We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
So many people set their New Year’s resolutions but fail within a few weeks (if not a few days). Why is that? Most resolutions are unrealistic or general (I will lose weight, I will eat healthy, I will spend more time doing ____). You may see this pattern when making your resolutions. Maybe, ... Views: 1237
Designing Your Masterpiece
In order to start working towards the vision of what you want your life masterpiece to be, you need to first define a Vision Statement for yourself. Thoroughly examine your life through the 6 Keys. Do not get distracted by what is practical or what your current ... Views: 1380
Around this time each year I've found it helpful to spend some time writing out the intentions I have for the upcoming year. Sometimes I use them in an almost daily, structured way to create the results I want; while other years I write them once and tuck them away with only an occasional ... Views: 1501
Making daily affirmations positive is a sneaky art, but once you get the simple "twist" that makes your affirmation list become positive, you're well on your way to success. This article gives you tips for creating phrases that really are in line with what you desire, as well as gives examples ... Views: 1269
This weekend the final four teams in the National Football League (NFL) will play to see who makes it to the Super Bowl. Two of those teams share an advantage over their opponents that many times is the difference maker – Home Field Advantage.
In team sports the term home field advantage ... Views: 1984
This step can be one of the hardest steps - if you make it that way. The goal is to keep it simple. Don't overthink it and get bogged down in every little detail. This is important. We are not building the space shuttle. We are building dreams. So let's stick to that, deal?
Okay, let's ... Views: 1202
There is a way to live the dream we carry in our hearts. The way we achieve our goal is through proper goal setting. These goals may be personal goals, professional goals or both.
You are far above the crowd if you
1. Made a decision to follow your passion
2. Know what you want and why you ... Views: 1259
Do you use a timeline to achieve your goals? If you have been struggling with your goals you might find it useful to create a timeline that maps out exactly when you will complete each of the steps along the path to your goal. Using a timeline to help achieve your goals is a powerful way to keep ... Views: 7337
Vocation is your life purpose and the intention with which you incarnated. Everyone has a life plan, which it is implemented in this life. To find your purpose and to live your purpose, write down everything that makes your eyes sparkle.
Write down everything you can think of ... Views: 1462
In 2009, I had started my own company while at the same time working as a senior manager at a another company. I enjoyed both because each job provided me with an exciting life of travel challenges, and connecting with people. The time for both jobs was grueling, and I have a wonderful family ... Views: 1378
According to Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, “Great leaders are great communicators. It’s not a matter of memorizing and repeating the right words, but of developing the ability to speak directly to other people’s spirits.”
He believes that money does not go to businesses with ... Views: 1262
Picture yourself at a New Year’s party, on the last day of 2012. You are preparing to head into 2013, and are raising a glass to toast the last hours of 2012. Because it was the best year you’ve ever experienced you have plenty to celebrate.
Now imagine that over the next 12 months you will ... Views: 999
Have you ever wondered why each new day you feel bad? Do you know why you kept regretting the past? This is a common aspect of human nature. When we failed to meet up with certain task in life we tend face them in future in the form of bad feelings and regret of the past.
Overcoming regret is ... Views: 1983
How many things do you believe in and do in your life “Because everybody else does?”
If you have teenagers, you've probably been given this as an excuse for unfavorable actions. For example, when our oldest son passed his driving exam, we didn’t know that the first thing he did was pick up ... Views: 916
Early last year my daughter handed a $10 note back to an elderly lady, who had unwittingly dropped it in a shopping centre. In appreciation, the lady pulled out a bookmark from the bottom of her handbag as a gift with the following wonderful message:
“Keep alive the hope in your dreams. Hope ... Views: 1283
The advertising world is full of diverse varieties of promotional banners, feather flags and other promotional displays of many choices. All of these are readily available to marketers and business-owners who look toward to improve their publicity campaign amidst the tight competition in the ... Views: 2407
Each and every person living on this planet has certain unmet needs. A poor man might need more money, an ambitious man might need more success while a lonely man might need more friends.
