Feng Shui and Your Windows
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and in Feng Shui, it’s thought that the windows are the opening where energy flows into the home. In order to improve the flow of energy in your home, make sure that you are using your windows to allow energy to flow ... Views: 3364
Buying a house is never an easy task, but when you know some Feng Shui tips, you will find the home you purchase is much more supportive of your energy and for the energy of your family. Though no home is going to be absolutely perfect, there are many Feng Shui adjustments you can make to ... Views: 1616
While it might be simpler to think of this energy as electricity or gas in your car, your home also has energy that it uses and moves. When you are working within Feng Shui principles, you can harness this energy and allow it to work for you as opposed to against you. From the time you’re at ... Views: 1311
The kitchen is often the last place where you think to decorate or where you think of making money. After all, it’s generally covered in pots and pans or leftovers. Since people are in it all the time, it seems to be a place that needs little help in terms of Feng Shui. But this is far from ... Views: 2513
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Spice Up Your Life - by Candace Czarny CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Subtle Energy Expert
What you create in your home you create in your life. You can begin to take control of your life’s outcome by taking control of your environment. Since you end up spending over half of your life in bed, it should come as no surprise how important this room is to your life’s happiness and the ... Views: 1530
Feng Shui is a great tool to use for decorating ideas. Not only can you learn what colors work together, but you can also learn how their energies will help your life. With Feng Shui, you can easily color in your living room in a positive way. Whether you want to add luck to your life or you ... Views: 1780
No matter what colors you have in your office, home or in what you wear, they probably are serving a Feng Shui purpose. From blues to white, purple and red, the colors you use are serving to attract certain energies into your life, whether you like it or not. Color can enhance your ... Views: 1416
Feng Shui Colors and Your Health
If you’ve ever had a friend who said they always got sick, you might have noticed they were right. No matter how often they washed their hands or exercised, they seemed to get sick. But why is this? This person was attracting the energy of sickness to ... Views: 1866
Enhance Prosperity and Relationships with Feng Shui Color Advice
Feng Shui is a practice that many people are employing in their daily life to enhance their prosperity and relationships. Whether they want to add more money to their bank accounts or they want to simply make a relationship a ... Views: 1406
Color Your Kitchen with Feng Shui
While the bathroom may be the most used room in a home, the kitchen is the next most often used room. The Kitchen is the heart of the home and is where we build and develop chi energy and loose chi. As we all need to eat, the kitchen becomes the place where ... Views: 1221
Color Your Kitchen with Feng Shui
While the bathroom may be the most used room in a home, the kitchen is the next most often used room. The Kitchen is the heart of the home and is where we build and develop chi energy and loose chi. As we all need to eat, the kitchen becomes the place where ... Views: 1221
Getting a good night's sleep is more important than we might realize. After all, scientists have calculated that we spend more than a third of our lives sleeping. With all that time spent in bed, why not make the most of it and get the best restful sleep possible? By using Feng Shui, you can do ... Views: 1302
Selling your home in today's market has never seemed more difficult. In fact, more people are scrambling to try any sort of real estate advice in order to make the sale of their home smoother as well as to attract buyers. From burying statues of St. Joseph in the yard to rearranging furniture, ... Views: 1055
Since most of us have to work in order to have enough money to pay our bills, it's no wonder that more people are turning to Feng Shui to help them jumpstart their career paths. Even if you are in the field that you desire, you may not be living up to your full potential. In order to ensure that ... Views: 894
Whether you're just starting a new business or you're looking to grow an established business, Feng Shui can help you. By working with the natural energies of the world, you can help draw opportunity and possibility to you just by changing your environment. Here are several tips you can use to ... Views: 896
Stress – we all feel it on a daily basis, in varying degrees. Some days are much worse than others, while other days, you might even go so far as to say you're relaxed. But in truth, stress is the norm more than we'd like it to be. And while we might never be completely stress free, we certainly ... Views: 1180
Keep Your Balance in the Bathroom
If you find that the balance in your life is out of balance a few re-adjustments in your bathroom may be the cure. Your bathroom is where you go to relax and to feel at ease with a long soak in the tub. This is a place where you can finally get away from ... Views: 1100
If you wish to gain wealth and prosperity, the Feng Shui tradition states this requires both the correct attitude and the right conditions. When flow of chi in your home or workplace is blocked by obstacles, a struggle hindering prosperity ensues. Removing obstacles and freeing energy is part of ... Views: 1160
