency! It was even written down! In fact, it had been written down before he was even the governor of Arkansas!
First he ... Views: 1039
I love that Army commercial “Be All you can be”. You know the jingle. I like it because it’s about being your best you. Of course, they’re implying that the only place to do that is in the army. I don’t agree with that. I believe that you can be your best self everywhere you go. It’s not about ... Views: 1423
I want to tell you a story. One day this woman called me out of the blue and said she was interested in individual coaching. I have to admit I was excited. It’s always nice when unexpected business comes.
We agreed to meet for coffee to discuss how I could help her in her business. When she ... Views: 865
One of my favorite movie scenes is from A League of their Own. I don’t want to give it away if you haven’t seen the movie, but there’s this scene with Gina Davis and Tom Hanks. She’s leaving and he’s trying to convince her to stay.
She said, “It just got too hard.”
Tom Hanks said, “It’s ... Views: 1040
I love the Olympics. There’s so much ceremony, tradition and history, but what I like about them most are the athletes. They spend hours working and training and the only reward for most of them is the opportunity to represent their country.
What do they get if they win?
A piece of ... Views: 728
I hope your new year has gotten off to a great start. It’s interesting how it works. We start out on January 1 fresh and new and excited.
This is going to be the year that everything works. We set goals and make resolutions. Everything’s going to be great!
Chances are though, by the ... Views: 1327
Aren’t you excited? It’s the first week of the New Year. It’s full of hope and energy. Everyone’s excited about the goals they’ve set or resolutions they’ve made.
Once again we get a do over.
What are you changing this year? Even if you refuse to set goals or make resolutions consciously, ... Views: 773
* To laugh is to risk appearing the fool;
* To weep is to risk appearing sentimental;
* To reach out for another is to risk involvement;
* To expose feelings is to risk exposing true self;
* To place your ideas, your dreams before the crowd is to risk their loss;
* To love is to risk not ... Views: 1969
I’ve had several people ask me that over the years. Why should I hire a coach? I mean, do I really need one? They’re costly, they’re demanding, they’ll tell me things I don’t want to hear and they push me to do things I don’t want to do. Yes that’s all true.
However, if you’re not ... Views: 1382
I love the scene in Men in Black when they open the locker to find an alien world living inside. The aliens didn’t realize that there was a whole other world outside their locker. They were fine with their box.
Imagine what would have happened if they took them out? It would have been ... Views: 4423
We live in the communication age. We can talk to each other faster and easier than ever before. We have cell phones, blogs, e-mail, and social networks like facebook and twitter. There are so many new ways to communicate. So why is it that we have so much trouble communicating?
It seems ... Views: 1949
Good customer service is grounded in its ease of use for the consumer. If it’s difficult to reach you, they will go somewhere else. It’s something I’ve always known. At least, I’ve known it for so long I don’t remember how or when I learned it. It’s such a simple idea. Why is it so difficult ... Views: 1213
Imagine this situation. You’re at work and you know that you need to make some contacts to market your business, but you don’t really want to. The phone seems to weigh 500 pounds and it’s probably not the best time to call and you’re not really organized and… the other 5000 excuses to not do ... Views: 862
Did you know that only 1% of the population is natural born leaders? So that old saying “great leaders are born, not made” can only be correct if 1% of the population is leading something. That can’t possibly be right! There are leaders everywhere doing everything.
The dictionary defines a ... Views: 840
Did you know the average person has 10,000 thoughts every day and 90% of them are negative? I remember a character in a movie I once saw (don’t remember which one, but I’ll never forget the line). She said “It’s easier to believe the bad stuff that people say about me.”
Most people think like ... Views: 1528
I’ve been thinking a lot about the economy lately. I guess everyone is, but I’m not nervous or worried. I see this as an opportunity. I believe that when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of change is when people change. We’re at that point right now.
It’s time to ... Views: 936