Whether you know your goals or whether you don’t have any idea about them this won’t mean that you don’t ... Views: 1279
Many people experience great difficulty becoming successful at achieving goals they may have set for themselves! The kicker is these people don't necessarily lack the talent or skill sets to accomplish their objectives! What they do lack in many cases however are a few things that can be easily ... Views: 1156
For many, the beginning of a new year brings promises of new positive habits and the release of old negative ones. While we start the year off motivated to make big changes in our lives, we often lose steam before the end of February. But what about those that actually do stick to their ... Views: 1291
These days, everyone seems to set life-changing goals. It’s fun, trendy and quite easy. But how many of these people actually achieve them? Not too many I’m afraid. Why? Because actually reaching a long wished goal is not that simple as you’d think.
So what does it require to reach the peak ... Views: 1073
Anyone not thinking about the New Year with both anticipation and a bit of dread? Without vigilance my mind goes on shuffle.
Thoughts range in tempo and temperament from "Oh my gawd it's almost the first of the year and I haven't reached all of my goals from 2010" to "Ahh, a new year, an ... Views: 1104
Goal setting is huge in our culture. We are a future and accomplishment oriented society and many of us live only to see the next day’s task completed. But what happens when something gets in the way?
How do you react when an obstacle is placed in your path to your goal? Do you throw up your ... Views: 1234
I choose to live in a personal evolution zone.
I prefer to evolve and improve my life with incremental steps toward profound change. Reflecting on my successes and failures in 2011 helped define my personal intentions for the new year. And while I have lofty intentions and enormous dreams, I ... Views: 1359
Some say the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I disagree. The journey of a thousand miles begins by identifying the destination.
Before you do the important work of setting your 2012 goals, you must get out the Windex and clear up your view of where you/your team/your ... Views: 1541
Has life dropped a big ball and chain around your feet? Do you feel like you’re sleep walking through life, unable to move frozen with some form of fear, fear about the future, fear about Starting Over and how to positively move forward?
Yes, it is an uncomfortable place to be, but the good ... Views: 14715
Goal setting should not be a reflection of your 'wild ambitions' but rather a well thought out plan targeting obtainable objectives! Making a list of goals should not be based upon whimsical urges since in doing so it is unlikely you'll become successful achieving them! Smart goal setting ... Views: 1085
There is a time that we sit down and decide what we want to do with our lives or this next part of our lives. In that moment, we make a decision, and we set goals. We set the ‘big’, ‘final’ goal which is the overall outcome, then we set some smaller goals which need to be met to reach that ... Views: 920
This week I’ve been working on a new product for my website. I found myself very busy doing a lot of activities; but discovered that I was not being effective. Instead of working on the product development, I allowed myself to be distracted and working on other minor tasks. Overtime I have ... Views: 1291
I’m very clear that the way I pay myself each month would not be endorsed by your bookkeeper or accountant. It’s just unorthodox (I’ll say more about this later). But then again, the way most solopreneurs pay themselves is by seeing what is leftover after paying all of their expenses. What ... Views: 1408
Athletes and rituals go hand in hand. They offer familiarity and comfort. Rituals go the whole gamut from unusual to bizarre. Dunking a hockey stick blade in the locker room toilet before a game, wearing the same shorts under a uniform, bouncing the ball a specific number of times or chewing ... Views: 1573
I was always wondering why are some people determined to reach their goals and why are others always helpless. What was confusing me even more is that the same person who was once motivated to reach his goals can suddenly turn into a helpless person who don’t know what to do in order to get what ... Views: 1303
Last week we talked about New Year’s Resolutions. Have you made yours? I proposed three distinctive goals for 2012:
1. Start a Writer’s Journal:
2. Be a Member Guide:
3. Compete in a Contest:
Of course, now you are wondering – HOW? What do you need to do to next?
Excellent ... Views: 1173
Are you making any Resolutions for 2012? Have you set personal improvement goals for the new year? You should.
If you ask any club officers for suggestions, they will have several standard recommendations: earn your next communications award; earn your next leadership award; recruit more ... Views: 1103
There’s No Such Thing as Organizational Change
It is everywhere. . .