Candace Czarny
As life gets more and more busy and as the responsibilities pile up on your plate, such as your career and family, it can be hard to pay attention to the smaller things that make life pleasant. One of the things that you may notice slipping is romance. How can you recapture ... Views: 1108
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Finding Inner Peace - by Candace Czarny CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Subtle Energy Expert
There are many things people commonly seek in this life. For some, the pursuit of money takes precedence over all else, while others simply want a life of contentment, with enough of the green stuff to live easily. The problem with the first desire is that it only fulfills part of the soul and ... Views: 1470
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Success the Result - by Candace Czarny CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Subtle Energy Expert
Love is an essential element of many people's life, without which they feel an absence of balance and harmony in their every day pursuits. The ancient philosophy of Feng Shui can bring a positive improvement to all aspects of your life, including love. Feng Shui and love may bring a sense of ... Views: 1018
Candace Czarny
Kitchens are the center of home life. This is where we laugh, celebrate, and nourish our souls with friends and family. Generations of families have taken substance, done homework, and had important conversations around the kitchen table. For these reasons, if for none other, ... Views: 1406
We all want more money than we have right now. Even the richest people in the world want to have more money and more resources to buy more things, to participate in more activities, and often we want more money to impress others and to impress ourselves. But why is money the one thing that we ... Views: 1743
Everyone feels down on their luck from time to time. Bad luck can range from the the most minuscule things such as a misplaced sock, to more serious and important aspects of your life, such as job promotions or romantic relationships. Perhaps you give everything your best effort, but nothing ... Views: 1214
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Health in Your Home - by Candace Czarny CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Subtle Energy Expert
Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese philosophy, upholds that health is the most important aspect in your life. Health is the center of your existence, and without health, your life could be absent of balance and harmony. The key focus of Feng Shui and health benefits are to tackle poor health ... Views: 1179
Candace Czarny
Feng Shui, translated as “wind and water,” is perceived as representing two symbols of the natural flow of nature. Feng Shui practices attempt to recreate this natural environment in which the life positive life force or energy known as “chi,” flows as freely and easily as wind ... Views: 876
For over three centuries, the Chinese people have found in Feng Shui the source for of internal and external balance and harmony. We all are searching for a little harmony in our life. Today’s fast-paced life assails all our senses with demands and expectations. Stress, anxiety and tension ... Views: 2241
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Become a Love Magnet - by Candace Czarny CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Subtle Energy Expert
The odds are good that you have seen those people who seem to magically draw people to them. They always seem to have a date or someone who wants to date them. You're not alone. Many people feel like everyone else is more successful in love than they are. It has less to do with physical ... Views: 1292
Paying specific attention to the order, aesthetics, and positive sentiments integral to decorating any area according to Feng Shui principles, makes every day special. The purpose of Feng Shui, an ancient art of creating harmony in your environment, is to help you live a balanced and pleasant ... Views: 960
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Healing Your Family - by Candace Czarny CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Subtle Energy Expert
Hopefully when a person thinks about family, they feel warm and loved unconditionally. We all know that unfortunately that isn’t always the case. If you feel like your family and home could stand to be more accommodating to the goals you have in mind for your family, it may be time to consider ... Views: 1236
Who can forget that rush of budding love? Everything is perfect. He or she is perfect. The freckles on their nose are perfect. In the first flushes of love, you even feel like you are perfect. There is absolutely no feeling like it in the world. Then life sets in and perfection seems to be a ... Views: 1690
Partly as a result due of how it is represented in the media, Feng Shui is frequently considered a somewhat mystical or mysterious idea difficult to study or to substantiate. Laboratory research, however, indicates that some aspects of Feng Shui actually do have a proven positive effect on ... Views: 991
If you wish to improve your performance at work and move ahead in your career employ the principles of Feng Shui to change the atmosphere of your office or desk area. By helping you alter the atmosphere of any environment, making it more pleasant to spend time in, Feng Shui you will make you ... Views: 1223