. . . Political leaders promoting changing policies.
. . . Organizational leadership touting new products or strategies.
. . . Team leaders outlining a process improvement.
Leaders everywhere think their job is ... Views: 846
We can all be successful if we practice principles of success. To become successful, one has to be committed to personal growth and development, and willing to perfect practices that lead to a successful outcome. Like any other habit, developing traits that lead to success, requires commitment, ... Views: 1484
“When you take a small purposeful step each day, great things can happen.”
Every January I get excited to come up with goals for the New Year. I’m a good goal setter. I see it as a way to challenge myself and keep things interesting. A bit like playing a game and figuring out which hoops I ... Views: 2829
The January 2012 forecast can not only empower you with wisdom, it can help you relieve stress and feel more balanced this month and in the rest of 2012.
Get ready for 2012. We’re entering a year of unprecedented opportunities for conscious evolution and transformation. But we need to choose ... Views: 1039
Everyone knows that setting goals is the foundation for reaching your biggest dreams but few know how to begin. Even when most people become good goal setters, they may still lack the tools needed to implement their plan. That’s where Building a Group comes in handy.
Groups offer you ... Views: 1152
Goals… They evoke something strenuous or something boring, but rarely something to cherish. In the past we have used goals to accomplish a task or as a way to change something we dislike, such as resolutions set for the New Year, and we have rarely been successful. What difference would it ... Views: 738
This is going to sound crazy at first but if you can keep an open mind, it might just surprise you. Achieving your goals happens faster when you support others. Crazy, huh?
Think about this; when you ask others for support, help, counsel, or advice, you get some valuable fuel that drives and ... Views: 1019
A good personal development plan template includes five steps that guide you to take action. When included, these five steps can make your personal action plan simple, yet effective.
In fact, keeping your personal development strategy simple is important when seeking a good template. Why is ... Views: 5102
The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul. ~ G. K. Chesterton
Do you know what the core skills are for successful goal creation? Here are some clues:
Identifying what you want
Create action steps for creating it
Analyze the ... Views: 1012
Are you having trouble choosing which of your goals to go after first? Do you know which of your goals you want to achieve right now? Choosing your goals can be difficult and confusing - but it doesn’t have to be.
The problem is that you, like so many other people, have a lot of wants and ... Views: 1206
People who suffer from depression or have other psychological problems sometimes need to learn to set positive goals and make major changes in their lives so that they can overcome these feelings and feel better. Even if you don't have any major problems, after you experience a divorce you may ... Views: 2283
Goal setting, force of habit and comfort zone stretching can be perfectly summed up and combined by metaphorically learning to cross the road again.
Imagine you’re a toddler again. You thought you could do anything. There was no fear, but no education either. Before long though, your parents ... Views: 1001
New Year’s Resolutions – Friend or Foe? Set Yourself Up For Success In 2012!
Where are you at in your life? How was 2011 for you? What went well, what didn’t go so well? Where do you want to be this time next year? What are the top 5 things you want to achieve in 2012?
I ... Views: 1242
If you’ve ever had an issue getting rockstar results from the people you hire or partner with, you’re not alone. They show up late, miss deadlines, fall off the grid with no communication and do subpar work. Even some of the decent team players have their moments where they fall down on the job ... Views: 1387
The new year is upon us and many people simply fail in achieving their resolutions. People fail because they find achieving their resolution simple makes them unhappy. An unhappy person attempting to achieve a goal is most likely to never reach their goal. At least in my past, I have go down ... Views: 1321
Stop pursuing success, believing that you can achieve any number of goals, if you follow and stick to all the principals described in the self-help books you have read. The principal for achieving all your goals is simple:
•Clarify your vision and purpose.
•Create goals that are aligned with ... Views: 1444
I once worked with an executive who stated with certitude that his family was his number one priority. He also lamented the fact that he spent virtually no time with his wife and kids. I responded that priorities are defined by how and where we spend our time and that, by definition, his family ... Views: 1498