Feng Shui, very flexible art that brings out the best in your design choices by improving the flow of energy, allows you ample room to express your own personality and flair. Although implementing the ancient principles of Feng Shui to create balance and harmony in your environment, you still ... Views: 1009
The basic principle behind Feng Shui informs us if you change your environment to reflect your aspiration for something, you can improve you chances of obtaining it. As a result, Feng Shui techniques can be implemented to try to attract love, push your earning power to the next level or to gain ... Views: 968
Weight gain is something that many people battle with, especially during the holidays. Beginning with Thanksgiving, and continuing through Christmas and the New Year, you may find yourself experiencing weight problems. What most people haven't considered is that Feng Shui and weight loss can ... Views: 1096
Whether you are already a true believer or think the whole philosophy of Feng Shui is a hoax, it is worth the time and effort to implement the principles of this ancient Chinese practice to improve the quality of your life. Many people believe creating a Feng Shui home and/or office would be too ... Views: 1169
It's the middle of the month and you are still struggling to pay the mortgage, car payment, and make sure the electric company doesn’t turn off your power. The kids need new clothes and shoes; the fridge is bare, and just once you want to be able to get through a month of bills without the ... Views: 1610
When you are in a state that doesn’t support a harmonious existence, things can get very unpleasant. You don't feel right, nothing makes you feel content, and you often will feel as if there is nothing right in your world. The only workable solution is to get to the heart of the matter and take ... Views: 1431
For some people their bathroom is just the room where they get ready for the day, eliminate waste, and store their hygiene products. Still others like to transform their bathroom into a personal spa. While no one likes to talk about it, the bathroom is a vital, necessary part of all homes. For ... Views: 1715
Candace Czarny, CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Feng Shui Expert
If you've been feeling less like yourself lately, you're not alone. When a person is constantly inundated with stress, relationship trouble, and other problems, it's easy to lose your sense of wellness. But just because you're feeling as ... Views: 1276
By all rights, your life should be pretty much perfect. You have a wonderful family, good job, and almost everything you could want. The problem is that you lack confidence and respect in yourself. To you, it seems as if everything you touch is a disaster. It may be that you feel as if you are ... Views: 1408
For many people, the front door to their home seems like something they can’t really change with Feng Shui. After all, that door has been put into place for only one reason – to let people in. But when you stop to think about it, you might begin to see what this is such an important space in ... Views: 935
Using the Color Purple in Feng Shui
While there are many colors in the rainbow you can use in the practice of Feng Shui, one of the most versatile colors is purple. Traditionally the color purple is known for royalty. Not only can this be used in matters of money, wisdom, and recognition, ... Views: 1619
Your career may be very important to you because you are a type “A” personality ad love your work or it might be something that you are following so that you can make enough money to retire. No matter the reason, you might want to boost the energy of your career with Feng Shui in order to ... Views: 1075
If your focus is on attracting love into your life whether it’s a new love or spicing up an current love feng shui will help you create the energy to make that happen. It makes sense that many Feng Shui tips are going to focus on the bedroom when you want to attract love into your life. And by ... Views: 999
Imagine if you will the life of Suzy - the busy, married mother of two wonderful children. She works a full time job, both inside and outside of the house; she is busy trying to be a devoted daughter and sister to her parents and siblings. Suzy is somehow managing to keep her head above water. ... Views: 1136
Even if you're deeply in love with your partner, there will be times when it feels like you are miles apart. This is natural, but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable. To help you maintain a healthy and peaceful relationship, you can use Feng Shui. As with any relationship, energy shifts ... Views: 1239
Marie sat and looked around her empty home. It wasn’t empty of furniture and possessions; it was empty of another person. Marie wanted her soul mate. Her last relationship was a disaster and after taking time to heal emotionally, she was ready to find the love of a lifetime. Unfortunately it ... Views: 1566
Though we hear that all we need is love, why is it so difficult to find the right woman or the right man? While it can seem as though we might never find the perfect person for us, this is far from the reality of relationships. There are many happy couples and many more happy married couples. ... Views: 844
If you've been feeling under the weather, there might be a number of factors at work. You might be tired, stressed, or simply just the victim of whatever is going around at the current moment. And while most of us are going to be sick on occasion, if you find that your health is less than you'd ... Views: 1181